
Arguments in Quran for Imammate.

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Arguments in Quran for Imammate.
« on: February 25, 2017, 07:22:56 AM »
One reason for God sending Prophets and appointing leaders, is because, there is a great evil in this world, at the heart of it, is fallen creature, that wishes to lead astray humanity. This evil has hands and minions in all societies, and humans are in need of designation from God and manifestation of pure truthful souls, so that humans can side with truthful, and unite on the good.

One reason for God sending Prophets and appointing leaders, is because there are deceivers in this world, who do their best to hide the truth and mask it.  God would not let his truthful friends without proof from him to lead humanity, so that their claim would be on equal footing of the deceivers.

One reason for God sending Prophets and appointing leaders, is so we can truly know ourselves and each other, through the eyes of God rather then falsehood created by our desires and the magic of the dark forces.

One reason for God sending Prophets and appointing leaders, is so we enter the door that God has opened for us, so it can be any easy means to his pleasure.

One reason is so we can glorify God through his name and light of his face, which we would be oblivious to without the reminder.

One reason that God appoints a succession of guides to every founding Messenger, is to unveil knowledge gradually, and increase society in enlightenment.

One reason is because we are in need of God ruling and judging us on all our affairs and making him the judge by which we judge and see things and rule by,  and with times changing and different circumstances that time develops,  we are in need of guide that knows God's judgement.

And one reason we are in need of a guide is to see God as he is meant to be seen and not simply what we attribute to him out of ignorance of our desires or conjecture of false leaders.

And one reason is to so we rise for justice and have banner to unite upon and cling upon so that we can rightfully hold on to God.

We are in need of a rope from God and rope from humans, making the rope of God, to unite upon.

God guides to the truth, and those who guide by the truth are thus his appointed ones, and truly God is more worthy of being followed than those who aren't guided unless God guides them.

Love of the family of Yaseen is the light of the heavens and the earth.

Abu Muhammad

Re: Arguments in Quran for Imammate.
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2017, 03:49:53 PM »
"Arguments in Quran for Imammate" and yet not a single ayah found in the post...


Re: Arguments in Quran for Imammate.
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2017, 11:12:01 PM »
"Arguments in Quran for Imammate" and yet not a single ayah found in the post...

I was going to say the same thing...


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