
Was Anal intercouse permitted by Imam Malik?

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Was Anal intercouse permitted by Imam Malik?
« on: December 16, 2016, 11:54:09 PM »
Ahkam al Quran al-Jasas:

قال أبو بكر المشهور عن مالك إباحة ذلك وأصحابه ينفون عنه هذه المقالة لقبحها وشناعتها وهي عنه أشهر من أن يندفع بنفيهم
Abu Bakr said: ‘It is well known that Malik allowed it but his companions deny it because it was a very nasty statement, in fact it is well known and cannot be denied by their denial’

some brothers can explain it for me plz?


Re: Was Anal intercouse permitted by Imam Malik?
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2016, 12:49:17 AM »
Ahkam al Quran al-Jasas:

قال أبو بكر المشهور عن مالك إباحة ذلك وأصحابه ينفون عنه هذه المقالة لقبحها وشناعتها وهي عنه أشهر من أن يندفع بنفيهم
Abu Bakr said: ‘It is well known that Malik allowed it but his companions deny it because it was a very nasty statement, in fact it is well known and cannot be denied by their denial’

some brothers can explain it for me plz?

No need for an explanation. All it needs is a source. Firstly, Al Jasas is a Hanafi, thus, this is only "famous" amongst opponents of the Malikis.

If this is such a well known opinion by Malik, then a direct quote from him wouldn't be asking for much.

Re: Was Anal intercouse permitted by Imam Malik?
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2016, 08:13:53 PM »
Ahkam al Quran al-Jasas:

قال أبو بكر المشهور عن مالك إباحة ذلك وأصحابه ينفون عنه هذه المقالة لقبحها وشناعتها وهي عنه أشهر من أن يندفع بنفيهم
Abu Bakr said: ‘It is well known that Malik allowed it but his companions deny it because it was a very nasty statement, in fact it is well known and cannot be denied by their denial’

some brothers can explain it for me plz?

They fabricate lies against him
They fabricate lies against him
They fabricate lies against him

Optimus Prime

Re: Was Anal intercouse permitted by Imam Malik?
« Reply #3 on: December 18, 2016, 01:47:05 AM »
Ahkam al Quran al-Jasas:

قال أبو بكر المشهور عن مالك إباحة ذلك وأصحابه ينفون عنه هذه المقالة لقبحها وشناعتها وهي عنه أشهر من أن يندفع بنفيهم
Abu Bakr said: ‘It is well known that Malik allowed it but his companions deny it because it was a very nasty statement, in fact it is well known and cannot be denied by their denial’

some brothers can explain it for me plz?

They fabricate lies against him
They fabricate lies against him
They fabricate lies against him

Who is they?

Re: Was Anal intercouse permitted by Imam Malik?
« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2016, 01:54:42 PM »
When brother find a strange statement about a scholar.

It would be good if they themselves do a google search to find a good answer.

Go to good well known sunni websites.

Imam Ibn Katheer reported in his Tafseer from Israeel bin Rooh who said, I asked Malik about making sex with wives in their anuses. He replied, 'you are but Bedouins, does the act of tilling happen other than in the place of tilth? Do not exceed the vagina. I said, people say that you allowed that? He answered, they fabricate lies against me, they fabricate lies against me, and he kept repeating this sentence'.


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