
who accepted Islam first - need grading and sources

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who accepted Islam first - need grading and sources
« on: October 31, 2018, 10:05:26 PM »
Salam, ignore my nickname as i cant be bothered to chose a nickname for 30 mints. it's my first post here i hope its not a wrong section to post. my question is, i'm from pakistan, and there's someone here who recently said that imam tirmizi r.a and ibrahim nakhai r.a are nasibis maazallah.
he said, imam tirmizi r.a after narrating hadith in tirmizi 3734 says that there's difference of opinion regarding as to who accepted islam first. so the guy said, imam tirmizi r.a is a nasibi despite of seeing ibn abbas r.a hadith he still talks about opinions. please tell me if this narration is sahih or not, and one more thing.

give me any sources or texts you have regarding who accepted islam first. generally we follow simple saying in adults, abu bakr r.a accepted first, in slaves zaid, in child, hazrat ali r.a and in wmen hazrat khadija r.a.

sorry if i made any mistake! amazing + great website and forum.


Re: who accepted Islam first - need grading and sources
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2018, 05:45:42 AM »
Salam, ignore my nickname as i cant be bothered to chose a nickname for 30 mints. it's my first post here i hope its not a wrong section to post. my question is, i'm from pakistan, and there's someone here who recently said that imam tirmizi r.a and ibrahim nakhai r.a are nasibis maazallah.
he said, imam tirmizi r.a after narrating hadith in tirmizi 3734 says that there's difference of opinion regarding as to who accepted islam first. so the guy said, imam tirmizi r.a is a nasibi despite of seeing ibn abbas r.a hadith he still talks about opinions. please tell me if this narration is sahih or not, and one more thing.

give me any sources or texts you have regarding who accepted islam first. generally we follow simple saying in adults, abu bakr r.a accepted first, in slaves zaid, in child, hazrat ali r.a and in wmen hazrat khadija r.a.

sorry if i made any mistake! amazing + great website and forum.

Wa alaikum as salaam

This is the best research into the matter by Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza:

To summarize, the first male to accept Islam was sayyidina Ali b. Abi Talib and the first female was sayyida Khadija عليهما السلام


Re: who accepted Islam first - need grading and sources
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2018, 11:53:31 PM »
please refrain from quoting any KHARJi or BIDDATI KHARJI in my post i forgot to write it. he is the same guy who said imam tirmizi r.a is baabi, fitna spreader and NASIBI! astagfirullah. you called his "lies" as best research now i know what kind of jahil you are, please stay away from my every post. i wish i could block the likes of you.


Re: who accepted Islam first - need grading and sources
« Reply #3 on: November 04, 2018, 07:40:26 AM »
please refrain from quoting any KHARJi or BIDDATI KHARJI in my post i forgot to write it. he is the same guy who said imam tirmizi r.a is baabi, fitna spreader and NASIBI! astagfirullah. you called his "lies" as best research now i know what kind of jahil you are, please stay away from my every post. i wish i could block the likes of you.

 ::) Fool, when did Engineer ever refer to Imam Tirmidhi with such words. I challenge you.


Re: who accepted Islam first - need grading and sources
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2018, 07:56:34 AM »
Salam, ignore my nickname as i cant be bothered to chose a nickname for 30 mints. it's my first post here i hope its not a wrong section to post. my question is, i'm from pakistan, and there's someone here who recently said that imam tirmizi r.a and ibrahim nakhai r.a are nasibis maazallah.
he said, imam tirmizi r.a after narrating hadith in tirmizi 3734 says that there's difference of opinion regarding as to who accepted islam first. so the guy said, imam tirmizi r.a is a nasibi despite of seeing ibn abbas r.a hadith he still talks about opinions. please tell me if this narration is sahih or not, and one more thing.

give me any sources or texts you have regarding who accepted islam first. generally we follow simple saying in adults, abu bakr r.a accepted first, in slaves zaid, in child, hazrat ali r.a and in wmen hazrat khadija r.a.

sorry if i made any mistake! amazing + great website and forum.

