You haven't proven that at all, i.e., that the Qawl of a Sahabi is a Hujjah in the Religion, and why you completely overlooked the Athar of Ibn Abbas about the 7 Earths which each Earth having a Prophet like our Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم
I mentioned two conditions that first it should be authentic second it shouldn't contradict marfoo hadeeth or Jamhoor sahab's view.
As for the evidence of the Qawl of Sahabi beinng Hujjah, then I'll quote some references out of many from the book, "Hal Qowl as-Sahabah Hujjah fi Deen", by Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammad.
(i). It has been reported in the book, “Usul Madhab Imaam Ahmed” that :
Ishaaq Bin Ibraheem Bin Haani asked Imaam Ahmed, “I asked Abu Abdullah, ‘Which one is more preferable to you, a hadith attributed to the Messenger Muhammad (saw) by a trustworthy Tabi’ (i.e. hadith mursal) or a
hadith attributed to a Sahabi by a sound chain that the Sahabi said (i.e. hadith mawqouf).’ He said, ‘
If the hadith is connected to the Sahabi it is dearer to me. (Usul Madhab Imam Ahmed, pg. 435-436 ) [Hal Qowl as-Sahabah Hujjah fi Deen, page, 58]
(ii). It is reported by Imaam Shaafi’i in his book Kitaab ul-Umm that he said,
“Whatever is mentioned in the Qur’an and the Sunnah leaves no excuse for anyone who hears it but to follow it. If such a matter is not mentioned within them we (then)
go to the sayings of the Companions of the Messenger Muhammad (saw) even (to a single) one from amongst them. We follow the sayings of the four Khulafaah; we imitate them and we do not question for this is dearer to us if we don’t find any sign of disagreement among the four. If they differ, we take whoever is nearest to the Qur’an and Sunnah and who was the first to embrace Islaam. If we do not find it among the Sahabah, we seek the ‘Ilm from those who used to follow the Attba of them i.e. the Tabi’een. “The ‘Ilm is five levels: (i) Kitaab (Qur’an) and Sunnah which has been confirmed (ii) Ijmaa as-Sahabah about things never mentioned in the Qur’an and the Sunnah
(iii) If some of the Sahabah or (even) one of them said something and we do not know of anyone who disagrees with it, then it is ‘Ilm (knowledge about the deen) and we take it (iv) If the companions disagree, we will take the one who is the higher level (i.e. entered Islaam first) (v) The analogy on the Qur’an and the Sunnah. (ash-Shaafi’i, Kitaab ul-Umm, Vol. 7 pg. 265). [Hal Qowl as-Sahabah Hujjah fi Deen, page 55-56]
(iii). It has been reported from Imaam Al-Saymari in his book, “Akhbaar Abu Haneefah wa Ashaabu” that Imaam Abu Haneefah said:
“I will follow the Qur’an (firstly) if I find the evidence and if I am unable to find it in the Qur’an I will take go to the Sunnah of the Messenger Muhammad (saw) which has been transmitted amongst the trustworthy from the trustworthy. If I did not find it in the book or Allah (swt) or in the Sunnah of the Messenger Muhammad (saw)
I will take the opinion of any one of them (Sahabah) and leave the opinion of anyone else amongst them. (And) I will not depart from their sayings to anyone who followed after them. If the matter reached Ibraheem and Al-Shu’bi al-Hassan, Ibn Sireen, Saeed Bin Jubayr or Sa’eed Bin Musayyab, I have the right to make Ijtihad in the same way they did. (Saymari, Akhbaar Abu Haneefah wa Ashaabu, pg. 10). [Hal Qowl as-Sahabah Hujjah fi Deen, Page 50-51]
(iv). It has also been reported by Imaam Shaybaani in his book, “Sharh Adab Al-Qadhi” that Imaam Abu Haneefah said, “Whatever reached
me that the Sahabi said I will make Taqleed (following) for it, imitate it, and I do not permit (doing) this for anyone else.(Shaybaani, Sharh Adab Al-Qadhi, Vol. 1 pg. 185-187 ). [Hal Qowl as-Sahabah Hujjah fi Deen, page 51] usual you are just copying and pasting what Waqar Akbar Cheema has written polemically without bothering to verify anything. Hafiz Ibn Hajar himself after reviewing all the different views regarding Ajlah b. Abd Allah concluded by declaring him Saduq:[/size][/font]


