
The Founder of the Shia Sect and the Beginnings of Its Emergence

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taha taha

The Founder of the Shia Sect
and the Beginnings of Its Emergence

Shiism was established on corrupt, untrue principles, concocted by Abdullah ibn Saba', the Jew, who is considered the founder of this renegade sect, when he claimed divinity for Ali ibn Abi Talib, in exchange for being made a prophet.
     It is for that reason that Ibn Saba', the Jew, claimed to be a prophet (may Allah curse him).
     In the glaring face of this fact, we find that the Shia have tried to escape it in a number of different ways: by denying it from the lips of their clerics and by claiming that Abdullah ibn Saba', the Jew, is an imaginary character, to evade the truth and to display arrogance towards those who follow it.
     However, the attempts by the Shia to deny this fact have all met with failure, and this is due to the clear passages contained in many authoritative sources.
     Among the sources upon which the Shia rely, which contain record of that which would expose them in this matter, are:  Al-Anwar al-Na`maniyyah (2/34), by Ni`amatullah al-Jaza'iriyy al-Shi`iyy, Al-Maqalat wal-Firaq, by al-Qimmiyy, and also Rijaal al-Kishiyy, by al-Kishiyy, and more.
     In these sources, it is clear that the person of Abdullah ibn Saba', the Jew, is real; he is not imaginary as the Shia like to claim in order to avoid the lifting of the mask and the scandal they think they have buried and covered up.
     Therefore, the beginnings of Shiism and its emergence at the hand of that Jew, Abdullah ibn Saba', the Jew, also known as Ibn Sawdaa', who appeared to follow Islam while hiding his disbelief, and who claimed that it is written in the Torah that every prophet has a successor (wasiyy) and that Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) was the successor of Muhammad (sws).
     Then the Jew, Ibn Saba', claimed that Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) was divine, claiming for himself prophethood, and those who were deceived into believing Ibn Saba's claim were called Saba'iya, after Ibn Saba', the founder of the Shia sect.
     And so Shiism as we see it today was invented, with its false claims and its reprehensible doctrines that no one of pure nature or sound mind could ever accept.
     All praise is due to Allah Almighty for the blessing of Islam, and all praise is due to Him for the gift of guidance and righteousness.


taha taha

Re: The Founder of the Shia Sect and the Beginnings of Its Emergence
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2016, 07:15:32 PM »
Abd Allah ibn Sabaʾ al-Ḥimyarī (or Sabāʾ, also sometimes called ibn al-Sawdāʾ, ibn Wahb, or ibn Ḥarb)[1] was a 7th-century figure in Islamic history who is often associated with a group of followers called the Sabaʾiyya (Arabic: سبئية‎‎).[2]

Modern historians differed on the historicity of Ibn Saba'.[1] Some believe that Abdullah Ibn Saba may have actually been several figures (Hodgson), semi-legendary or legendary (Taha Hussein, Bernard Lewis, Wilferd Madelung, Leone Caetani, and Shia historians)[3] Others such as Israel Friedlander, Sabatino Moscati, and Sunni historians affirm his existence.[3] His Jewish origin has also been contested. Some modern historians assert that Sayf ibn Umar fabricated the episode about the killing of Uthman to "exonerate the people of Medina from participation in the caliph's murder" and the movement to support Ali as a successor to Muhammad did not exist in the time of Uthman.[4] With the exception of Taha Hussein, most modern Sunni writers affirm the existence of Ibn Saba'. In a similar vein, Shia writers deny Ibn Saba's historical existence to rid Shia'ism of the accusation by Sunni writers that Shia'ism is originally based on Judaic doctrines.[5]


Re: The Founder of the Shia Sect and the Beginnings of Its Emergence
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2016, 08:42:12 AM »
Brother from where you said that ibn saba founded shia sect ?
"O Apostle! Deliver what has been sent down to you from your Lord; and if you don't do it, you have not delivered His message (at all); and Allah will protect you from the people ..." (Qur'an 5:67)
Messenger of Allah said:
"For whoever I am his mawla, 'Ali is his mawla."


Re: The Founder of the Shia Sect and the Beginnings of Its Emergence
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2016, 11:23:32 PM »
Lol. Again wit Abdullah ibn Saba.

He was a ficticious character invented to absolve certain sahaba of their crimes. Probably an invention of Caliph Umar's BFF - Ka'ab Al-Ahbar, a jewish rabbi.

taha taha

Re: The Founder of the Shia Sect and the Beginnings of Its Emergence
« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2016, 12:31:47 AM »
Lol. Again wit Abdullah ibn Saba.

He was a ficticious character invented to absolve certain sahaba of their crimes. Probably an invention of Caliph Umar's BFF - Ka'ab Al-Ahbar, a jewish rabbi.

lol you need to come to a history lesson instead of your fore father bed times tales


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