
The heretical (kufr) reality of the Rafidi religion (PLUS Fatwas)

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Ebn Hussein

We seriously have Rafidi members on this board who play the innocent and act as if nothing is wrong with the Twelver madhab. They honestly ask us what is kufri about the Shia Rafidi religion:

I have a lot of Ahle Sunnah friends and none of them claim and say that Shiaism is a religion of Kufr and Shirk.

Well now you will learn that your "noble Sunni friends" are nothing but ignorants. Because (and the list will be provided) hundreds and more of Sunni scholars (they count, not "Sunni friends") consider your religion a religion of kufr and not the madhab of our master Al-Sadiq (AS).

They all believe that Fiqah e Jafferia is just the same as any other Fiqah. And this is what the Ahle Sunnah scholars say as well.

That's a lie and in this thread we shall prove what the true Sunni stance is in regards to the kufri Rafidi madhab.

]Even brothers on this site say that Shiaism is a religion of Kufr and Shirk but when questioned and asked for an explanation for their view, the best they can say or do is "it's none of your business" or start another thread or go off topic.

Wrong. Personal questions are none of your business, as for the kufr of your religion, then yes another thread (like this one) is appropriate(and being done in this very moment).

Is Shiaism a religion of Kufr and Shirk??? Why??? Anybody willing to stick to the subject and have the strength and courage to reply and discuss this???

Unbelievable to a Muwahhid (monotheist) but this is what Rafidis perceive, they don't realise the super shirk, kufr and zandaqah of their Madhab. Alhamdulillah in this age we can provide not just text but even audio and video material where top Shia scholars and preachers utter the worst kufr possible, even a Hindu would be shocked of their kufr. Let's start:

The Imams are the supreme Judges on the Day of Judgement and even in the grave (when one is being asked about his Deen!):

Rafidi Twelver religion: Calling upon Allah alone and directly is haram (prohibited):

Ali (RA) the Lord and the Most Merciful on the Day of Judgement - (Shia Rafidah Religion):

« Last Edit: January 09, 2015, 03:12:05 AM by Ebn Hussein »
الإمام الشافعي رحمه الله
لم أر أحداً من أهل الأهواء أشهد بالزور من الرافضة! - الخطيب في الكفاية والسوطي.

Imam Al-Shafi3i - may Allah have mercy upon him - said: "I have not seen among the heretics a people more famous for falsehood than the Rafidah." [narrated by Al-Khatib Al-Baghdadi/Al-Kifayah]

Ebn Hussein

Dear reader, many of those beliefs were hidden to many innocent Sunnis in the last few centuries, but now since the lectures and books of the Rafidah are available, every Muslim can see for himself that their religion is anything but the Madhab of the Ahl Al-Bayt. In fact after realising the kufr of the Rafidi 12er Madhab one has to abstain attributing it to the beloved Ahl Al-Bayt since this would be an insult to the Ahl Al-Bayt. It is for this very kufr of the Rafidah that over a dozen and more big Sunni scholars declared Khomeini a kafir Mushrik:

Certainly his kufri speeches like this lead to the fatwa:

Khomeini the kafir Zindiq disbelieves in the finality of Prophethood

الإمام الشافعي رحمه الله
لم أر أحداً من أهل الأهواء أشهد بالزور من الرافضة! - الخطيب في الكفاية والسوطي.

Imam Al-Shafi3i - may Allah have mercy upon him - said: "I have not seen among the heretics a people more famous for falsehood than the Rafidah." [narrated by Al-Khatib Al-Baghdadi/Al-Kifayah]

Ebn Hussein

Debunking the lie that only "Takfiris, Salafis, Wahhabis, Boogeyman" etc. make Takfir on the Rafidah 12er sect. Here a list including top scholars of the four madhabs (i.e. all of them were born before the grandfather of Ibn Abdil-Wahhab was even born, so the Wahhabi excuse won't work here), enjoy the list and know O Sunni that the true Ahl Al-Sunnah have nothing but hatred for the Rafidah Kuffar (except those among them who are living in peace with the Sunnah and open for the truth). Ameen the Rafidi member of this board stated:

They all believe that Fiqah e Jafferia is just the same as any other Fiqah. And this is what the Ahle Sunnah scholars say as well.