When you put all reports together, you conclude: First Muslim is Khadijah (ra), followed by `Ali (ra) first child, then you have first free man is Abu Bakr (ra), first freed slave Zayd (ra) and first slave is Bilal (ra).

It's not a matter of who embraced Islam first though, it is a matter of circumstances and each individual's situation. Abu Bakr (ra) had much more to lose than all the others, Bilal (ra) on the other hand suffered so much more than Khadijah (ra) even though he became Muslim after her.

عَلامَةُ أَهْلِ الْبِدَعِ الْوَقِيعَةُ فِي أَهْلِ الأَثَرِ. وَعَلامَةُ الْجَهْمِيَّةِ أَنْ يُسَمُّوا أَهْلَ السُّنَّةِ مُشَبِّهَةً. وَعَلامَةُ الْقَدَرِيَّةِ أَنْ يُسَمُّوا أَهْلَ السُّنَّةِ مُجَبِّرَةً. وَعَلامَةُ الزَّنَادِقَةِ أَنْ يُسَمُّوا أَهْلَ الأَثَرِ حَشْوِيَّةً

Religion = simple & clear


Re: who accepted Islam first - need grading and sources
« Reply #5 on: November 04, 2018, 08:33:02 AM »
Ali first child, what was his age?


Re: who accepted Islam first - need grading and sources
« Reply #6 on: November 04, 2018, 08:41:27 AM »
When you put all reports together, you conclude: First Muslim is Khadijah (ra), followed by `Ali (ra) first child, then you have first free man is Abu Bakr (ra), first freed slave Zayd (ra) and first slave is Bilal (ra).

It's not a matter of who embraced Islam first though, it is a matter of circumstances and each individual's situation. Abu Bakr (ra) had much more to lose than all the others, Bilal (ra) on the other hand suffered so much more than Khadijah (ra) even though he became Muslim after her.

I consider that Waraqa bin Nawfal رضى الله عنه was also one of those earliest converts to Islam; he believed in the Oneness of Allah and the apostlehood of Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم


Re: who accepted Islam first - need grading and sources
« Reply #7 on: November 19, 2018, 05:47:38 PM »
Yo bros. sorry for being late. Yea, I want some references as to who accepted islam first, any kind of reference will be enough in shaa allah. i mean regarding hazrat zaid r.a islam, do you have any reference or any thing book name any thing? please mention them here.


Re: who accepted Islam first - need grading and sources
« Reply #8 on: November 19, 2018, 05:48:57 PM »
::) Fool, when did Engineer ever refer to Imam Tirmidhi with such words. I challenge you.
go away from my post blind and deaf. go and listen to it again retard! i hate people like you. he clearly said imam tirmizi r.a is a BAABI and look at your self you are defending that kharji? he barks against ameer muawiya r.a and look at your self fool. go away.


Re: who accepted Islam first - need grading and sources
« Reply #9 on: November 19, 2018, 07:18:03 PM »
go away from my post blind and deaf. go and listen to it again retard! i hate people like you. he clearly said imam tirmizi r.a is a BAABI and look at your self you are defending that kharji? he barks against ameer muawiya r.a and look at your self fool. go away.

No stupid, he never attacked against Muawiya R.A or Imam Tirmidhi. Bring the proof. Everything he says is backed up by references, which is why your Mullas can never refute him and only make personal attacks as you are doing now without any academic answer.


Re: who accepted Islam first - need grading and sources
« Reply #10 on: November 19, 2018, 07:53:08 PM »
For those who don't know, Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza is an Urdu lecturer who wrote an amazing research paper on the subjects of Karbala (here in English) and Rawafid and Nawasib available in English

They are also available to read in Arabic and Urdu on the website

Engineer Mirza has done a great contribution to the service of Islam, but a lot of Mullas of various sects are afraid of him and attack him (like Mr. Oxygen here) because he is unveiling the truth about how Nasibi ideas have penetrated the world of Sunni Islam and is battling those wrong ideas.