Here you can read a more detailed analysis of the narrator Ajlah b. Abd Allah b. Hujayyah al Kindi
The conclusion:
1- Shaykh Ahmed Shaakir said: “He is Thiqah, some people have criticized him for no reason”
[Tahqeeq Tafseer at-Tabari: 5/169]
2- Shaykh Sulemaan bin Abdullah bin Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhaab authenticated his hadeeth and said: “All its narrators are Thiqaat”
[Tayseer al-Azeez al-Hameed fi Sharh Kitaab at-Tawheed: 1/521]
3- Haafidh Ibn Ahmed bin Ali al-Hukmi (D. 1377) while commenting on a hadeeth, said: “Al-Ajlah…. Is Sadooq Shi’i as said in al-Taqreeb, and the remaining narrators are Thiqaat, narrators of Shaykhayn, therefore the chain is Hasan…”
[A’laam al-Sunnah al-Manshoorah: 1/22]
4- Shaykh Naasir ud-Deen Albaani declared him Hasan ul-Hadeeth
[Silsilah as-Saheehah: 139]
5- Husayn Saleem Asam authenticated his hadeeth saying: “Its chain is Hasan”
[Tahqeeq Musnad Abi Ya’la: 2639, 7239]
6- Shaykh Abdullah bin Deefullah al-Raheeli said: “The conclusion is that he is differed upon, and apparently he is Hasan ul-Hadeeth, and evidence is not taken from him in that which accords his Bid’ah”
[Tahqeeq Man Takallam feehi of Dhahabi: 1/74]
7- Shaykh Abu Taahir Zubayr Alee Za’ee mentioned him in “Al-Sa’ee al-Mashkoor Feeman Waththaqah ul-Jumhoor (Those who are Thiqah according to the Jumhoor)”
[Tahqeeqi Maqaalaat: P. 349]
Truly, such an argument is not convincing since these are three very late scholars. And the views of Mutaqaddimeen(early scholars) takes over the view of Muta'khireen(later scholars).
Ironically, when going back to Fath Al-Bari, in the chapter of “باب: أحل لكم الصيد الطيب” we find that al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar weakens Al-Ajlah.
Similarly, Al-Albani mentions that al-Ajlah is one of the reasons that he weakened a Hadith in his book Al-Silsila Al-Dha`eefa #1570.
al-Ajlah was weakened by Al-Qattan, Abu Hatim, Al-Nasa’ee, Al-Jawzajani, Abu Dawud, Ibn Sa’ad, Al-Uqaili, Ibn Hibban, Al-Saji, Ibn Jarud, and Abu Al-Arab. See Ikmal Mughlatay and Ibn Hajar’s Tahtheeb.
Even those that strengthened him didn’t strengthen him completely. For example, Yaqoub bin Sufyan Al-Fasawi, who made tawtheeq of him said that his hadith is soft. Ibn Ma’een, who referred to him as a thiqa, used other wordings like salih and la ba’asa bihi, implying that he isn’t a top tier narrator. Ibn Adi also referred to him as a shi’ee. Regardless, the majority of the scholars have weakened him, as we can see, so his narration is rejected.
SECONDLY, if for arguments sake, if we consider al-Ajlah is Saduq, even then there remains a possibility of a saduq narrator reporting munkar report.
Sadooq, which means someone who was 'aadil but his dhabt is not well established, when he alone narrates a report from some famous Muhaddith, then it is counted among Munkar, in many cases.
Imam al-Dhahabi said:
الذهبي : وهو ما انفرد الراوي الضعيفُ به. وقد يُعَدُّ مُفْرَدُ الصَّدُوقِ منكَراً.
(Al-Mawqiza fi ilm Mustalah al-hadeeth, by Imam Dhahabi) matn(text) of this hadeeth is Munkar, since it does contradicts the correctly reported hadeeth:
We read in Al-Hakim’s collection;
حدثنا الأستاذ أبو الوليد الهيثم بن خلف الدوري ، ثنا سوار بن عبد الله العنبري ، ثنا المعتمر قال : قال أبي : حدثنا الحريث بن مخشي ، أن عليا قتل صبيحة إحدى وعشرين من رمضان ، قال : فسمعت الحسن بن علي يقول ، وهو يخطب وذكر مناقب علي ، فقال : « قتل ليلة أنزل القرآن ، وليلة أسري بعيسى ، وليلة قبض موسى »
Abu Al-Waleed Al-Haitham narrated from Sawar bin ‘Abdullah Al-Anbari; he said, Mu’tamar narrated to us; he said: ‘My father said’; Harith bin Makhshi narrated: ‘Ali (RA) was murdered the morning of 21st Ramadan. He said; I heard Hassan bin ‘Ali (RA) speaking. He was making an address and talking of the virtues of ‘Ali (RA); he said: ‘He has been killed the night Qur’an was revealed,
the night ‘Eisa (AS) was moved and the night Musa (AS) died.’ (Mustadrak Hakim, Hadith 4671. Hakim said it is Sahih).
