
Hadith of Twelve Imams from Yanabi Al-Mawada and Fara'id Al-Simtain

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This issue has been brought up quite a few times in the past year, so it deserves a post.

The author of Yanabi' Al-Mawadi is quoting the author of Fara'id Al-Simtain.

Shias always quote this hadith from Fara'id Al-Simtain to prove that Sunnis believe that the Twelve Imams of Ahlulbayt are infallible and are appointed by Allah.

The hadith:

عبد الله بن عباس ، قال : سمعت رسول الله (صلّى الله عليه وسلّم) يقول : أنا وعليّ والحسن والحسين وتسعة من ولد الحسين مطهّرون معصومون

"Abdullah bin Abbas said: I heard the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him say: Me, Ali, Al-Hasan, Al-Hussain, and nine of Al-Hussain's children are purified infallibles."

However, upon returning to the chain of the hadith, these are the names we find:

أنبأني الإمام بدر الدين محمد بن أبي الكرم (٢) عبد الرزاق بن أبي بكر بن حيدر ، أخبرني القاضي فخر الدين محمد بن خالد الحنيفي الأبهري كتابة ، قال : أنبأنا السيد الإمام ضياء الدين فضل الله بن عليّ أبو الرضا الراوندي إجازة ، أخبرنا السيد أبو الصمصام ذو الفقار بن محمد بن معد الحسني ، أنبأنا الشيخ أبو جعفر الطوسي ، أنبأنا أبو عبد الله محمد بن محمد بن النعمان ، وأبو عبد الله الحسين بن عبيد الله ، وأبو الحسين جعفر بن الحسين ابن حسكة القمّي ، وأبو زكريا محمد بن سليمان الحرّاني ، قالوا كلّهم : أنبأنا الشيخ أبو عفر محمد بن عليّ بن بابويه القمّي(٣) قال : أخبرنا علي بن [ محمد بن ] عبد الله الوراق الرازي ، قال : أخبرنا سعد بن  عبد الله ، قال : أنبأنا الهيثم بن أبي مسروق النهدي عن الحسين بن علوان ، عمرو بن خالد ، عن سعد بن طريف ، عن الأصبغ بن نباتة : عن عبد الله بن عباس

As we can see, we have a group of narrators narrating from Abu Ja'afar Al-Saduq, the famous Shia hadith compiler.

The Shia editor, Mohammad Baqir Al-Mahmoodi admits this. He says:

 رواه في أواخر الباب : (٢٤) من كتاب إكمال الدين

"He (Al-Saduq) narrated this in the end of chapter 24 in Ikmal Al-Deen."

In conclusion, this hadith that Shias have been spreading is from their books, and it is not a Sunni hadith.

Fara'id Al-Simtain can be found on this Shia site:

See here for more about Fara'id Al-Simtain:


Re: Hadith of Twelve Imams from Yanabi Al-Mawada and Fara'id Al-Simtain
« Reply #1 on: November 25, 2015, 08:33:14 PM »
Any narration that restricts the number of Imams to 12 or lists their names are very late Imami fabrications that happened  during the small Ghaybah and what is after it. Culprits are the likes of `Ali bin Ibrahim al-Qummi, Ibn Babuwayh al-Qummi etc...

Another thing is, you often find Sunnies and twelvers duking it out online and debating whether a certain book is a Sunni or a twelver one. Fact is, many of these books were neither strictly Sunni nor twelver, Murouj-ul-Dhahab by al-Mas`oudi is a Mu`tazili book with Shia leanings (thanks to bani al-`Abbas), Sharh-ul-Nahj was a Mu`tazili book by ibn abi al-Hadid and he had Shia leanings although he refutes Shia in his book and defends the Sahabah, Maqatil al-Talibiyyeen is a Zaydi book that's why it employs Sunni chains... Some low-class scholars would compile Hadith books for anyone who pays them, if the politician is Shia and he pays well they'll write him a Shia Hadith book even though they're not Shia such as Sibt ibn al-Jawzi.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2015, 08:50:03 PM by Hani »
عَلامَةُ أَهْلِ الْبِدَعِ الْوَقِيعَةُ فِي أَهْلِ الأَثَرِ. وَعَلامَةُ الْجَهْمِيَّةِ أَنْ يُسَمُّوا أَهْلَ السُّنَّةِ مُشَبِّهَةً. وَعَلامَةُ الْقَدَرِيَّةِ أَنْ يُسَمُّوا أَهْلَ السُّنَّةِ مُجَبِّرَةً. وَعَلامَةُ الزَّنَادِقَةِ أَنْ يُسَمُّوا أَهْلَ الأَثَرِ حَشْوِيَّةً

