๐๐๐ I don't know where you get your fairytales from.
From the mouth of the donkey who clearly distinguished himself from Islam and the Muslims.
Allow me to correct you. Muslims didn't fight each other, certain individuals rebelled against your 4th RIGHTLY GUIDED CALIPH OF THE MUSLIMS. They challenged your Caliph and your Caliphate system by means of violence and threatening behaviour. And you don't have the courage to criticise and condemn those and what needs to be criticised and condemned.
Muslims fought each other because Imam Ali (ra) never considered them "certain individuals" but instead as "Muslims". And they did not challenge the Caliphate system; they disagreed over the blood of Uthman (ra) and it was Imam Ali (ra) to bring troops to fight them. However, the point still stands. The first major bloodshed among Muslims happened at the time of Imam Ali (ra) and then Imam Hassan (ra). Hence, you should blame Imamah for Islamic bloodshed.
And you talk about crticisism and condemnation of Kufr in a silly clip created and designed for propaganda purposes.
No, I want to see how far will you go to not condemn such a kufr-ish clip to show you your "auqaat".
Ok, so where's Caliphate then? The absent concept of Imamah is because of certain Muslims pushing for authority rather than being governed by the Prophet's s.a.w desire and choice.
Caliphate is gone, unfortunately, but the first instance of Muslim infighting and bloodshed came at the time of an "infallible" (ra). Therefore, blame Imamah!
Remember the black day, where the Prophet s.a.w was refused access to pen and paper. That's what caused the problem.
Going by your belief, on that day, much like on so many other days, the "infallibles" (ra) stood around incapable of bringing pen and paper. Once again, Umar (ra) incapacitated the "Divinely Appointed Infallibles" (ra). They could not even overcome Umar (ra) to bring pen and paper and you want us to believe that they will guide all mankind.
And those are the ones who refused the Prophet s.a.w access to pen and paper and disregarded what he wanted them to have. There's your blame and who needs to be blamed.
For the sake of argument, I blame everyone who refused, and was unable, to bring pen and paper. That is the fair stance. If we adopt it, then, we have to also blame those who sat idly and did nothing, like Imam Ali (ra).
Time and again, your accusations fall directly upon your own "infallibles" (ra). Every. Time.
I'm not the slightest worried about saqifa. Why would an coincidental and unfortunate incident worry me, and the unfair, unjust, immature decision made by a handful of people.
It should worry you because, among many other reasons, the same "immature decision" was upheld by Imam Ali (ra) and Imam Hassan (ra) who accepted to rule as per the "immature decision".
Did I? ๐ Where and when?
"Not me. Oh not at all. It's actually scarred Islam as well as the Muslim Ummah ๐"
"Inflicted lifelong wounds on Islam and the Muslims, not on me. Oh not at all."
In both those statements, you have made the claim that Saqifa scarred Islam and Muslims, not you. From that, it can be inferred that you are outside Islam and do not belong with the Muslims. Had you been a little smarter, you would have said that Saqifa has scarred "most", "a significant portion", etc, of the Ummah.
Absolutely they got what THEY WANTED. Not what the PROPHET S.A.W WANTED. Thanks for admitting it.
How do you know it is not what the Prophet (saw) wanted? The Prophet (saw) had left the earthly existence when the first three (ra) coerced your "infallibles" (ra) into unimportance and rendered them helpless, lol.
That's how you see it. They were given a title and a job to do (Imamah), and mashallah they did it well. They didn't let their desire or will get in their way. Mashallah ๐
Yes, they
did their job. They affirmed that Abu Bakr (ra) was right when it comes to Fadak. They affirmed that Muawiya, contrary to your belief, was a Muslim. They affirmed, beyond a shadow of doubt, and to darken your face, that their rule was not "Divinely Ordained". Indeed they did a good job except their deeds go against your beliefs. Oops!
You don't understand why Imamah is all about.
You could not distinguish Yunus (asws) from Yusuf (asws).
Because you've been fed rubbish about it from day one so how would you.
I asked at Shi'i mosques. If you do not like my understanding of Imamah, you should fight those mosques. I believe I already provided you their names and location.
Start a thread on Imamah, commit yourself to a discussion not argument and stick to the thread and what is being discussed and I ill tell you infact educate you on Imamah and what it's all about.
Seems like you should first educate your own mosques because clearly you know something they don't!
It isn't absent you're in constant denial over it.
Then where is it? Not a single verse!
With your behaviour I can tell that I've got and I'm getting the better of you.
Consolation prize?
Muawiyah opposed your Caliphate system. In fact he made a mockery out of it by using means of violence and threatening behaviour. He used his influence, support and connections which he built under the regin of the first three and used it to his advantage.
So Muawiya used his influence, support and connections to render Imam Ali (ra) and Imam Hassan (ra) - who were being aided by Allah (swt) - useless? A mere mortal outsmarted and outwitted two "Divinely Chosen Infallible" beings (ra)! I say this Muawiya was a genius. No wonder he gives you nightmares.
Have some dignity and shame by sticking to one thing and principle.
Kaminay, kanjar, you brought up ahaadith, not me.
Yazeed was your beloved Caliph as well. Honour and praise him just like the first three.
Compared to you, Yazeed, indeed, was an honorable and praiseworthy man. His crime was that he killed Imam Hussain (ra); your crime is that you are hell-bent upon throwing the entire Ummah in confusion by undermining the message of Islam.