Let rock solid evidences speak for themselves, you can be the judge dear reader (note: These are the IMAMS of the Madhabs, some random contemp. sell outs can't overwrite their judgements):

The Takfir of the Shafi'i scholars on the Rafidah:

Abu ʿAbdillah Muhammad ibn Idris Al-Shafi‘i

The Imam of the Shafi'i Madhab himself (who was known for his love of the Ahl Al-Bayt, to the extent that some accused him of Rafd) said in regards to the Rafidah (Rafidis normally only quote one of the poems attributed to him, that they totally misunderstand):

الإمام الشافعي رحمه الله
لم أر أحداً من أهل الأهواء أشهد بالزور من الرافضة - الخطيب في الكفاية والسوطي.

Imam Al-Shafi3i - may Allah have mercy upon him - said: "I have not seen among the heretics a people more famous for falsehood than the Rafidah." [narrated by Al-Khatib Al-Baghdadi/Al-Kifayah]

It is also been reported from the noble Sunni, Imam Al-Shafi'i:

حدثنا إبراهيم بن زياد الابلي، سمعت البويطي يقول: سألت الشافعي: أصلي خلف الرافضي ؟ قال: لا تصل خلف الرافضي، ولا القدري، ولا المرجئ.
قلت: صفهم لنا.
قال: من قال: الايمان قول، فهو مرجئ، ومن قال: إن أبا بكر وعمر ليسا بإمامين، فهو رافضي، ومن جعل المشيئة إلى نفسه، فهو قدري

Yusuf ibn Yahya al-Buwayti said, ‘I asked al-Shaf’i (may Allah have mercy on him), ‘Can I pray behind a Rafidi?’ He said, ‘Do not pray behind the Rafidi, nor the Qadari, nor the Murjiyi’. I said, ‘describe them to me.’ He said, `The one who says that Iman is statement [only], then he is Murjiyi`. And whosoever says that Abu Bakr and ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with them) are not the two imams, then he is a Rafidi. And whosoever places the Will for himself, he is Qadari.

Siyyar 10/31

Imam Abu Saad Sam'ani al-Shafi'i (d: 498H / may Allah have mercy on him) has quoted ijma (consensus) regarding the takfir of Imami Shi'as in his Kitab-al-Ansab.

الحافظ البارع العلامه تاج الاسلام المجتهد ثقه

(Tazkira, 4:107)

Imam Dhahabi (may Allah have mercy on him) has praised him in these words, He writes,

لأنساب للسمعاني - (ج 3 / ص 188)
واجتمعت الامة على تكفير الامامية لانهم يعتقدون تضليل الصحابة وينكرون إجماعهم وينسبونهم إلى مالا يليق بهم

"The Ummah has a consensus (ijma) on the takfir of the Imamiyyah, because they believe the Companions (Sahabah) are misguided, they reject their consensus and they attribute to them that which does not befit them.”

(Al-Ansab, 3:188)

Imam Abu Na'im Al-Asbahani (Isfahani) Al-Shafi'i

Another giant of the Shafi'i Madhab (half of Egypt, parts of Iraq, Sham, all of east Africa i.e. Somalia, Eritrea, Sudanis, Muslims from Ethiopia etc.), all of Malaysia and Indonesia are Shafi'is, so listen up my Shafi'i brothers). This Persian Shafi'i scholar from Iran, Isfahan (in Arabic Asbahan) Abu Na'im Al-Asbahani Al-Shafi'i wrote a whole book calling the Twelvers by their real name and refuting the core of their Madhab!

al-Imamah wal-Radd 'ala al-Rafidhah or Tathbet al-Imamah wa Tarteeb al-Khilafah by abu Na'eem al-Asbahani (d.430h), last print in 1407 hijri in Madinah.