Religion = simple & clear


Re: Hadith of Twelve Imams from Yanabi Al-Mawada and Fara'id Al-Simtain
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2015, 03:13:18 PM »
Assalamu Aleykum,

lhamdulillah another lie from shia callers exposed by brother Tripoly sunni.

In the very same shia encyclopaedia, in the chapter “Ghadir Khum (Part 2 of 3)”  they say:

    During the reign of Uthman, Ali protested by reminding people the following tradition. Also, he reminded it again during the war of Siffin: When the Messenger of Allah spoke of (Tradition of Ghadir)…, Salman stood up and said: “O’ Messenger of Allah! What does WALAA mean? and how?” Prophet replied: “The same way that I am your WALI (Wala-un ka wala’i). Whomever (considered me) I was more deserving in him than himself, then Ali is more deserving in him than himself.”

    Sunni reference: Fara’id al-Samtain, by Hamawaini (Abu Is’haq Ibrahim Ibn Sa’d al-Din Ibn al-Hamawiyia), section 58.

Let us this introduction from this “sunni” man, that he wrote to his book.

Page 12:
والحمد لله الذي ختم النبوّة والرسالة بمحمّد المصطفى الأميّ الأمين المأمون ، وبدأ الولاية من أخيه ، وفرع صنو أبيه ، المنزل من موسى فضيلته النبويّة (2) منزلة هارون ، وصيّه الرضي المرتضى ، علي ـ عليه السلام ـ باب مدينة العلم المخزون

Translating some parts of this intro:  Alhamdulillah who sealed the Prophethood with Muhammad al Mustafa and begun the Wilayah with his brother who has the rank of Haroon from Moses, Ali (alaihi salam) the Gate of the city of knowledge…


Comment: That’s the “Sunni” source they’re talking about?

Let us see further:
ثمّ ختم الولاية بنجله الصالح (3) المهتدي الحجّة القائم بالحق … وآزره بالأئمة المعصومين من ذرّيّته أهل الهداية والتقوى

Translation: Then He sealed the Wilayah with his descendant al Mahdi Al Hujjah al Qa’em with the truth … And He had aided him with the infallible Imams from his progeny who are the Ahlul Hidayah and taqwa.

Comment: You still think that this al Juwaini al Hamawaini is a sunni source?? Or may be he was Twelver Shia? How can you let those propaganda websites trick you like this I just don’t know!!!? At least open the books and read a page or two.

Some additional points:

1) From Agha Burzugh al Tehrani
وقال آغا بزرك طهراني في كتابه ذيل كشف الظنون ص70 (فرائد السمطين في فضائل المرتضى والبتول والحسنين مرتب على سمطين أولهما في فضائل الامير عليه السلام في سبعين باباً وخاتمة ، وثانيهما في فضائل البتول والحسنين في اثنين وسبعين باباً لصدر الدين ابراهيم بن سعد الدين محمد بن المؤيد بن أبى الحسين بن محمد بن حمويه الحمويني الذي أسلم على يده السلطان محمود غازان في سنة 694 وتشيع أخيراً لكن أظهر التشيع أخوه الشاه خدا بندة نسخة منه عند السيد احمد آل حيدر).

