
confused - Prophet (saw) to Ali: "Anta Khalifati"

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Shia not Rafidi

confused - Prophet (saw) to Ali: "Anta Khalifati"
« on: October 18, 2019, 05:55:09 PM »

Admin: Improved thread title.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2019, 09:28:28 PM by MuslimK »
#__Shia of Ali__#
#__Sunni of Prophet Muhammad__#


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  • یا مقلب القلوب ثبت قلبی علی دینک
    • Refuting Shia allegations everywhere
  • Religion: Sunni
در خلافت میل نیست ای بی‌خبر
میل کی آید ز بوبکر و عمر
میل اگر بودی در آن دو مقتدا
هر دو کردندی پسر را پیشوا

عطار نِیشابوری | |

Shia not Rafidi

Re: confused
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2019, 08:35:22 PM »
in this article, the above mentioned narration isn't addressed..
#__Shia of Ali__#
#__Sunni of Prophet Muhammad__#


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  • یا مقلب القلوب ثبت قلبی علی دینک
    • Refuting Shia allegations everywhere
  • Religion: Sunni
Re: confused - Prophet (saw) to Ali: "Anta Khalifati"
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2019, 09:44:43 PM »
in this article, the above mentioned narration isn't addressed..

This statement and addition "Anta Khalifati", even though weak, is mentioned during the Tabuk expedition when the Prophet (saw) left Ali (ra) in Madina to take care of the women and children - hence "you are my deputy" is said in that context i.e. Ali being in charge in Madina until the Prophet (saw) and the Muslim army returns from Tabuk. Note: In other occasions the Prophet (saw) appointed various other companions in charge of Madina when He would leave the city. 

Anyways, from why the report is weak:

"Finally, the last narration that includes the addition is the narration of Abu Balj Al-Wasiti. However, his narration, while appearing to be strong, includes a hidden defect. We find in Sharh Ilal Al-Tirmithi by Ibn Rajab (p.493) that Ahmad questioned the narration of Amr bin Maymoon from Ibn Abbas, perhaps since the former is much older than him. Then Ibn Rajab adds that Abdul Ghani Al-Hafith believed that Abu Balj made a mistake in the narration and meant to say Maymoon Abu Abdullah (who is weak) when he said Amr bin Maymoon. Ibn Rajab sees this opinion as a valid one."

Besides this, there are also other additions in Hadith of Ghadir Khum (wali kul mumin baadi) and they are also weak:


"So, in conclusion, the addition can be found in the narrations of weak narrators, and only one strong Shi’ee narrator, Ja’afar bin Sulaiman Al-Dhuba’ee, and this conflicts with all the authentic narrations that do not include this addition, therefore the addition is weak."

You can also read more about this here under section Shia Argument #3.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2019, 09:46:19 PM by MuslimK »
در خلافت میل نیست ای بی‌خبر
میل کی آید ز بوبکر و عمر
میل اگر بودی در آن دو مقتدا
هر دو کردندی پسر را پیشوا

عطار نِیشابوری | |


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