As Salamu ´alaykum brother! Well, so now I know some other heretical beliefs of Twelver Shiites creed. Some of the points you listed I had found them in a fatwa but some I didn't know them. Their creed is terrible! It's batil and fitna. Congratulation for your lesson you have recorded on You Tube, I think it's very important for us Muslims to know the Twelver Shia heresy. So we can stay away from this deviant sect. Of course, the beliefs of the Twelver Shia have no proofs in the Noble Qur´an or in the Sunnah, and frankly, I can't even find a logical basis in their absurde claim. May Allah protect us from their blasphemies! Another thing, in reference to your first answer where you've mentioned Jafar ibn Muhammad al Sadiq (ra): yes, he was a teacher of Imam Abu Hanifa (ra); the Twelver shiites say he was one of their 12 infallible aimmah, but in truth, as you already know, he wasn't a Twelver Shiite and his creed was the creed of Ahl as-Sunnah. Shukran wa Jazaka Allahu khayran