
Did the Asha'irah and Maturidiyyah preserve Hadith over the generations?

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Optimus Prime

Observe this discussion, and the following points interest me.

- Are there chains that consist of narrators who were Shia politically, and not theologically?
- Did the Asha'irah and Maturidiyyah preserve the corpus of the Ahadith over the centuries?


- Are there chains that consist of narrators who were Shia politically, and not theologically?

Yup, there are contemporary studies that collected the names of tens if not hundreds of examples of these.

- Did the Asha'irah and Maturidiyyah preserve the corpus of the Ahadith over the centuries?

As a Salafi, I hold the view that the first generations of Islam did not believe in the Ash'ari or Maturidi ideology. That being said, there is no doubt that some Ash'aris played a role of hadith preservation through their late compilations.

Optimus Prime

Brother Farid.

Would such narrations that would any of them in the chain be considered as sound/authentic?


^ Yup. Nobody ever weakened a hadith narrated by Al Bayhaqi for being an Ash'ari.

Optimus Prime

^ Yup. Nobody ever weakened a hadith narrated by Al Bayhaqi for being an Ash'ari.


Give me a name of a classic political Shia narrator.


Abdulrazaq Al San'ani.


Assalamu Aleykum Farid,

I want to take the opportunity of this thread about asha'irah to ask our brother Farid, Hani and others brothers well informed about shiism, what is the status of asha'irah and maturidiyaah acccording to shia ?


Same as the status of Sunnies, they consider them deviant wicked enemies of ahlelBayt
عَلامَةُ أَهْلِ الْبِدَعِ الْوَقِيعَةُ فِي أَهْلِ الأَثَرِ. وَعَلامَةُ الْجَهْمِيَّةِ أَنْ يُسَمُّوا أَهْلَ السُّنَّةِ مُشَبِّهَةً. وَعَلامَةُ الْقَدَرِيَّةِ أَنْ يُسَمُّوا أَهْلَ السُّنَّةِ مُجَبِّرَةً. وَعَلامَةُ الزَّنَادِقَةِ أَنْ يُسَمُّوا أَهْلَ الأَثَرِ حَشْوِيَّةً

Religion = simple & clear


Could you make an articles with some shia quotes to show that their scholars hate all sunnis, not only "wahabi" as they always say. This will shut their mouth for a long Time.


Could you make an articles with some shia quotes to show that their scholars hate all sunnis, not only "wahabi" as they always say. This will shut their mouth for a long Time.

try this video link, theres a clip where shia explains that everyone who acknowledge Syaikhain leadership is a nasibi & other insults about Sunni


Assalamu Aleykum akhi Hadrami,

Barak Allah fik, i know that the one who acknowledge the leadership of shaykhayn over the 12 imam is a nasibi. But i wanted an article on their belief vis-a-vis Allah like this one from Ni'matullah Al Jazairi :

 "الأشاعرة لم يعرفوا ربّهم بوجه صحيح، بل عرفوه بوجه غير صحيح، فلا فرق بين معرفتهم هذه وبين معرفة باقي الكفار.. فالأشاعرة ومتابعوهم أسوء حالاً في باب معرفة الصانع من المشركين والنصارى.. فمعرفتهم له سبحانه على هذا الوجه الباطل من جملة الأسباب التي أورثت خلودهم في النّار مع إخوانهم من الكفار".

He said the Asha'irah didn't know their God correctly, and because of that they are worst than christians and mushrik on knowing their God. For that, they will go to hell eternally.

Abu Jasim Al-Salafi

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  • May Allah guide the Shi'a to the truth
  • Religion: Sunni
Could you make an articles with some shia quotes to show that their scholars hate all sunnis, not only "wahabi" as they always say. This will shut their mouth for a long Time.

Al-Kulaini reported in Ar-Rawdhah (الروضة) Volume 8 Page 135:

روى الكليني: (إن الناس كلهم أولاد زنا أو قال بغايا ما خلا شيعتنا). الروضة 8/135

Al-Kulaini reported : (All people are bastards or prostitutes except for the Shi'a). Ar-Rawdha 8/135.
May Allah guide the Shi'a to the truth. Ameen.

Student of Comparative Religion - Refuter of allegations made against Islam by Christians and Atheists.


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