All of the evidences you have quoted establish the necessity of following the Sahaba رضى الله عنهم as a collective. This is also from where we derive the concept of Ijma. But you haven't presented a single evidence from Qur'an and Sunnah which states that the saying of a Sahabi is a Hujjah in the Religion.
I have proven from Quran, Marfoo hadeeth and sayings of Sahaba and Salaf, that we have believe just like the Sahaba believed. And one authentic hadeeth from a Sahabi about his belief which is not contradicted by any authentic hadeeth is worthy to be believed upon.
But since you insist that the saying of a Sahabi is a Hujjah in the Religion, then I will present to you the views of some of the Sahaba رضى الله عنهم that sayyidina Isa عليه السلام was not raised alive into Heaven in his Jasad:
When the Companion Jarud رضى الله عنه was dispatched to Bahrain to debate with the apostate tribes (Abd al Qais in particular). The reason they had become apostate was because they were bewildered as to how the Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم had died if he was a true Prophet. So they abandoned Islam. Thus Jarud رضى الله عنه put forward to them the examples of sayyidina Musa and sayyidina Eisa عليهم السلام. The apostates bore witness that both of them were Messengers of Allah. Then Jarud said:
وأنا أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأن محمدا عبده ورسوله . عاش كما عاشوا ، ومات كما ماتوا
"And I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except Allah and that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger. He lived as they all lived and he died as they all died."[/font][/size]


One of the basic criteria to act upon a hadeeth is to check whether it is authentic or not. So let us verify whether it is authentic or not.
I looked up for the chain of this report but I didn't find any Isnad for this report in the quoted book, you can try it yourself: ‘Uyayna said:“
A hadith without any chain of transmission is nothing. Certainly the chains of transmission are a ladder of the texts by which one reaches the texts.” [Related by al-Khatib al-Baghdadi in al-Kifaya fi ‘Ilm ar-Riwaya, p. 393.]
Al-Imam ash-Shafi‘i said: “The one who accepts the knowledge from somebody without the sanad(chain of transmission) is like a person carrying a bundle of wood with a snake in it and he does not know. It may bite him (anytime).”[al-Bayhaqi, al-Madkhal ila as-Sunan al-Kubra, p. 211.]
Abdullah bin Mubarak (d. 181 A.H.) said:
الإسناد عندي من الدين لولا الإسناد لقال من شاء ما شاء وإذا قيل له : من حدثك ؟ بقي
‘Isnaad (chains of narrators) to me are a part of Deen, and if it was not for Isnaad, one would have said whatever hee desired. When it is said (to the one who speaks without Isnaad): Who informed you? He remains silent and bewildered.’ (Khateeb Baghdadi’s Al-Akhlaaq Al-Rawi wa Aadaab A-Sami’ 4/392 Narration 1654)
Hence, this report which you quoted gets rejected.
Likewise, we have the statement of sayyidina Hassan al-Mujtaba رضى الله عنه when he gave a sermon at the time of the martyrdom of his honorable father sayyidina Amir ul Mumineen Ali رضى الله عنه. He said:
ولقد قبض في الليلة التي عرج فيها بروح عيسى بن مريم ليلة سبع وعشرين من رمضان
"And he (AliRA) was taken (martyred) in the Night in which the Ruh of Jesus son of Mary ascended, the twenty-seventh of Ramadan."




The statement of sayyidina Hasan رضى الله عنه proves that he believed that sayyidina Eisa عليه السلام did not ascend into Heaven with his Jasad, but only with his Ruh.
This narration has quite a number of problems:
1- In its chain is the narrator Al-Ajlah bin ‘Abdullah who has been criticized by the scholars. Hafiz Ibn Hajr quotes the opinions of various scholars about him;
Ibn Abi Hatim said: ‘He is not strong. Write his narrations but do not seek evidence with them.’
Nasai said: ‘Weak! He has nothing’
Abu Dawud said: ‘[He is] Weak’
Jozjani said: ‘[He is a] Liar’
(Tehzib Al-Tehzib 1/166 Entry 353)
Infact Ibn Sa’d who quoted this narration termed him extremely weak. After giving his basic bio-data he writes:
وكان ضعيفا جدا
‘And he is extremely weak.’ (Tabaqat Ibn Sa’d 6/350)
Hence the narration is extremely weak even according to the judgment of the author of the book.