Only in Arabic:

Shaykh Abdel-Malik Al-Shafi'i

A contemp. Shafi'i scholar (Shafi'i though) doing what all true Sunni scholars did: Rejecting Shiism as a valid Madhab (let alone attributing it to the Ahl Al-Bayt) and refuting it's core. Here three books by Shaykh Abdel-Malik bin `Abdul-Rahman Al-Shafi'i, click to read:

1- The Imamah of the Shia (A hidden call for the continuation of Prophet-hood.)

2- The Fractious Schizophrenia (Discussing the reality of the crisis between the Shia scholars and the Quran)

3- Shia praying in the mosques of the Muslims (A sign of hope or hopelessness !?)

of course there are TONS of other big gun Shafi'i scholars too who considered the Rafidah kuffar (or at least their religion as a kufri religioN), but we leave it by what we have quoted so far and move on to the big guns of the Malikis (almost the entire Gulf - except Saudi, all of north Africa and western Africa is Maliki, so listen up my Maliki brothers and sisters):

The Takfir of the Maliki scholars on the Rafidah:

The Verdict of Imam Malik Ibn Anas, the Imam of all Malikis

Hafiz ibn Hajar Makki Al-Shafi'i (may Allah have mercy on him) writes in Al-Sawaiq al-Muhriqah (a whole book in refutation of the Rafidah!), p.294,

ومن هذه الآية أخذ الإمام مالك في رواية عنه بكفر الروافض الذين يبغضون الصحابة قال لأن الصحابة يغيظونهم ومن غاظه الصحابة فهو كافر.
وهو مأخذ حسن يشهد له ظاهر الآية ومن ثم وافقه الشافعي رضي الله تعالى عنهما في قوله بكفرهم ووافقه أيضا جماعه من الأئمة

"And from this verse ("Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah and those with him ..."), Imam Malik (may Allah have mercy on him), as reported from him, had deduced the verdict of kufr of Rawafid as they show hatred towards the Sahabah. He further states because the Sahabah causes them anger and every individual who is angered by the Sahabah is a kafir. This extraction is excellent as the verse in itself bears testimony to it. Therefore Imam Shafi (may Allah have mercy on him) has agreed with him (Imam Malik) on the verdict of declaring them [Rawafid] kafir and a large group of Imams agreed with him too."


Imam Qurtubi Al-Maliki (d: 671H / may Allah have mercy on him) comments after producing the fatwa of Imam Malik,

لقد أحسن مالك في مقالته وأصاب في تأويله. فمن نقص واحداً منهم أو طعن عليه في روايته فقد ردّ على الله رَبِّ العالمين، وأبطل شرائع المسلمين

"Indeed, Malik did well in his statement and he reached the correct explanation. So whoever belittles a single one of them or reviles him in his narration, then he has rejected Allah, the Lord of the worlds and he has nullified the Shari'ah of the Muslims.” (Tafsir Qurtubi, 16:297)

This fatwa of Imam Malik was also quoted by:

1. Imam Al-Khilaal
2. Hafidh Ibn Kathir Al-Shafi'i
3. Imam Sayyid Alusi Al-Hanafi
4. Hafidh ibn Taymiyyah Al-Hanbali
5. Qadi 'Iyad Al-Maliki
6. 'Allamah Abu Na'im Al-Asbahani Al-Shafi'i

and others (may Allah have mercy on them).

The Takfir of the Hanafi scholars on the Rafidah:

Half of the Muslim Ummah are Shafi'is. Many Arabs (Iraqis, Egyptians, Shamis) and basically the whole sub-continent and even Persian Sunnis of Iran (in Khorassan) and in Afghanistan (Persian Khorassani Tajiki Sunnis and Pashtus etc.)

The Verdict of Imam Abu Hanafi, the Imam of all Hanafis on the Rafidah

Ibn Hajr says:

[..] the Hanafi scholars condemned one with kufr who denies (views it as invalid) the caliphate of Sayyiduna Abu Bakr and Sayyiduna ‘Omar (may Allah be pleased with them). This ruling is mentioned in their books with detail as it is mentioned in Al-Asl by Imam Muhammad bin al-Hassan al-Shaybani (may Allah have mercy upon him). It is obvious that they have inherited it from their Imam Abu Hanifah (may Allah be pleased with him) and he knows more about the Rawafid as he is from Kufa and Kufa was the origin and headquarter of the Rawafid. Among the Rawafid, there are many groups, some must be condemned with kufr while some not. So, when Imam Abu Hanifah regards the denier of caliphate of Sayyiduna Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) as kafir, so one who curses him will necessarily be called kafir except that if one makes some difference.