Re: who accepted Islam first - need grading and sources
« Reply #11 on: November 19, 2018, 09:53:19 PM »
For those who don't know, Engineer Muhammad Ali Mirza is an Urdu lecturer who wrote an amazing research paper on the subjects of Karbala (here in English) and Rawafid and Nawasib available in English

They are also available to read in Arabic and Urdu on the website

Engineer Mirza has done a great contribution to the service of Islam, but a lot of Mullas of various sects are afraid of him and attack him (like Mr. Oxygen here) because he is unveiling the truth about how Nasibi ideas have penetrated the world of Sunni Islam and is battling those wrong ideas.

Engineer Mirza is a Fitna Monger and a deviant. Stop promoting him. He works like how a typical Fitna monger works, he says few things which are correct to gain fame, and after that he starts mixing his false and corrupt ideas along with some truth, so that he goes unnoticed from the general masses. But when the Scholars gear up expose the deviance this guy is spreading, suddenly they become a thorn in the eyes of deviants, who actually hate to see Islam, Sunnah and Salaf being defended by them, as they are the ones who are actually serving Islam in proper sense.

Academic refutations to Engineer Mirza the Jahil are available in Urdu on this website:


Re: who accepted Islam first - need grading and sources
« Reply #12 on: November 19, 2018, 10:23:34 PM »
Engineer Mirza is a Fitna Monger and a deviant. Stop promoting him. He works like how a typical Fitna monger works, he says few things which are correct to gain fame, and after that he starts mixing his false and corrupt ideas along with some truth, so that he goes unnoticed from the general masses. But when the Scholars gear up expose the deviance this guy is spreading, suddenly they become a thorn in the eyes of deviants, who actually hate to see Islam, Sunnah and Salaf being defended by them, as they are the ones who are actually serving Islam in proper sense.

Academic refutations to Engineer Mirza the Jahil are available in Urdu on this website:

Can you give me just 1 example of how the Engineer has made a Fitnah? This way the conversation will stay focused. It is possible you have simply misunderstood something and are blindly following these ulama like Abu Yahya Noorpuri and Ghulam Mustafa Zaheer who are warning against Engineer Mirza.


Re: who accepted Islam first - need grading and sources
« Reply #13 on: November 19, 2018, 10:30:39 PM »
I honestly don't know why people are so allergic to the Engineer. I can understand why Barelwis, Deobandis and Shi'a are against him because he preaches Tawhid and condemns the customs of shirk and bid'ah.
But the so-called Ahlul Hadith have turned against him because the main focus of his Da'wa was to expose the reality of Yazeed and the Umayyads, as well as certain Nasibi preachers like Mahmud Abbasi and Faiz Alam Siddiqui who published books attacking the Ahl al-Bayt and praising Yazeed and the Umayyads.
It is only for this reason that some Ahlul Hadith ulama are attacking the Engineer. They have to satisfy their Gulf donors.


Re: who accepted Islam first - need grading and sources
« Reply #14 on: November 19, 2018, 10:36:02 PM »
I honestly don't know why people are so allergic to the Engineer. I can understand why Barelwis, Deobandis and Shi'a are against him because he preaches Tawhid and condemns the customs of shirk and bid'ah.
But the so-called Ahlul Hadith have turned against him because the main focus of his Da'wa was to expose the reality of Yazeed and the Umayyads, as well as certain Nasibi preachers like Mahmud Abbasi and Faiz Alam Siddiqui who published books attacking the Ahl al-Bayt and praising Yazeed and the Umayyads.
It is only for this reason that some Ahlul Hadith ulama are attacking the Engineer. They have to satisfy their Gulf donors.

Cut the crap out. Personally I don’t like Yazeed. I consider him to be a Fasiq ruler.  So this invalidates your baseless assumption.

What I said about mirza is because I have seen his videos and I know what Kind of Fitna he is trying to spread. But that doesn’t mean he only spreads false ideas. He cleverly balances corrupt and deviant views with some correct views to fool people.

And again watch the videos in the link I gave. Those are academic refutations not baseless personal acttacks.


Re: who accepted Islam first - need grading and sources
« Reply #15 on: November 19, 2018, 10:41:33 PM »
Cut the crap out. Personally I don’t like Yazeed. I consider him to be a Fasiq ruler.  So this invalidates your baseless assumption.

