
Sunni accepts debate challenge of Shia scholar Hassan Allahyari

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Re: Sunni accepts debate challenge of Shia scholar Hassan Allahyari
« Reply #20 on: July 13, 2017, 01:47:01 AM »
Someone in the same country as him should debate


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  • إن الرافضة قوم لا عقل لهم ولا نقل
  • Religion: Sunni
Re: Sunni accepts debate challenge of Shia scholar Hassan Allahyari
« Reply #21 on: July 13, 2017, 03:24:44 AM »
Of course, the debate will be English.

P.S. Brother Hassan is also fluent in Arabic and Persian.

I saw his interview with Muhammad Hijab. He was struggling a little in expressing himself in English. Keep that in mind, because Allahyari speaks English reasonably well.

Interesting analyses. Struggled, are you being serious? You mean me asking Hijab translating complex Arabic terminologies into English?Anwyay, English is not my first language, however I am perfectly comfortable with it and have written thousands of articles and posts in English and live since a decade permanently in the UK. So you don't need to worry, nor Allayari, I will be nice to him, and no I disagree, it is not about technology here, it is the advantage of sitting in ones comfort zone with your laptop and what not around, an advantage which I am not going to g to give him, for too long he has been hiding (and a library can be carried on a USB stick no need for a show and carrying a ton of books).

If you knew Arabic or Farsi you would of known of his outbursts and other embarassing stuff, a whole YouTube channel could be dedicated to his lies and clownish behaviour on air (including live on air head slapping, bathing in mudd and sessions of invoking Ali numerous times).

As for Arabic and Farsi: I can speak both fluently,, I am of Persian and Arab descent, however not on an academical  a level, he challenged in English we debate in English.

If you wanted it to be fair then keep it both in the comfort zone. You in yours and he in his. Do it via online so everybody can see it. Safes the hassle of him travelling too. You know very well that he will reject to come over to the UK so to make it easy for everybody, do it via Skype.

What the brother said is that BOTH shouldn't have the advantage to sit in their comfort zone, especially not Allahyari who is hiding for a decade, insulting and slandering and cutting of caller behind his screen and numerous equipment. Brother Hassan is man enough to face him, he is not.


Re: Sunni accepts debate challenge of Shia scholar Hassan Allahyari
« Reply #22 on: July 13, 2017, 06:21:56 AM »
Someone in the same country as him should debate
He won't do that, because than he wouldn't be able to hide and people will see right through him.


Re: Sunni accepts debate challenge of Shia scholar Hassan Allahyari
« Reply #23 on: July 13, 2017, 01:15:05 PM »
Of course, the debate will be English.

P.S. Brother Hassan is also fluent in Arabic and Persian.

I saw his interview with Muhammad Hijab. He was struggling a little in expressing himself in English. Keep that in mind, because Allahyari speaks English reasonably well.

Interesting analyses. Struggled, are you being serious? You mean me asking Hijab translating complex Arabic terminologies into English?Anwyay, English is not my first language, however I am perfectly comfortable with it and have written thousands of articles and posts in English and live since a decade permanently in the UK. So you don't need to worry, nor Allayari, I will be nice to him, and no I disagree, it is not about technology here, it is the advantage of sitting in ones comfort zone with your laptop and what not around, an advantage which I am not going to g to give him, for too long he has been hiding (and a library can be carried on a USB stick no need for a show and carrying a ton of books).

If you knew Arabic or Farsi you would of known of his outbursts and other embarassing stuff, a whole YouTube channel could be dedicated to his lies and clownish behaviour on air (including live on air head slapping, bathing in mudd and sessions of invoking Ali numerous times).

As for Arabic and Farsi: I can speak both fluently,, I am of Persian and Arab descent, however not on an academical  a level, he challenged in English we debate in English.

If you wanted it to be fair then keep it both in the comfort zone. You in yours and he in his. Do it via online so everybody can see it. Safes the hassle of him travelling too. You know very well that he will reject to come over to the UK so to make it easy for everybody, do it via Skype.

