
Further Evidence of Tahreef and Shi'i Stupidity

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Further Evidence of Tahreef and Shi'i Stupidity
« on: November 07, 2019, 06:46:21 PM »
Salaam alaykum wa rahmatullah,

I have a mock Facebook account which I use to monitor the activity (posts, news, etc) of online Rawaafidh.  Recently, one of the despicable ones shared the following narration in bits-and-pieces in relation to Eid Zahra.  I found the full narration along with the reference.

"O Mohammad!  You and your Ahlul Bayt[as] will be afflicted with worldly calamities and adversities, also the oppression of the hypocrites and usurpers from amongst My servants whom you counseled, only to be betrayed by them.  You were sincere towards them, yet they deceived you; you showed them kindness and they drove you away.

I will, by My power and might, open 1000 doors of hellfire from the lowest pits of hell and cast therein those who usurp the rights of your brother Ali[as].  I will make an example of that hypocrite on the Day of Judgment, and like the pharaohs of all the prophets and the enemies of the religion, I will gather them and their companions in the Hellfire and therein they will abide eternally.

O Mohammad!  Your vicegerent and companion will suffer much affliction from this pharaoh and usurper who will have the audacity to alter My words.  He will associate with me a partner and avert people from My path.  He will erect himself as the Golden Cow of your ummah and disbelieve in me.  I have commanded My angels in the seven heavens, your Shia and adorers to celebrate the day I annihilated him on.  And I have ordered My angels to praise Me and seek forgiveness for your Shia and adorers.

O Mohammad!  And I have asked the Honorable Scribes (Al-Kiraam Al-Kaatibeen) to lift the Pen on that day and not to write any of my creations errors in honor of you and your vicegerent.

O Mohammad!  I have made that day a day of eid for you and your Ahlul Bayt and their followers.  I vow by My Glory and Magnificence that I will favor the one who celebrates that day with the rewards of the (angels) surrounding (the throne), and I will give him permission to intercede for close kin, and I will increase his wealth in this world.  And I will free, every year, on that day, thousands of your Shia, adorers and followers from the fires of hell and recompense their striving, forgive their sins and accept their deeds.”
Reference: Hadith Qudsi, Biharul Anwar vol. 95, pg. no. 351

Quick points:

1.  "Your vicegerent and companion will suffer much affliction from this pharaoh and usurper who will have the audacity to alter My words".  Hence, tahreef!

2.  "yet they deceived you".  The Imams (ra) are "infallible" but the Holy Prophet (saw) can be deceived even in matters of religion.

3. "I have made that day a day of eid for you and your Ahlul Bayt and their followers".  And still the Holy Prophet (saw), if we take the Shi'i narrative, failed to inform us of such an "Eid" and therefore denied us from obtaining the following blessing which the hadith states as, "I will favor the one who celebrates that day with the rewards of the (angels)....."
"Our coward ran from those in authority" - Iceman (admitting the truth regarding his 12th Imam)


Re: Further Evidence of Tahreef and Shi'i Stupidity
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2019, 05:35:49 AM »
Salam alaykum,

I can imagine the Twelver saying the alteration is regarding the meaning not the words, but anyway...

One extra point is, Ali (RAA) was supposedly instructed to nevertheless stand down and drop the matter of Khilafah for the sake of Muslim unity, even while these narrations allude that these Sahabah are the worst of the worst people and say they are in the lowest part of Hellfire...Some serious lack of wisdom in such (alleged) instructions to Ali.


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