The Famous shia scholar Agha Burzugh al Tehrani in his book “Thail Kashf al Zunoon” page 70,  says that: “Al Hamawaini who converted Sultan Mahmood bin Ghazan in 694 A.H to islam and then he finally adopted Shiism”.

2) Rafida also claimed that Dhahabi was student of this Hamaweih al Juwaini.

Zirkili in his book “al A’alam” (1/63) said:
الجويني (644 – 722 ه* = 1246 – 1322 م) إبراهيم بن محمد بن المؤيد أبي بكر بن حمويه الجويني صدر الدين أبو المجامع : شيخ خراسان في وقته . من أهل (جوين بها رحل في طلب الحديث فسمع بالعراق والشام والحجاز وتبريز وآمل طبرستان والقدس وكربلاء وقزوين وغيرها وتوفي بالعراق عرفه ابن حجر (في الدرر) بالشافعي الصوفي وقال : خرج لنفسه تساعيات وجعله الأمين العاملي من أعيان الشيعة ولقبه بالحموئي (نسبة إلى جده حمويه) وقال : له (فرائد السمطين في فضائل المرتضى والبتول والسبطين – خ) في طهران (الجامعة المركزية 583) في 160 ورقة وقال الذهبي : شيخ خراسان كان حاطب ليل – يعني في رواية الحديث – جمع أحاديث ثنائيات وثلاثيات ورباعيات من الأباطيل المكذوبة وعلى يده أسلم غازان

Translation of relevant parts: Born in 644 and died in 722 hijri … Sheikh of Kharasan during his time from the people of Juwayn … he died in Iraq … Al Ameen al Amili (Shia Scholar) made him from the renowned shia and gave him the title al Hamawai’i…
Imam Dhahabi said about him:  Sheikh Kharasan, he was wondering in the dark  (lost confused when it comes to narrations). He collected fabrications/lies and falsehoods and he converted Ghazan to Islam.

Comment: that’s the opinion of his student.

3) The Sheikhs of Al Juwaini al Hamawaini were the biggest Anti-Sunni Shia scholars in history and he narrated hadiths from them:

Example #1
[فرائد السمطين ج2 ص329]
حديث العباس بن عبد المطّلب حول المهديّ (ع) وأنّه من ولد النبيّ (صلّى الله عليه وآله وسلم) وكلام للشيخ الإمام أبي علي الفضل بن علي بن الفضل الطبرسي رحمه الله : أخبرني الإمام سديد الدين يوسف بن علي بن المطهّر الحلّي فيما كتب لي بخطّه رحمه الله تعالى

Hadith of al Abbas bin Abdul Mutallib about the Mahdi and that he is from the children of the Prophet (sallalahu alaihi wa ali) and the talk of Sheikh al Imam Abu Ali al Fadl bin Ali bin al Fadl al Tabrasi (May Allah have mercy on his soul): The Imam Sadeed al Deen Yusuf bin Ali bin al Mutahhar al Hilli (May Allah have mercy on his soul) told me in what he wrote for me with his own hand writing…
[Fara’id al Samatain 2/329]

Example #2

[فرائد السمطين ج2 ص73 الباب السادس عشر]
أنبأني الحكيم العلاّمة نصير الدين محمد بن محمد بن الحسن الطوسي تغمّده الله برحمته

I was told by Al Hakim al Allamah Naseer al Deen Muhammad bin Muhammad bin al Hassan al Tusi (May Allah cover him with his mercy).
[Fara’id al Samatain volume 2 page 73 chapter 16]

Comment: So he is not only narrated from the biggest rafidhi scholars like Ibn al Mutahhar al Hilli and Sheikh al Tusi, BUT HE ALSO COMPLIMENTS THEM!