What I said about mirza is because I have seen his videos and I know what Kind of Fitna he is trying to spread. But that doesn’t mean he only spreads false ideas. He cleverly balances corrupt and deviant views with some correct views to fool people.

And again watch the videos in the link I gave. Those are academic refutations not baseless personal acttacks.

As usual, like this Oxygen, you have nothing specific to pinpoint. Who has time to watch those long boring videos? Engineer has nearly HALF A MILLION subscribers on his YouTube channel, while the channel you are advertising has 1.7 thousand  ;D ;D

I think this is the root of the conflict. It comes down to envy and frustration. The Muslims have tuned out from these boring molvis that are intellectually stunted. Engineer is teaching correct information on Islam with charisma.


Re: who accepted Islam first - need grading and sources
« Reply #16 on: November 19, 2018, 11:12:50 PM »
As usual, like this Oxygen, you have nothing specific to pinpoint. Who has time to watch those long boring videos? Engineer has nearly HALF A MILLION subscribers on his YouTube channel, while the channel you are advertising has 1.7 thousand  ;D ;D

I think this is the root of the conflict. It comes down to envy and frustration. The Muslims have tuned out from these boring molvis that are intellectually stunted. Engineer is teaching correct information on Islam with charisma.

I was expecting a childish response to my post. When I said, I dislike yazeed, there was nothing left for you to offer.

Anyways you gave general praise, for such a general criticism and refutation  was pointed.

As for his fan base, then it’s obvious that if a person claiming to be Sunni attacks Sunni personalities then that would pour in a lot of views from Rafidah and they would promote him.

Take example of a Shia scholar who praised Ayesha(alaiha Salam) in a Pakistani Tv show. His video got thousands of shares and millions of views. And that was from Sunnis. So this is how it works.


Re: who accepted Islam first - need grading and sources
« Reply #17 on: November 20, 2018, 12:14:02 AM »
I was expecting a childish response to my post. When I said, I dislike yazeed, there was nothing left for you to offer.

Anyways you gave general praise, for such a general criticism and refutation  was pointed.

As for his fan base, then it’s obvious that if a person claiming to be Sunni attacks Sunni personalities then that would pour in a lot of views from Rafidah and they would promote him.

Take example of a Shia scholar who praised Ayesha(alaiha Salam) in a Pakistani Tv show. His video got thousands of shares and millions of views. And that was from Sunnis. So this is how it works.

Totally wrong. Firstly, the Engineer doesn't attack Sunni personalities, unless you consider Yazeed a "Sunni personality" but you just wrote that you don't favor Yazeed.

Engineer's channel has literally hundreds of lectures, including his Dars al-Quran which is very popular. He explains so many controversial masa'il which have nothing to do with the Sunni-Shi'a issue. He is popular because he explains things with detailed evidence from Quraan and Hadith, unlike the typical Molvi.


Re: who accepted Islam first - need grading and sources
« Reply #18 on: November 20, 2018, 12:35:43 AM »
Totally wrong. Firstly, the Engineer doesn't attack Sunni personalities, unless you consider Yazeed a "Sunni personality" but you just wrote that you don't favor Yazeed.

Engineer's channel has literally hundreds of lectures, including his Dars al-Quran which is very popular. He explains so many controversial masa'il which have nothing to do with the Sunni-Shi'a issue. He is popular because he explains things with detailed evidence from Quraan and Hadith, unlike the typical Molvi.

That shows your utter ignorance in this matter. Mirza attacks Sahaba like Muawiya(ra), etc in a very tricky way. For which he was badly refuted. Secondly he attributes wrong views to Sunni scholars such as Ibn taymiyyah, etc due to his ignorance.

I saw him making mistakes  even in reciting a verse of Quran properly. Or translating the verse properly. He was schooled on it too. Again by the learned Ulema.


Re: who accepted Islam first - need grading and sources
« Reply #19 on: November 20, 2018, 01:10:08 AM »
Totally wrong. Firstly, the Engineer doesn't attack Sunni personalities

Here you see how he attacked imam Ibn Sireen with his infamous deceitful attacking style.


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