
Urgent help needed SOON

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Uthman ibn Madhun

Urgent help needed SOON
« on: November 09, 2017, 08:56:26 PM »
Could anyone who is versed in Arabic and Rijal please provide for me references to prove that even a thiqah narrator who is known to have narrated a particular hadith when he has developed memory problems [and if this can be proved] is no longer 'thiqah' but that tradition if all other narrators are so will not be a 'saheeh' but 'hasan' tradition on account of this weakness?

If you could provide as many references and explain why those carry weight, it will be of great benefit.

Optimus Prime

Re: Urgent help needed SOON
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2017, 06:48:01 PM »
Could anyone who is versed in Arabic and Rijal please provide for me references to prove that even a thiqah narrator who is known to have narrated a particular hadith when he has developed memory problems [and if this can be proved] is no longer 'thiqah' but that tradition if all other narrators are so will not be a 'saheeh' but 'hasan' tradition on account of this weakness?

If you could provide as many references and explain why those carry weight, it will be of great benefit.


Abu Rumaysah

Re: Urgent help needed SOON
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2017, 06:32:20 PM »
as Salam Alaykum.

If truthful narrator got memory problems his ahadeth most likely would be rejected.

Ibn Kathir in "al-Bath al-Hathith" (page 668, Maktabatul Maarif) said while speaking about people whose memory became weak due to different reasons (fear; illness; problem): "Whoever heard from such (narrators) before their change, his narrations are accepted, and if someone heard after, or there is a doubt (if he heard after or before) his reports are not accepted".

Hafidh al-Iraqi said: "Ruling regarding those who changed in their memory (ikhtilat), his reports in such state are not accepted". See Hafidh al-Alai "al-Mukhtalatin" p 7.


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