2- The narration with this particular wording is unreliable as it contradicts another narration on similar lines reported by trustworthy narrators. We read in Al-Hakim’s collection;
حدثنا الأستاذ أبو الوليد الهيثم بن خلف الدوري ، ثنا سوار بن عبد الله العنبري ، ثنا المعتمر قال : قال أبي : حدثنا الحريث بن مخشي ، أن عليا قتل صبيحة إحدى وعشرين من رمضان ، قال : فسمعت الحسن بن علي يقول ، وهو يخطب وذكر مناقب علي ، فقال : « قتل ليلة أنزل القرآن ، وليلة أسري بعيسى ، وليلة قبض موسى »
Abu Al-Waleed Al-Haitham narrated from Sawar bin ‘Abdullah Al-Anbari; he said, Mu’tamar narrated to us; he said: ‘My father said’; Harith bin Makhshi narrated: ‘Ali (RA) was murdered the morning of 21st Ramadan. He said; I heard Hassan bin ‘Ali (RA) speaking. He was making an address and talking of the virtues of ‘Ali (RA); he said: ‘He has been killed the night Qur’an was revealed,
the night ‘Eisa (AS) was moved and the night Musa (AS) died.’ (Mustadrak Hakim, Hadith 4671. Hakim said it is Sahih).
Now this narration uses the word أسري which means to traverse a path, to make displacement. This certainly refers to his physical ascension to the heavens.
Also note that the contrast of this word to the that used for Musa (AS). Had he died a natural death, there was no reason to use the word with the markedly different implication.
Lest one may ask as to the al-Dhahbi’s comment on this Hadith for we know he declared many of the narrations authenticated by al-Hakim as dubious, and recently we considered one such example, I shall clarify that al-Dhahbi did not comment on this narration. And scholars say that a narration of al-Hakim’s Mustadrak on which al-Dhahbi does not comment is Hasan in status if not criticized by others. (See Shaykh Abdul Fattah Abu Ghoddah’s Qawa’id fi ‘Uloom al-Hadith p. 71, pub. Idara al-Qur’an wa ‘Uloom al-Islamia, Karachi)
Same narration has been quoted by Jalaluddin Suyuti in Durr Manthur 2/348 under Qur’an 3:54-57
Obviously the second narration which has been authenticated by the scholars must be considered and first one stands rejected because of its weak chain and difference with the authentic narration. And the second narration does not give any hint to what Ahmadis suggest. Infact it testifies to the contrary.
3- Interestingly Imam Nasai who termed a key narrator of the narration in question as weak and Imam Hakim and Suyuti who have quoted and authenticated the other narration have all been recognized as Mujaddids by Ahmadis.
Thus no authentic narration supports the Ahmadi contention.
Similar narrations from Shi’a sources:
4- Here are some narrations of the similar import from Shi’a sources;
In Biharul Anwar of Allama Muhammad Baqir al-Majlasi it is reported;
عن حبيب بن عمرو قال : لما توفي أمير المؤمنين عليه السلام قام الحسن عليه السلام خطيبا فقال : أيها الناس في هذه الليلة رفع عيسى بن مريم .
Narrated Habib bin ‘Amr: ‘When the Commander of the Faithful passed away, Hassan stood and spoke. He said, ‘O you people!