What the brother said is that BOTH shouldn't have the advantage to sit in their comfort zone, especially not Allahyari who is hiding for a decade, insulting and slandering and cutting of caller behind his screen and numerous equipment. Brother Hassan is man enough to face him, he is not.

This comfort zone excuse is just annoying. Forget about the comfort zone but arrange the debate. With these silly 'comfort zone' excuses the debate will never happen.


Re: Sunni accepts debate challenge of Shia scholar Hassan Allahyari
« Reply #24 on: July 13, 2017, 01:19:15 PM »
If you wanted it to be fair then keep it both in the comfort zone. You in yours and he in his. Do it via online so everybody can see it. Safes the hassle of him travelling too. You know very well that he will reject to come over to the UK so to make it easy for everybody, do it via Skype.

For a debate to be moderated, it needs both parties to be present at the same place at the same time. Allahyari knows that since he runs the channel, he can out-shout, out-speak, and mute his opponent. He also has access to a laptop and people around him can feed him answers behind the screen. He is like a comedian that is going against a heckler. Since he has the mic, he is in control.

Face to face debates happen all the time, even in our age of technology. Do you think that other debaters don't know that Skype exists? The travel to have a fair and moderated debate because they are confident of their position.

I'm very sure that a debate can set out properly even without being present. Why do you limit the debate in person only? Watch the debate between Abdurrahman And Asrar. It was timed and that can be done via Skype too. Planning is needed before jumping into conclusions.


Re: Sunni accepts debate challenge of Shia scholar Hassan Allahyari
« Reply #25 on: July 13, 2017, 06:45:44 PM »

This comfort zone excuse is just annoying. Forget about the comfort zone but arrange the debate. With these silly 'comfort zone' excuses the debate will never happen.

That's from your lack of experience, there are some people you can't even debate with whether online or face to face, this man is one of them.
عَلامَةُ أَهْلِ الْبِدَعِ الْوَقِيعَةُ فِي أَهْلِ الأَثَرِ. وَعَلامَةُ الْجَهْمِيَّةِ أَنْ يُسَمُّوا أَهْلَ السُّنَّةِ مُشَبِّهَةً. وَعَلامَةُ الْقَدَرِيَّةِ أَنْ يُسَمُّوا أَهْلَ السُّنَّةِ مُجَبِّرَةً. وَعَلامَةُ الزَّنَادِقَةِ أَنْ يُسَمُّوا أَهْلَ الأَثَرِ حَشْوِيَّةً

Religion = simple & clear


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  • Total likes: 18
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  • إن الرافضة قوم لا عقل لهم ولا نقل
  • Religion: Sunni
Re: Sunni accepts debate challenge of Shia scholar Hassan Allahyari
« Reply #26 on: July 14, 2017, 03:50:13 AM »
If you wanted it to be fair then keep it both in the comfort zone. You in yours and he in his. Do it via online so everybody can see it. Safes the hassle of him travelling too. You know very well that he will reject to come over to the UK so to make it easy for everybody, do it via Skype.

For a debate to be moderated, it needs both parties to be present at the same place at the same time. Allahyari knows that since he runs the channel, he can out-shout, out-speak, and mute his opponent. He also has access to a laptop and people around him can feed him answers behind the screen. He is like a comedian that is going against a heckler. Since he has the mic, he is in control.

Face to face debates happen all the time, even in our age of technology. Do you think that other debaters don't know that Skype exists? The travel to have a fair and moderated debate because they are confident of their position.

I'm very sure that a debate can set out properly even without being present. Why do you limit the debate in person only? Watch the debate between Abdurrahman And Asrar. It was timed and that can be done via Skype too. Planning is needed before jumping into conclusions.