Al sawaiq al Muharriqa 1/145

Two of the main students of Imam Abu Hanifah:

Abu Yusuf about the Rafidha.

عن أبي يوسف القاضي قال لا أصلي خلف جهمي ولا رافضي ولا قدري

Imam Abu Yusuf said : Don’t pray behind a Jahmi or Rafidi or Qadari.

Aitqad Ahlussunnah 4/733

Imam Muhammad said

لا يجوز الصلاة خلف الرافضة

It is not allowed to pray behind Rafidah.

Al Sawaiq al Muharriqa 1/138

Imam Shah ‘Abd al-'Aziz Muhaddith Dahlawi Al-Hanafi

According to the Hanafi fiqh the Shar'i (legal) ruling of Imami Shias is that of murtads (apostates)."

Verdict of Imam Alusi Al-Hanafi

Mufti of Baghdad, Imam Sayyid Shihab al-Din Alusi (may Allah have mercy on him), writes regarding Ithna 'Ashariyyah (Twelvers),

فكفرّهم معظم علماء ما وراء النهر، [وحكم بإباحة دمائهم وأموالهم وفروج نسائهم] ،حيث أنهم يسبون الصحابة رضي الله تعالى عنهم، لاسيما الشيخين رضي الله تعالى عنهما، ...، وينكرون صحة خلافة الصديق رضي الله تعالى عنه، ويقذفون عائشة أم المؤمنين رضي الله تعالى عنها بما برأها الله تعالى منه، ويفضلون بأسرهم عليا كرم الله تعالى وجهه على الملائكة عليهم السلام، وعلى غير أولي العزم من المرسلين، ومنهم من يفضله عليهم ما عدا نبينا ، ويحتجون على التفضيل بحجج أوهن من بيت العنكبوت، سنذكرها مع ردها إن شاء الله تعالى، ويجحدون سلامة القرآن من الزيادة والنقص.

“So the majority scholar of Mawara' al-Nahr (Transoxiana) have declared them kafir [...]; since they abuse the Sahabah (may Allah be pleased with them) especially Sayyiduna Abu Bakr and Sayyiduna 'Omar (may Allah be pleased with them)... And, they deny the legitimacy of Sayyiduna Abu Bakr’s caliphate and accuse Sayyidah 'Aishah, the mother of believers (may Allah be pleased with her), with a sin from which Allah acquitted her. They regard Sayyiduna 'Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) as superior to all angels and non-resolute prophets [Five Prophets], while some of them regard him superior to all except our Holy Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace). And in this regard, they argue with evidence and arguments weaker than the house of spider. We shall mention them along with their refutations, Allah willing. Also, they deny that the Qur'an is safe from every addition and distortion."

(Nahj al-Salamah ila Mubahith al-Imamah, p.30)
(Fatawa 'Azizi, 358)

Verdict of 'Allamah Abu Sa'ud as transmitted by one of the giants of the Hanafis themselves:

Following is the fatwa of Shaykh al-Islam of Ottoman Empire, Allamah Abu Sa'ud, as quoted by 'Allamah ibn 'Abidin Al-Hanafi (a Hanafi and staunch opponent of the movement of Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Abdel-Wahhab) in his Rasa'il.