On this night ‘Eisa ibn Maryam was raised.’ (Biharul Anwar vol.14 p.335)
Another narration says;
عن أبي بصير ، عن أبي عبدالله عليه السلام قال : قال أبوجعفر عليه السلام : لما كانت الليلة التي قتل فيها علي عليه السلام لم يرفع عن وجه الارض حجر إلا وجد تحته دم عبيط حتى طلع الفجر ، وكذلك كانت الليلة التي قتل فيها يوشع بن نون عليه السلام ، و كذلك كانت الليلة التي رفع فيها عيسى بن مريم عليه السلام وكذلك الليلة التي قتل فيها الحسين عليه السلام
Narrated Abi Baseer from Abu Abdullah (A.S.), he said: Abu Ja‘far (AS) said, “On the night when ‘Alí (AS) was murdered no stone was lifted from the face of the earth unless beneath it was found pure fresh blood, until the first break of dawn. It was the same on the night Yusha‘ ibn Nun (A.S.) was murdered, and it was
the same on the night when Eisa ibn Maryam (AS) was raised, and it was the same on the night when Husain (AS) was murdered.” (Biharul Anwar vol.14 p.336)
There are similar reports in Tahdhib al-Ahkam of Abu Ja’far Muhammad bin Hassan al-Tusi and Tafsir Ayyashi.
Conclusion:All these narrations are infact evidence against Ahmadiyya.
The narration of al-Hakim and the first one from Biharul Anwar clearly use the words ‘Qabadha’ and ‘Tawaffi’ implying death of Musa (AS) and Ali (RA) respectively but not one of them uses any such word for ‘Eisa (AS). This is a categorical proof that ‘Eisa (AS) did not die and the ‘Rafa’ mentioned for him relates to physical ascension and not just exaltation in ranks after death.
Taken from we have the statement of sayyidina Umar b. al-Khattab رضى الله عنه at the time when the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم died.
عَنْ عِكْرِمَةَ ، قَالَ : " تُوُفِّيَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ يَوْمَ الِاثْنَيْنِ ، فَحُبِسَ بَقِيَّةَ يَوْمِهِ وَلَيْلَتَهُ وَالْغَدَ حَتَّى دُفِنَ لَيْلَةَ الْأَرْبِعَاءِ ، وَقَالُوا : إِنَّ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ لَمْ يَمُتْ ، وَلَكِنْ عُرِجَ بِرُوحِهِ كَمَا عُرِجَ بِرُوحِ مُوسَى ، فَقَامَ عُمَرُ ، فَقَالَ : إِنَّ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ لَمْ يَمُتْ ، وَلَكِنْ عُرِجَ بِرُوحِهِ كَمَا عُرِجَ بِرُوحِ مُوسَى ، وَاللَّهِ لَا يَمُوتُ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ حَتَّى يَقْطَعَ أَيْدِيَ أَقْوَامٍ وَأَلْسِنَتَهُمْ
Ikrima narrates that Rasul Allah(SAW) died on Monday but was buried on Wednesday. People were saying: "Verily Rasul Allah(SAW) did not die, but his Ruh ascended like the ascension of the Ruh of Musa(AS)." So Umar(RA) stood up and said: "Verily, Rasul Allah(SAW) did not die, but his Ruh ascended like the ascension of the Ruh of Musa(AS). By Allah! Rasul Allah(SAW) will not die until he cuts the hands and tongues of nations." (Darimi Sharif)
This Hadith proves that not only Umar, but some other unnamed companions were saying the same thing. Now why did sayyidina Umar give the example of Musa instead of Eisa. If he believed that Eisa(AS) was alive and not deceased, he would have given that more obvious precedent, rather than mentioning Musa(AS) because everyone is agreed that Musa(AS) died. But the fact that sayyidina Umar(RA) did not give the example of sayyidina Eisa(AS) to prove that likewise the Prophet(SAW) has not died shows that even Umar(RA) knew and believed firmly that sayyidina Eisa(AS) died.
Firstly the report you quoted is weak, because it is Mursal. Ikrima Mawla Ibn Abbas is a Taba'i. Secondly it's not an explicit evidence from your side, which can't overrule an explicit Sahih hadeeth from sahabi.
Secondly, your argument gets killed by another narration on this issue:
عن أبي سلمة بن عبد الرحمن قال: اقتحم الناس على النبي، صلى الله عليه وسلم، في بيت عائشة ينظرون إليه فقالوا: كيف يموت وهو شهيد علينا ونحن شهداء على الناس؟ … لا والله ما مات ولكنه رفع كما رفع عيسى بن مريم، صلى الله عليه وسلم
Narrated Abu Salamah bin ‘Abd al-Rahman: The people rushed to the Prophet, may Allah bless him, in the apartment of ‘Aisha to look at him. They said: “How can he die since he is a witness to us and we are witnesses to other people? … No! by Allah! He has not died; but he has been raised as ‘Eisa ibn Maryam was made to ascend.” (Tabaqat al-Kubra 2/271).
