
'Ali enjoyed citizenship under the rule of Abu Bakr & 'Umar

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Optimus Prime

'Ali enjoyed citizenship under the rule of Abu Bakr & 'Umar
« on: November 29, 2017, 09:50:13 PM »
Assalāmu `alaikum Warahmatullāhi Wabarakatuh

There is a narration whereby a khabeeth Shia approaches 'Ali, and asks to the nearest meaning:

"Why in the time of Abu Bakr & 'Umar, there was no problems, but in your time of rule there is so much strife".

'Ali responds: "In the time of Abu Bakr & 'Umar they ruled over people like me, but in my rein, I rule over people like you".

Can anyone source this narration? I've been searching for this narration for a long time.


Re: 'Ali enjoyed citizenship under the rule of Abu Bakr & 'Umar
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2017, 02:02:36 AM »
Assalāmu `alaikum Warahmatullāhi Wabarakatuh

There is a narration whereby a khabeeth Shia approaches 'Ali, and asks to the nearest meaning:

"Why in the time of Abu Bakr & 'Umar, there was no problems, but in your time of rule there is so much strife".

'Ali responds: "In the time of Abu Bakr & 'Umar they ruled over people like me, but in my rein, I rule over people like you".

Can anyone source this narration? I've been searching for this narration for a long time.

Not if you are Hani, he regards the problems that occurred due to the fact Ali was a weak and incompetent leader. We are currently drafting an article, providing direct quotes and screenshots so that people are aware one of the most prolific article writers for TSN has these beliefs.
"I leave behind for you two weighty things, which if you hold onto, you will never go astray...the Quran and my Ahlulbayt" - Musnad Ibn Rawayh (al-Albani classes Isnaad *independently* as Hasan, and Matn as authentic, as does Al-Arnaut, Ibn Hajar and others.

Optimus Prime

Re: 'Ali enjoyed citizenship under the rule of Abu Bakr & 'Umar
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2017, 02:27:36 AM »
Not if you are Hani, he regards the problems that occurred due to the fact Ali was a weak and incompetent leader. We are currently drafting an article, providing direct quotes and screenshots so that people are aware one of the most prolific article writers for TSN has these beliefs.

whoaretheshia, unless you have a reference for the narration in question, you are hereby to keep your beak shut.

If you wish to make Hani a celebrity by writing about him, then knock yourself out. Kindly rid me of your accursed presence in my threads.



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