It doesn't mention the odd, wordings which is narrated through the route of al-Ajlah, hence without a shadow of doubt that hadeeth is Munkar(denounced).
Heck, do you even know that a hadeeth can even have authentic chain, but the Matn(text) of it will be faulty.
mam Ibn Katheer said:
” الحكم بالصحة أو الحسن على الإسناد لا يلزم منه الحكم بذلك على المتن ، إذ قد يكون شاذاً أو معللاً “
The fact that the Isnaad(chain) is deemed to be Sahih or Hasan does not necessarily mean that the same applies to the text, because it may be shaadhdh (odd) or mu’allal (faulty). [Ikhtisaar ‘Uloom al-Hadeeth (p. 43).]
And the procedure to check this, is by comparing it with other reports, and this is what Waqar cheema did, he compared it with other reports and when he did that it was apparent that the wordings in the hadeeth of al-Ajlah were odd and hence Munkar, due to the weakness of al-Ajlah.
قال الخطيب البغدادي: "السبيل إلى معرفة علة الحديث أن يجمع بين طرقه، وينظر في اختلاف رواته، ويعتبر بمكانهم في الحفظ، ومنزلتهم في الإتقان والضبط"
ABu Bakr al-Khatib said,"The way to discover the defect of a hadith is to collect the lines of transmission, examine the differences of its transmitters and examine their position in regard to retention and their status in regard to exactitude and precision [Uloom al Hadeeth, page 82]
How strange is it you dismissed the Hadith I quoted as being weak (and it isn't weak as I've proven that Ajlah b. Abd Allah is declared as acceptable in Hadith), and now you are quoting narrations from Mulla Baqir Majlisi and Shi'ite books? How unfair is this?!
Come out of Imaginations, the hadeeth you used is Munkar , I have proven it by the help of Allah. And quoting a shia hadeeth is not unfair, since it's just a supportive evidence. I have already quoted the hadeeth from Mustadrak al Hakim, which seems didn't go down your throat.
What! You dismiss the narration I bring because it is Mursal despite being authentically established until Ikrima, but then you quote a narration that is truly weak. It contains the matrook narrator Muhammad b. Umar al-Waqidi, he is severely weak.
As, I said before you are just clutching at straws, the report which you used, which I weakened since Ikrima couldn't be a witness to that event and heard from some unknown narrator, then that hadeeth in itself is any categorical evidence.
Firstly, Sahaba were in a state of shock, it wasn't under normal circumstances. Secondly, they could have used the example of Musa(as) because he had returned in a short time, unlike Isa(as) who would return at the end of time, obviously Sahaba used an example, in which they wouldn't be a long gap for absence of Prophet(saws) among them.
You see all you need is some common sense to discard all your spider's web like arguments.
Don't you realise these above 2 Athar you cited are contradicting each other? Did Eisa عليه السلام ascend to heaven on the Mount of Olives or from the roof of a house?
If Allah provided you some wisdom, you can use it to reconcile these reports. It's easy. The house could have been on the mount of olives from where Isa(as) was ascended to heaven.
Hadith 3
إن أبا هريرة رضي الله عنه قال : قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم : « كيف أنتم إذا نزل ابن مريم من السماء فيكم
Narrated Abu Huraira, may Allah be pleased with him: Allah’s Messenger, may Allah bless him, said “What will be your condition when the son of Maryam (i.e. ‘Eisa) will descend amongst you from the heavens…?” (Baihaqi’s Asmaa wal Sifaat 2/432 Hadith 855; Shaykh Abdullah bin Muhammad al-Hashidi has classified the narration as Sahih))
The narration is Shaadh in its wording, because more authentic narrations such as from Sahihayn don't mention the word "sky".
It would be considered as ziyadah not shaadh. And it is accepted by scholars of hadeeth. That is why Shaykh Abdullah bin Muhammad al-Hashidi has classified the narration as Sahih. But due to lack of knowledge you make these despo kind of silly arguments.
but even if these narrations about descending from the sky are authentic, it does not necessarily prove that Jesus was raised to the sky in his body, or that at present he is living in the sky in his Jasad without being fed.
Atleast believe, that Isa(As) will descend from heaven, with body, as I proved it from the hadeeth of Sahih Muslim, showing he will take support by placing his hands on the wings of Angels, wearing clothes, and beads of water will fall from his hair, which clearly proves as a body. Not just soul.