You shouldn't comment without informing yourself first. Check this: It was brother Hassan who put aside his condition (now everybody agrees that someone like Yari must be debated in person, if at all, just watch his behavior) i.e. that Allayari should attend in person, brother Hassan even told him to forget about the names of the 12 in the Qur'an, just prove the SHIA concept of Imamah from the Qur'an, but guess what, despite compromises from Hassan's side, Yari still found deceptive ways to evade the debate by trying to lure brother Hassan in tahreef debates where Yari can throw shubuhat for days!

WATCH all of it to see that what I am saying is true:



Re: Sunni accepts debate challenge of Shia scholar Hassan Allahyari
« Reply #27 on: October 31, 2017, 07:05:56 PM »

Someone can clarify: In another debate challenge in a certain locality in the UK, the Shia community there said Allahyari does not represent them, since Allahyari is allegedly an "Akhbari". Does anyone know more about this matter?


Re: Sunni accepts debate challenge of Shia scholar Hassan Allahyari
« Reply #28 on: November 01, 2017, 08:18:12 PM »

This comfort zone excuse is just annoying. Forget about the comfort zone but arrange the debate. With these silly 'comfort zone' excuses the debate will never happen.

That's from your lack of experience, there are some people you can't even debate with whether online or face to face, this man is one of them.

And why is that?


Re: Sunni accepts debate challenge of Shia scholar Hassan Allahyari
« Reply #29 on: November 02, 2017, 11:55:55 AM »
who is Hassan Allahyari he is doesnt belongs to Shia community even nasibis are a such loosers they debate with paid scholars like Hassan Allahyari who doesnt belong to our community and is not a scholar in my view of point he is only a fitna maker but you guys are worse then him


Re: Sunni accepts debate challenge of Shia scholar Hassan Allahyari
« Reply #30 on: November 02, 2017, 12:15:01 PM »
who is Hassan Allahyari he is doesnt belongs to Shia community even nasibis are a such loosers they debate with paid scholars like Hassan Allahyari who doesnt belong to our community and is not a scholar in my view of point he is only a fitna maker but you guys are worse then him

Where is the proof that he is paid? Please provide us full receipts, otherwise your counter-claim is mere ranting.


Re: Sunni accepts debate challenge of Shia scholar Hassan Allahyari
« Reply #31 on: November 02, 2017, 01:42:03 PM »
who is Hassan Allahyari he is doesnt belongs to Shia community even nasibis are a such loosers they debate with paid scholars like Hassan Allahyari who doesnt belong to our community and is not a scholar in my view of point he is only a fitna maker but you guys are worse then him

Where is the proof that he is paid? Please provide us full receipts, otherwise your counter-claim is mere ranting.
its many proof he is hiding in the Us and is getting fund by zionist to make fitna in Islamic Ummah his channel is also funded by american intelliegence and why are you guys debating with him he is not Shia biggest scholars he is not in the list of Shia scholars


Re: Sunni accepts debate challenge of Shia scholar Hassan Allahyari
« Reply #32 on: November 06, 2017, 11:29:58 AM »

First of all, who has placed any random individual Shia on the position to include and exclude people from the Shia religion based on conspiracies? This seems very Daesh-like to me.

Anyway, what we have asked is to provide proof like receipts: America is actually quite organized, I am sure some "Real" Shia can get a hold of Allahyari organization's tax returns and show us the expenditures and income of his channel and organization and apparently who is 'really' funding him.

As far as it seems now though, Twelvers are playing the same game as the Islamophobes: Present themselves as one thing is one day and another day change it to some other matter. For Islamophobbes, we have people like Ayan Hirsi and Nonie Darwish, one day they are brave Muslim reformers and the other day they are former Muslims.

For the Twelver Shias, we Sunnis see the same with respect to famous figures like Allahyari, Yasir Habib and Ammar Nakhshawani: First have their speeches and positions splattered in different places to 'expose' Sunnism, then as soon as there is trouble or a strong counter-reaction roll out some other Shias to say they are Akhbaris or that they do not even belong to the Shia religion, or that they are paid by the CIA, and other such double-talk.


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