أفتى العلامة أبو السعود لما سئل عن الشيعة أيحل قتالهم وهل يكون المقتول منا شهيدا مع أنهم يدعون أن رئيسهم من آل النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم وكيف يجوز قتالهم وهم يقولون لا أله إلا الله: أن قتالهم جهاد أكبر والمقتول منا في المعركة شهيد وأنهم باغون في الخروج عن طاعة الإمام وكافرون من وجوه كثيرة، وإنهم خارجون عن الثلاث وسبعين فرقة من الفرق الإسلامية لأنهم اخترعوا كفرا وضلالا مركبا من أهواء الفرق المذكورة وإن كفرهم لا يستمر على وتيرة واحدة بل يتزايد شيئا فشيئا...فلذا أجمع علماء الأعصار على إباحة فتلهم وإن من شك في كفرهم كان كافرا فعند الإمام الأعظم وسفيان الثوري والاوزاعي أنهم إذا تابوا ورجعوا عن كفرهم إلى الإسلام نجوا من القتل ويرجى العفو كسائر الكفار إذا تابوا، أما عند مالك والشافعي وأحمد بن حنبل وليث بن سعد وسائر العلماء العظام فلا تقبل توبتهم ولا يعتبر إسلامهم ويقتلون حدا

"Someone asked 'Allamah Abu Sa'ud about the Shia whether it was permissible to fight with them and will our people killed be regarded as martyrs as they claim that their leader is from the progeny of Rasul Allah and how is it permissible when they recite the kalima 'la ilaha ilal lahu'. He answered by giving the following fatwa, 'fighting against them is regarded as Jihad Akbar and those who are killed in battle against them are declared Shuhada (martyrs). They are renegades against the Imam and are kafir because of many reasons. They are not included in the seventy three groups [of Islam]. They have openly innovated many acts of kufr and falsehood in following their whims and fancies. The decision of their kufr is not based on one issue but daily it increases [...]

(Rasa'il ibn 'Abidin, 1:368:369)

The Hanbali scholars' verdict on the Rafidah

As for the Hanaabilah, I guess you can imagine what the likes of Imam Ahmad and Imam Al-Barbahari said about the Rafidah.

The verdict of mam Ahmad Ibn Hanbali, the Imam of the Hanaabilah

أخبرني يوسف بن موسى موسى أن أبا عبدالله سئل وأخبرني علي بن عبدالصمد قال سألت أحمد بن حنبل عن جار لنا رافضي يسلم علي أرد عليه قال لا -

"Yusuf bin Musa mentions that Abu 'Abd Allah was asked - this was mentioned to me by Ali bin 'Abd al-Samad - He replied I asked Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal concerning a Rafidi neighbor who greats me , should I answer his Salam? He replied 'No'."

(Sunnah lil-Khilaal, 3:493)

- وأخبرني عبدالملك بن عبدالحميد قال سمعت أبا عبدالله قال من شتم أخاف عليه الكفر مثل الروافض ثم قال من شتم أصحاب النبي لا نأمن أن يكون قد مرق عن الدين

"Imam al-Khilaal said: 'Abd al-Malik ibn 'Abd al-Hamid informed me saying: I heard Abu 'Abd Allah [Imam Ahmad] say: 'Whosoever reviles the Companions, then I fear disbelief for him like the Rawafid'. Then he said, 'Whosoever reviles the Companions of the Prophet, then we do not believe he is safe from having rejected the Religion'.”

(Sunnah lil-Khilaal, 3:493)
« Last Edit: January 09, 2015, 03:24:40 AM by Ebn Hussein »
الإمام الشافعي رحمه الله
لم أر أحداً من أهل الأهواء أشهد بالزور من الرافضة! - الخطيب في الكفاية والسوطي.

Imam Al-Shafi3i - may Allah have mercy upon him - said: "I have not seen among the heretics a people more famous for falsehood than the Rafidah." [narrated by Al-Khatib Al-Baghdadi/Al-Kifayah]

Ebn Hussein

And there are tons of such Fatawa by noble Sunni scholars, so who the heck are the sell-outs who oppose them in the name of Sunnism?! Shall we leave the verdicts of Imam Malik, Shafi'i (I did not even mention Imam Bukhari himself) for some contemp. "Sunni" or TV channel or "Sunni friends"?! No sane person would do that except a .... well you know who.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2015, 03:26:18 AM by Ebn Hussein »
الإمام الشافعي رحمه الله
لم أر أحداً من أهل الأهواء أشهد بالزور من الرافضة! - الخطيب في الكفاية والسوطي.

