I heard that there were 70,000 Israeli Prophets. So all Prophets are not mentioned by named. Recall in the Quran when Talut (as) was appointed to lead there was a Prophet among them who isn't mentioned by name.
In Surah Yaseen there are 3 Prophets mentioned without being named and they came after Prophet Isa (as).
The narration that was quoted, named specific people who transferred Imamah to other Imams/Prophets - that's the issue, there isn't room for unnamed Imams/Prophets in between:
Between Shuaib/Musa (as) and Dawood (as) there is 300 years but there is only one person between them?
...legacy to Musa (a.s.), the son of Imran. Musa (a.s.) to Yusha bin Nun. Yusha to Dawood...
Between Sulayman (as) and Yahya/Isa (as) (they were contemporaries) there's some 950 years but there are
3 people between them. Also Yahya (as) died in the life of Isa (as), how did Shamoon give this to Yahya (as)? Shamoon/Simon Peter was the first Pope of the Catholics and they have a unbroken chain of men that go back to this personality; who they also consider infallible guides...
Sulaiman to Asif bin Barkhiya. Asif to Zakariya, Zakariya to Sayaa, Sayaa to Isa son of Maryam (a.s.)
If it's true the Simon Peter/Shamoon is the infallible guide after Isa (as) there is a problem -

Finally between Yahya/Isa (as) and Muhammed (saw) there is 600 years and there is only 3 people?
...Yahya bin Zakariya to Mundar, Mundar to Saleema, Saleema to Burda, Burda entrusted the legacies to me
Still perplexing...