
Why do some threads go missing???

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Re: Why do some threads go missing???
« Reply #20 on: May 16, 2019, 12:26:27 PM »
Just noticed another thread in whihc proposed a very strong hadith, acording to sunni standards, which places Umar right at the burning of the door incident has now also dissapreared. What on earth is going?!!

Why lie? Please do repost here what IT IS that’s missing instead of making lame excuses just because the burning of the door incident is a PURE FANTASY.........crying and lying ain’t gonna help you😂😂


Re: Why do some threads go missing???
« Reply #21 on: May 20, 2019, 06:00:03 AM »
Why lie? Please do repost here what IT IS that’s missing instead of making lame excuses just because the burning of the door incident is a PURE FANTASY.........crying and lying ain’t gonna help you😂😂

How many gallons of oil are Al-Saud funding you guys with, to aid in exporting their expantionist cult-like ideolgy?


Re: Why do some threads go missing???
« Reply #22 on: May 20, 2019, 04:04:55 PM »
How many gallons of oil are Al-Saud funding you guys with, to aid in exporting their expantionist cult-like ideolgy?

We can always quantify the gallons of oil Iran uses as funding to expand and export the revolution - aka Shiaism - in Africa.  I have personally met one such brother at a Shi'i mosque.  I do not recall the (African) country he is from but he sings praises of Iran for inaugurating a school and a hospital in his country.  He always tops it off by contrasting Iran's generosity and humanitarian posture from Saudi Arabia's tyranny (how original)!  Iran is taking a page right out of the Christian missionaries' playbook and you think you are bringing arguments never dealt with before.
"Our coward ran from those in authority" - Iceman (admitting the truth regarding his 12th Imam)


Re: Why do some threads go missing???
« Reply #23 on: May 20, 2019, 05:06:14 PM »
We can always quantify the gallons of oil Iran uses as funding to expand and export the revolution - aka Shiaism - in Africa.  I have personally met one such brother at a Shi'i mosque.  I do not recall the (African) country he is from but he sings praises of Iran for inaugurating a school and a hospital in his country.  He always tops it off by contrasting Iran's generosity and humanitarian posture from Saudi Arabia's tyranny (how original)!  Iran is taking a page right out of the Christian missionaries' playbook and you think you are bringing arguments never dealt with before.

I wonder why you don't bother commenting on the gallons of oil Saudi Arabia uses to fund its Wahabi ideology under the Sunni banner and how it funds terror groups around the world which are giving Muslims and Islam a very bad name indeed based on their actions.


Re: Why do some threads go missing???
« Reply #24 on: May 20, 2019, 05:35:16 PM »
I wonder why you don't bother commenting on the gallons of oil Saudi Arabia uses to fund its Wahabi ideology under the Sunni banner and how it funds terror groups around the world which are giving Muslims and Islam a very bad name indeed based on their actions.

I am sure your boyfriend can handle his own issues.  No need for this PDA!  Thank you :)
"Our coward ran from those in authority" - Iceman (admitting the truth regarding his 12th Imam)


Re: Why do some threads go missing???
« Reply #25 on: May 20, 2019, 05:46:13 PM »
How many gallons of oil are Al-Saud funding you guys with, to aid in exporting their expantionist cult-like ideolgy?

Awww you ran out of gasoline?, we know your false or should I say bull story of broken ribs is a half baked tale and YOU know it hence you can’t answer but come back with nonsense.😂👍

Typical shia, fyi I hate Saudi regime and it’s princes infact with the mess the world is in I respect Iran more than Saudis even though they were wrong to invade Syria, but a halfwit like you won’t get it because you have NOTHING else to say.😉


Re: Why do some threads go missing???
« Reply #26 on: May 20, 2019, 05:52:19 PM »
Typical shia, fyi I hate Saudi regime and it’s princes infact with the mess the world is in I respect Iran more than Saudis

Same here!  But these Rawaafidh project their own image on others.  The tremendous amount of energy they have to condemn terrorism somehow runs short when it comes to Shi'i groups deemed "terrorists" by the same Western sources they rely on.  So they think that just like them, Sunnis too condemn violence but have a soft-spot for Saudi Arabia and rest of the tyrant regimes.

Iranian hypocrisy was best exposed when they were cheerleading for the Arab Spring in Egypt, Libya and other places.  As soon as the chickens came home to roost in Syria - and I totally support Bashar Al-Assad over all the alternatives - they were running around like headless chickens dispatching their gangs in the area to protect their asset.
"Our coward ran from those in authority" - Iceman (admitting the truth regarding his 12th Imam)


Re: Why do some threads go missing???
« Reply #27 on: May 21, 2019, 03:35:52 PM »
Same here!  But these Rawaafidh project their own image on others.  The tremendous amount of energy they have to condemn terrorism somehow runs short when it comes to Shi'i groups deemed "terrorists" by the same Western sources they rely on.  So they think that just like them, Sunnis too condemn violence but have a soft-spot for Saudi Arabia and rest of the tyrant regimes.

Iranian hypocrisy was best exposed when they were cheerleading for the Arab Spring in Egypt, Libya and other places.  As soon as the chickens came home to roost in Syria - and I totally support Bashar Al-Assad over all the alternatives - they were running around like headless chickens dispatching their gangs in the area to protect their asset.

In short my brother it’s called “hypocrisy” ........ the world of Islam understands it, that is why Allah swt NEVER gave ANY shia divine imams believers leadership or any victory until Iran came in and yet to this day Iran has NEVER won any battle or victory since becoming shia divine imami believers......12’rs.
They was praying to portray a Shia crescent to make themselves look good after fall of saddam and create a different version of Islam, yet Allah swt destroyed their nefarious plans Alhamdulillah.

Surah Anfal ayah 30:
But they plan, and Allah plans. And Allah is the best of planners.


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