Imam Al-Shafi3i - may Allah have mercy upon him - said: "I have not seen among the heretics a people more famous for falsehood than the Rafidah." [narrated by Al-Khatib Al-Baghdadi/Al-Kifayah]


Re: The heretical (kufr) reality of the Rafidi religion (PLUS Fatwas)
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2015, 11:34:47 AM »
Well now you will learn that your "noble Sunni friends" are nothing but ignorants. Because (and the list will be provided) hundreds and more of Sunni scholars (they count, not "Sunni friends") consider your religion a religion of kufr and not the madhab of our master Al-Sadiq (AS).

Muhammad Sayyid Tantawy, Grand Imam of Al-Azhar University
Ali Gomaa, Grand Mufti of Egypt
Ali Bardakoglu, President of The Grand Council for Religious Affairs in Turkey
Ahmed Kuftaro, Grand Mufti of Syria
Said Abd Al-Hafiz Al-Hijjawi, Grand Mufti of Jordan
The Islamic Fiqh Academy of Jeddah*
Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, Director of the Sunna and Sira Council in Qatar
Abdullah ibn Bayyah, Vice President of the International Union of Muslim Scholars in Saudi Arabia
Muhammad Taqi Usmani, Vice President of the Islamic Fiqh Academy of Pakistan
Abdullah Al-Harari, Founder of Al-Ahbash in Lebanon

All of these scholars and organizations* are Sunni.

Please tell me, are all of them ignorant and misguided?  Because each and every one of them signed the Amman Declaration which declared that Shias are part of Islam and that takfeer on them is haraam.

Ebn Hussein

Re: The heretical (kufr) reality of the Rafidi religion (PLUS Fatwas)
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2015, 12:23:15 PM »
Some of them were deviant sell outs, others ignorant of the reality of Rafidism and some even innocent of what you have ascribed to them and here is the proof:

Tantawi was a deviant and puppet of  Egyptian regime. Ironically a Rafidi like you who believes to be on the side of the oppressed (Al-Hussein) is mentioning a well known Yazidi? Here the deviantTantawi who supported the ban of the Niqab (mustahhab acc. to Islam-Sunnah and even the Rafidi religion). Tantawi (Al-Azhar) agrees with French on prohibition of veil:

Besides he is a Shafi'i and ALL major Shafi'i scholars bigger than him declared the Rafidah as kuffar. Certainly a deviant in the 21st century such as Tantawi has not weight compared to the Imams of the Shawafi' I posted, so don't be silly.

As for Ali Gomaa

Now that's a joke right? Are you so desperate? I mean he is the biggest Munafiq on earth, a shame for Azhar, a full-time slave of Sissi here some of his blatant kufriyat. He is even worse in his deviation than Tantawi, this "Sunni scholar" of yours is openly supporting the kuffar in their oppression, funny that an "oppressed" Shia like you quotes all these deviants and tyrant supporters. Some of his crimes and deviation:

- Ali Gomaa says don't wear the veil abroad:,7340,L-3378156,00.html

- Ali Gomaa the puppet scholar supports one of the Yazidis of our time in his massacre against the Muslims of Egypt. Ali Gomaa, the supposedly Grand Mufti of Egypt had been loud and clear in his opinion that the anti-coup protestors deserve death, in his demand last year that supporters of Morsi should be put to death: “blessed be those who kill them and are killed by them.”

Ali Goma to is suppose to be a Shafi'i and ALL major Shafi'i scholars bigger than him declared the Rafidah as kuffar. Certainly a deviant and tyrant supporter in the 21st century such as Goma has not weight compared to the Imams of the Shawafi' I posted, so don't be silly.

As for Shaykh Al-Qaradhawi, then know O desperate Rafidi, your outdated quotes won't help you. Since it is well known that he changed his stance after he realised the kufr of your madhab and the crimes of the Rafidah in Syria (ever since then he is been attacked by the Rafidah as a "Wahhabi", lol. Just few years ago he too was a "noble" Sunni. You are only a "noble Sunni" if you love and accept the wretched Rafidis It seems):

- Qaradhawi calls for a Jihad against the Safawi-Hezbollat entity in Syria:

- One of the famous quotes of Qaradhawi in 2008:

"Shiites are Muslims but they are heretics ..."

