
Sh. Muqbil Sums Up the Sunni Shia Dispute

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Sh. Muqbil Sums Up the Sunni Shia Dispute
« on: May 09, 2016, 05:00:15 PM »
Shaikh Muqbil sums up the Sunni Shia dispute in a few words.

While commenting on the issue of the lack of maintenance of historical reports through the weakening and authenticating of narrations, he said:

هذا فيه ضرر عظيم، خصوصًا المغازي لماذا؟ لأن كل طائفة تأخذ ما يناسبها وتعزوه إلى التاريخ، فهي تحتاج إلى تنقية والله المستعان. ينظر: الفتاوى الحديثية لعلامة الديار اليمنية لنور الدين الوصابي 1/317.

This is extremely harmful. Why? Because each group takes what it wants and attributes it to history, and this needs to be cleansed. May Allah help us.

(Source: Al-Fatawa Al-Hadithiya li Alama Al-Diyar Al-Yamaniya 1/317)

Nothing could be more true. I have not met a Shia that has a methodology of ascertaining what happened in history. The usually simply rely on Sunni narrations that fit the events that they would like to believe. They then claim that it is the authentic history, even though they cannot prove that it is authentic.

I love this quote by him since it summarizes how I feel about the whole Sunni-Shia debate so accurately.

Abu Jasim Al-Salafi

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Re: Sh. Muqbil Sums Up the Sunni Shia Dispute
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2016, 08:12:24 PM »
Beautiful. May Allah have mercy upon our beloved Sheikh Muqbil bin Hadi al-Wad'i (رحمه الله تبارك وتعالى).
May Allah guide the Shi'a to the truth. Ameen.

Student of Comparative Religion - Refuter of allegations made against Islam by Christians and Atheists.


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