The narration at first place proves that not merely ‘Umar but other companions too referred to ascension of ‘Eisa –may Allah bless him and be pleased with them all.
It further proves that at the back of their minds the blessed companions had the idea that ‘Eisa ibn Maryam –may Allah bless him- was alive and has been raised to the heavens and will return.
A query killed:Lest one say, ‘Eisa’ –may Allah bless him- ascension was not physical because the companions said that while the body of the Holy Prophet –may Allah bless him- was present in front of them, the response is that they said it out of the shock and inability to believe in the death of the Holy Prophet.
We read:
فلم يزل عمر يتكلم ، حتى أزبد شدقاه
“’Umar continued speaking till the edges of his mouth were filled with foam.” (Kanzul ‘Ummal, Hadith 18773)
This was surely due to him being much affected by the tragedy.
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad also said:
“And due to the sorrow he (‘Umar) was like the people who lose senses.” (Tuhfa Ghaznawiya p.55 –R.K. vol.15 p.588)
Moreover, ‘Umar and other companions alluded to ‘Eisa’ –may Allah bless him- ascension to contend against the death of the Holy Prophet –may Allah bless him- which also shows they belief in the life of ‘Eisa –may Allah bless him.
For details refer: according to you the statements of these Sahaba are a Hujjah in the Religion
Please correct yourself. What I meant was about authentic hadeeth, not weak and unreliable reports.
Eisa (AS) did ascend and will descend from the Heavens above; categorical AhadithHadith 1عن ابن عباس قال: لما أراد الله أن يرفع عيسى إلى السماء خرج على أصحابه …ورفع عيسى من رَوْزَنَة في البيت إلى السماء
Ibn Abbas said, “When Allah intended to
raise ‘Eisa to the heavens, he went to his companions … and ‘Eisa ascended to the Heavens through an opening in the top of the house.”
(Ibn Abi Hatim 4/431 Hadith 6266, Ibn Kathir 2/449. Ibn Kathir graded it Sahih)
Hadith 2عن صفية أم المؤمنين رضي الله عنها أنها كانت إذا زارت بيت المقدس ، وفرغت من الصلاة في المسجد الأقصى صعدت على جبل زيتا فصلت عليه وقالت : هذا الجبل هو الذي رفع منه عيسى عليه السلام إلى السماء
It is narrated from Ummul Momineen Safiya, may Allah be pleased with her, that when she visited Bait Al-Maqdis (i.e. Jerusalem) and finished prayers in Al-Aqsa Mosque she climbed up to Mt. Olives and prayed there as well and said: ‘This is the mountain from where
‘Eisa, may Allah bless him, was raised up to the Heavens.’ (Al-Tasrih bima Tawatar fi Nuzul Al-Masih Hadith 74 cf. Tafsir Fath Al-Aziz Surah 95)
Hadith 3إن أبا هريرة رضي الله عنه قال : قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم : « كيف أنتم إذا نزل ابن مريم من السماء فيكم
Narrated Abu Huraira, may Allah be pleased with him: Allah’s Messenger, may Allah bless him, said “What will be your condition when the son of Maryam (i.e. ‘Eisa)
will descend amongst you from the heavens…?” (Baihaqi’s Asmaa wal Sifaat 2/432 Hadith 855; Shaykh Abdullah bin Muhammad al-Hashidi has classified the narration as Sahih))
Hadith 4عن أبى هريرة قال سمعت أبا القاسم الصادق المصدوق يقول …ثم ينزل عيسى بن مريم عليه وسلم من السماء فيؤم الناس
Abu Huraira said: I heard Abul Qasim the Truthful and Trustworthy (i.e. Holy Prophet) say: ‘… then
‘Eisa ibn Maryam, on him be the peace, will descend from the heavens and lead the people.’