- An article about his speeches that enraged the Rafidah:

In any case, Shaykh Al-Qaradhawi is a Shafi'i and like ALL respected Shafi'i scholars (starting with Imam Al-Shafi'i himself) he considers Shias as heretics (and Shiism as heresy. As for individual takfir then there is ikhtilaf and what is apparent is that he does not make takfir on every single Rafidi). Please don't be silly and randomly quote people you really don't know and who regard you as a heretic.

As for Mufti Taqi Usman of Pakistan

Mufti Taqi Usmani did NOT sign the “Amman Message”

Many people have been falsely claiming that Mufti Taqi Usmani was a signatory to the so-called “Amman Message.” Nothing could be further from the truth; Mufti Taqi Usmani in fact holds the view that it is a necessity and a must to declare Takfeer of certain Shia:

And I could go on and on (not everyone in the list is a Munafiq as I've pointed out, yet none of them, not even the extremist Sufi Ahbash consider Rafidism as a legimitate form of Islam. As for Takfir, again the issue is not takfir on every single Rafidi, I didn't claim that this is a universal belief and neccassary, I myself don't make takfir on every single Rafidi. The issue here is to expose the lie that Shiism is a valid form of Islam. It is not. Sunni scholars declare it as heresy, their scholars (like Khomeini) as kuffar and some even every Rafidi layman. Bottom line is: The sect itself is regarded as heresy and kufr and the individual Rafidi might be excused for various reasons, here a balanced view about the individual takfir (that you are confusing with the ancient Sunni opinion that the Rafidi madhab is a madhab of kufr and batil):

Lastly I'd like to underline again that none of the scholars you have brought do not and will never overwrite the verdicts of giants like Imam Malik, Imam Shafi'i etc. no matter what have been signed in a country that is the ally of "Israel" (i.e. Jordan). You have to understand that this catholic-priest-like caste system that can be found in Shiism has no place within the Ahl Al-Sunnah. We do not do blind taqlid like the Rafidah. We can easily spot a deviation of a Shaykh, even a good one with a lot of knowledge can still be ignorant in regards to some parts of the deen or say at least in regards to some sects and their historical developement. In any case, we have the Salaf such as Imam Al-Shafi'i, Malik, Al-Bukhari etc. who all declared the Rafidah as heretics (to say the least), nobody I repeat nobody can overwrite their verdicts, especially not some clowns who back the likes of Sissi and co. our Prophet warned us about the deviation of some scholars:

Recorded in Musnad Ahmad hadeeth # 20335 that Abu Dhar said, “I was in the presence of the Prophet one day and I heard him saying, ‘There is something more I fear for my Ummah than the Dajjaal.’ It was then that I became afraid, so I said, ‘O Rasulullah! Which thing is it that you fear for your Ummah more than the Dajjaal?’ He [the Prophet] said... ‘Misguided and astray scholars.

’It is related by Shidaad ibn Aws that the Prophet sAllaahu alayhi wasalam said, “Truly, I do not fear anything for my Ummah except astray scholars. Thus when the sword is raised against my Ummah, it will not be lifted until the Day of Judgment.” [Musnad of Ahmad, ahadeeth #16493, 21360, 31359, 20334 and ad-Daarimi, ahadeeth # 211 and 216 and
all of these collections are classed as authentic.]

So I as a Sunni will stick to those who have a million times more weight than the contemporaries you've mentioned and you can copy paste your Amman (Israeli ally) declaration to any other gullible Sunni. A real Sunni won't abonden the likes of Imam Al-Shafi'i, Malik etc. for your "noble Sunnis".
« Last Edit: January 09, 2015, 12:31:50 PM by Ebn Hussein »
الإمام الشافعي رحمه الله
لم أر أحداً من أهل الأهواء أشهد بالزور من الرافضة! - الخطيب في الكفاية والسوطي.

Imam Al-Shafi3i - may Allah have mercy upon him - said: "I have not seen among the heretics a people more famous for falsehood than the Rafidah." [narrated by Al-Khatib Al-Baghdadi/Al-Kifayah]


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