Some fun stuff from Shia chat regarding this upcoming debate:
1. They themselves know how silly it is to insult your opponent before the debate has even started:
Jama'at Umari=Umari congregation. He uses that term in his debates with sunnis, they dont seem to mind.
Muhammad Hijab would be destroyed. He's not a scholar. Allahyari should debate people of knowledge.
NOTE: We indeed take no offense in being called 'Omaris ('Omar followers), as in a way, a Muslim is a follower of Abu Bakr (Bakri), 'Omar ('Omari), 'Othman ('Othmani), 'Ali ('Alawi), Al-Hussein (Hussein) and the Prophet (saws) of course (Muhammadi), HOWEVER, this is not what we refer to ourselves, and he should have basic mannners and refer to their opponents to what they refer themselves (Ahl Al-Sunnah) even if he beliefs they are not (Ahl Al-Sunnah). A simple point that shows his manners (outside a debate or in his lectures he can call us what he wants, so do I).
2. They admit to his outbursts DURING debates
Despite what people say about allahyari, he is an absolutely fantastic debater sgainst sunni. Not so effective when debating shia, and has a tendency to get wound up and start insulting his opponent.
If he can remain calm though, even if 50 mohammad hijabs stood against him, he would still win. Hes an aggressive debater, and debating is all he does. Its his bread and butter. He cant be intimidated by the likes of hijab, and wont be bullied or mocked because he can give it back 1000 times worse. This is going to be very interesting
Now he claims it's only when he debates Shias, well, if he knew Arabic or Farsi he knew that it is not limited to his Shia-Shia debates only.
Anyway, I am not looking for excuses, just showing you, if I were to look, the confessions of his own admires would be enough, or his OWN mouth where he says that LYING upon his opponent is what his infallibles have taught him:
So it is not me who looks for excuses (there are plenty ready as everyone can see), I just want to be the Ex-Shia debater who managed to get that hiding champion of the Shia out of his comfort zone and show the world what a fail he and his religion are when being faced with someone who knows their religion inside out, In sha Allah.