(Majma’ Al-Zawaid 7/349. Haithmi said, Bazzar has narrated it and all its narrators are those of the Sahih [i.e. Sahih Bukhari] except Ali bin Munzar and he is also trustworthy)
Hadith 5قال ابن عباس : قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم : فعند ذلك ينزل أخي عيسى ابن مريم من السماء
Ibn Abbas narrated: the Messenger of Allah, on whom be the blessings of Allah, said:
‘And near it (Bait al-Maqdis) will descend from the Heavens my brother ‘Eisa ibn Maryam.’
(Kanzul Ummal 14/619 Hadith 39726)
Hadith 6عن ابن عباس { إن تعذبهم فإنهم عبادك } يقول : عبيدك قد استوجبوا العذاب بمقالتهم { وإن تغفر لهم } أي من تركت منهم ومد في عمره حتى أهبط من السماء إلى الأرض يقتل الدجال ، فنزلوا عن مقالتهم ووحدوك
About the verse, ‘If you punish them they are your servants’ Ibn Abbas said, he [‘Eisa] will say: ‘These slaves of yours have invited your chastisement by what they said [and believed]’. ‘And if you forgive them’ i.e. ‘those whom I left behind me and those who were there when
I came down from the Heavens to Earth to kill al-Dajjal and they turned back from what they said [i.e. Trinity] and believed in your Oneness…’
(Durr Manthur 4/27 Under Surah 5 Ayah 118).
Hadith 7We read in Al-Hakim’s collection;
حدثنا الأستاذ أبو الوليد الهيثم بن خلف الدوري ، ثنا سوار بن عبد الله العنبري ، ثنا المعتمر قال : قال أبي : حدثنا الحريث بن مخشي ، أن عليا قتل صبيحة إحدى وعشرين من رمضان ، قال : فسمعت الحسن بن علي يقول ، وهو يخطب وذكر مناقب علي ، فقال : « قتل ليلة أنزل القرآن ، وليلة أسري بعيسى ، وليلة قبض موسى »
Abu Al-Waleed Al-Haitham narrated from Sawar bin ‘Abdullah Al-Anbari; he said, Mu’tamar narrated to us; he said: ‘My father said’; Harith bin Makhshi narrated: ‘Ali (RA) was murdered the morning of 21st Ramadan. He said; I heard Hassan bin ‘Ali (RA) speaking. He was making an address and talking of the virtues of ‘Ali (RA); he said: ‘He has been killed the night Qur’an was revealed,
the night ‘Eisa (AS) was moved and the night Musa (AS) died.’ (Mustadrak Hakim, Hadith 4671. Hakim said it is Sahih).
Now this narration uses the word أسري which means to traverse a path, to make displacement. This certainly refers to his physical ascension to the heavens. Also note that the contrast of this word to the that used for Musa (AS). Had he died a natural death, there was no reason to use the word with the markedly different implication.
Hadith 8عن ابن عباس قال … وإن الله رفعه بجسده، وانه حي الآن، وسيرجع إلى الدنيا فيكون فيها ملكاً، ثم يموت كما يموت الناس
Narrated from Ibn Abbas, he said: “… and verily Allah raised him [Eisa ibn Maryam]
with his body while he was alive and he will soon return to this world and will be a ruler therein. Then he will die as other people die.” (Ibn S’ad’ Tabaqat Al-Kubra 1/53)
Taken from : 8Proof that Isa(as) didn't die.
Al-Tabari and Ibn Abi Hatim quote hadeeth, notice word يأتي (future tense):
“When a delegation of sixty men from (the Christian) people of Najran came to the Holy Prophet, their chief priest discussed with him the status of Jesus and asked him as to who Jesus’ father was. The Holy Prophet said…:
ألستم تعلمون أن ربَّنا حيّ لا يموت، وأنّ عيسى يأتي عليه الفناء؟
“Do you not know that Our Lord (Allah) is ever living
but death will come to Jesus?”
(Tafsir Al-Tabari 6/154 Narration. 6544, Ibn Abi Hatim 9/408. Both have brought it under verse 1 of Surah 3)
Therefore the conclusion is that, weak and unrealible reports cannot be taken as hujjah, in comparison to authentic reports from multiple Sahaba.