Fatima became angry with Abu Bakr and kept away from him and did not talk to him until she died…
Oh no, you got me. I hope you don't have any evidence to support your claim.
When she died, her husband Ali buried her at night without informing Abu Bakr and he said the funeral prayer by himself.” (Sahih Bukhari 5.59.546) According to Sahih Bukhari, Aisha also said, “Fatima, the daughter of Allah’s Apostle got angry ans stopped speaking to Abu Bakr, and continued assuming that attitude until she died.” (Sahih Bukhari 4.53.325)
No way! You have proof! I don't know how to answer.........except we have been doing this since you were busy slapping your face on Ashura.
The narrations you have quoted both fall under the issue of Fadak. Therefore, if you read the full narration and its explanation, it becomes clear that Fatima (ra) stopped speaking to Abu Bakr (ra) regarding Fadak. In other words, Fatima (ra) stopped mentioned Fadak to Abu Bakr (ra); it does not state that she completely cut ties with him.
As for her burial, the Prophet (saw) was also buried at night. What is your point?
Here is where you are hypocrite. You have made "he who angers Fatima angers me" a cornerstone of your belief system but you ignore another authentic Prophetic narration, existing in both Shia and Sunni texts, which says "Prophets do not leave inheritance". While they are both Prophetic sayings, you are strict with the former but very lapse with the latter. We, on the other hand, look at both simultaneously and give both equal value.
The Prophet (saw) said that Prophets (asws) do not leave inheritance. Abu Bakr (ra) upheld that Prophetic saying. If that angers Fatima (ra) then that is just too bad. Fatima's (ra) reaction makes her look bad, not Abu Bakr (ra)....though we do not believe that the whole misunderstanding was as dramatic as your lot believes it was so as to warrant an imaginary khutbah (Khutbah Fadak, a story which has weak chains) and other gymnastics.
Again, to twist that knife stuck in your heart a bit more, Abu Bakr (ra) was upon the Sunnah in regards to Fadak. If that upsets you, tough luck!
