Ahlajj ul Amraas, page 309 by Hakeem Ajmul Khan Dehlavi Part 8, Dialogue 14
The medicine that is needed to treat anal diseases was used extensively by the second khalifa, this medicine is prepared by grinding certain chemicals and then preparing a solution in either vinegar or wine and is then inserted into the anus of the patient
I'll give you the pleasure of working this one out 
Another perfect example of your level of deception.
1. The name of the source is "Ahlaaj al Mureez" not "Ahlajj ul Amraas". Then again, you learned from ShiaPen how to misquote so it serves them right that you cannot even borrow information from their website properly.
2. The "anus" is in reference to a camel. I am not even bothered by the authenticity of the report but the fact that it is referring to a camel and not a human makes a huge difference and allows us an insight in your filthy mind.
3. Even ShiaPen admits that the correct translation of the hadith "....He turned such-and-such person out, and 'Umar also turned out such-and-such person..." is that Umar (ra) asked the effeminate man to leave, not what you were trying to suggest in the other topic. So your inauthentic reference here exposed your lie in another discussion topic. As I said, if you want to have a Shia contradict himself or herself, you let him or her talk long enough and eventually he or she will contradict himself or herself.
See image below and hopefully slip into something more comfortable, like a coma!