And how would they convince you gentlemen of anything. We are speaking about Ameer Muavia and Hazrath Hassan. When one is not even going to accept reality and facts then how can you convince them of anything.
According to the Ahle Sunnah Khalifatul Muslimeen is rightly guided. He is the Ulul Amre of the time. One must not challenge, rebel or go against the Ulul Amre but in fact one should obey him.
Now Hazrath Ali (as) was the fourth rightly guided Khalif of the Muslims. He was the Ulul Amre of his time. It doesn't matter whether it was Ameer Muavia, Hazrath Aisha or anyone else, those who used their influence, support and status to challenge and rebel against the fourth rightly guided Khalif of the Muslims, the Ulul Amre of time were outlaws, rebels and enemy of the state and were undoubtedly extremely wrong.
When we can't even convince you to see and stand by your own principals, to stick to your belief then, how are we suppose to get you to see our point of view about things??? You are stead fast in criticising and condemning, pointing and singling out those who were against anyone from the first three Khalifs, be it Malik Ibne Nuwayra or Muhammad Ibne Abu Bakar or anyone else but when it comes to the fourth Khalif, double standards kick in to place and please excuse me, this is exactly what double standards is all about.
Further more according to reality and facts and this is what it should be about that a terrorist and the definition of a terrorist or terrorists is someone or a group of people who are NOT IN AUTHORITY, point to be noted, who are NOT IN AUTHORITY and who use means of violence and threatening behaviour to have their demands met.
Now were those, who opposed the fourth Khalif, in authority??? No. Did they use means of violence and threatening behaviour to have their demand/s met ( Qisas qatal e Usman)

Absolutely. Now that means they were terrorists but can I get you to agree on this simple thing??? No. I don't think so.
You will probably say "difference in opinion, you have this difference". How is there a difference in opinion when it comes to reality and facts??? When we can't even agree on hardcore reality and facts then how do we get you to see our perspective???