
The General Shiite Methodology when Quoting Sunni Sources

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The General Shiite Methodology when Quoting Sunni Sources
« on: April 17, 2017, 03:15:26 PM »
The General Shia Methodology when Quoting Sunni Sources

Whoever looks into the books of the Shia, whether old or new, will come across a giant amount of texts backing their beliefs which they claim to have quoted from Sunni sources, through such texts they attempt to convince some of their lost followers who doubted Tashayyu`.

The Shiite scholars have several ways of doing this that were documented by our scholars; we will point out some of their ways {That perhaps Allah will restrain the might of those who disbelieve. And Allah is greater in might and stronger in [exemplary] punishment.}[Quran 4:84]

The discreet methods in which they laid their evidences upon Ahlul-Sunnah, which were pointed out by scholars include:

1- Some of their scholars have learned the sciences of Hadith and heard the narrations of the trustworthy Sunni scholars of Hadith.

Then the Shiite narrators began to narrate the authentic Sunni reports but they included in them false additions to support their Shiite Madhab, this led to the confusion of many laypeople and even scholars but thankfully Allah has graced us with men who were able to uncover these lies.

2- Another scheme, is that they look into the names of the major Sunni scholars and then check for Shiites who hold similar names and titles and attribute the narrations to them in order to trick the people.

Examples include: al-Suddi, there are two men with this name: al-Suddi al-Kabir and he is a reliable Sunni and al-Suddi
al-Saghir who is an extremist Rāfidhi Shiite known for fabrications.

Ibn Qutaybah is also the name for two individuals: `Abdullah bin Qutaybah and he is a deviant Rāfidhi Shiite and `Abdullah bin Muslim bin Qutaybah who is a reliable Sunni scholar, he authored a book and called it “al-Ma`ārif” so the Rāfidhi also authored a book and gave it the same name.

We mention also Muhammad bin Jarīr al-Tabari, there are two: One is the famous Sunni historian and the other is called Muhammad bin Jarīr bin Rustum al-Tabari and he is a Rāfidhi Imami, there is also abu Ja`far Muhammad al-Tabari a sixth century Imami Shiite scholar.

There are also two named: Ibn Batah, one being Sunni while the other is a Shiite called Ibn Butah.

3- They like to attribute certain books, ones that criticize the Companions and the Sunni Madhab, to big Sunni figures, such as the book “Sirr-ul-‘Ālimīn” which they have falsely attributed to al-Ghazali, and the history book “al-Imamah wal-Siyasah” that was falsely attributed to Ibn Qutaybah al-Dinawari.

4- They quote texts that attack the Companions or the Sunni Madhab from books which they attribute to big figures in Sunni Islam although those books do not exist and are lost, or they quote from rare books attributed to Ahlul-Sunnah but such books cannot be found anywhere in order to verify the information, and often do not contain what was quoted.

5- From the most popular methods in their books is to quote a very popular report but manipulate its text and add to it what suits them, and one of the most important example of this is Hadīth Al-Ghadīr.

6- From their ways is that they quote Sunni narrations with all of their chains and texts and the names of the scholars who reported it without specifying each scholar’s version of that text; this gives the illusion that the narration is found in Sunni books with this text that they had quoted and that it’s authentic because they agreed on it.

7- They will quote Zaydi or Mu`tazili scholars and claim they are strict Sunni scholars to advertise for their deviances.

8- They will author books about the virtues of the four Caliphs and then when they reach the part about `Ali bin Abi Tālib, they include in it narrations that attack the first three, and thus the reader will be confused and will think that Sunni books criticize the three Caliphs.

9- They gather their arguments from sources that contain weak and fabricated reports then claim to have collected them from reliable Sunni sources, they even claim at times the agreement of Ahlul-Sunnah over these texts but the truth is otherwise.

10- They will quote only a part of the verse or narration without including the rest of the context that clarifies it. In this way they manipulate texts to agree with their beliefs.

In addition to plenty of other tricks and ways but we have only mentioned a few here to warn the nation so that we may counter the caravan of slander, division, hatred, and Fitnah that we thought had subsided.

Unfortunately, it seems to have returned in a much worse state; a vile series of lies that these folks utilize to misguide their followers.

Source: (Chapter 2 pg. 20)
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