4) The Twelver Shia themselves list al Hamawaini as one of their own authors:
مجمع الفكر الإسلامي يصنف كتاب فرائد السمطين ضمن كتب الاثنى عشرية : إبراهيم بن محمد الحموي الجويني (644 – 722 هـ) عالم بالحديث . من شيوخ خراسان . لقب ب*صدر الدين رحل متقصيا للحديث إلى : العراق الشام الحجاز تبريز آمل بطبرستان القدس كربلاء قزوين وغيرها. من مشايخه : الشيخ سديد الدين يوسف بن المطهر الحلي المحقق الحلي ابنا طاووس الخواجة نصير الدين الطوسي إضافة إلى مشايخه من العامة . من تلاميذه شمس الدين الذهبي . أسلم على يديه غازان الملك . توفي بالعراق، الآثار : فرائد السمطين في فضائل المرتضى والبتول والسبطين (عربي / سيرة المعصومين ع زيارات) يتكون من سمطين : أحدهما في فضائل أمير المؤمنين (ع) موزعة على (70) بابا وخاتمة والآخر في فضائل المرتضى والبتول والحسنين (ع) ب*ـ (72) بابا كما ذكر فيه الزيارة الجامعة الكبيرة. فرغ منه سنة (716 ه*ـ)
[موسوعة مؤلفي الإمامية – مجمع الفكر الإسلامي الجزء1 صفحة379]

Ibrahim bin Muhammad al Hamawi al Juwayni (644-722 H) A scholar of Hadith. from the Sheikhs of Kharasan. Was given the title Sadr al Deen, he went to find hadiths in: Iraq, Sham, Hijaz, Tabreez, Tabarstan Al Quds, Karbala, Kazween and others. From his scholars: Sheikh Sadeed al Deen Ibn al Mutahhar al Hilli, al Khawaja Naseer al Deen al Tusi and some mainstream scholars. from his students Shams al Deen al thahabi. He converted Ghazan the King to Islam. He died in Iraq. from his Books “fara’id al Samtain”…
[The Encyclopedia of Imami Authors – Mujama’a al Fikr al Islami (Academy of Islamic thought), Part 1 Page 379]

In brief:

1- He believes in the imamah of the twelve.
2- He believes in the successorship and Wilayah of Ali after the prophet (sallalahu alaihi wa ala alihi wa sallam).
3- He believes the imams are infallible.
4- His Scholars are famous Anti-Sunni Rafidhah like al Hilli and al Tusi.
5- In his book he narrates a huge amount of narrations from the twelver Shia Scholar al Saduq.
6- Academy of Islamic thought considers him as one of their own Imami Shia Scholars.

In Conclusion:

How dare you say he is from Ahlul Sunnah wal jama’ah to trick the Shia and Sunni Laymen!?

source :

This "al-Juwayni" is a shi'a Ibrahim bin Muhammad al-Hamwi al-Juwayni (d.722 H) not the famous Shafi'i shaykh Imam al-Haramayn al-Juwayni (d. 478 H).

Shi'ites keep trying to pull off cheap tricks like this.

The Ithna Ashari writer of "Wilayah Aal Muhammad bil `Aql wa'n-Naql" writes
شيخ الاسلام إبراهيم بن محمد الحموي الجويني المتوفى 722، ذكره في " فرائد السمطين في فضائل المرتضى والبتول والسبطين
"Shaykh al Islam Ibrahim bin Muhammad al-Hamwi al-Juwayni, who died in 722, has mentioned it in "Faraid al-Simtayn fi Fadhail al-Murtadha wa'l-Butool wa's-Sibtayn..."

So most definitely he's not Imam al-Haramayn al-Juwayni rahimahullah 

source :

Under cover Shia scholars


Every now and then Shia polemists try to present to Muslims narrations taken from books, allegedly claimed to be Sunni, in order to prove their beliefs from the books of Ahlul Sunnah wal Jamaa�.

It is well documented that in the religion of Shias, taqiyya permits that Shias would appear to the public as Sunnis and hide their beliefs. To this effect Al-Khoei says in Al-Tanqeeh , an exegesis of Al-Urwatul Wuthqa [4/332-333]: � This is because what is benefited from the narrations about Taqiyya is that it is has only been instituted so that Shia can hide from those who differ with them and that they would not be known to be Shia or Rafidi, and for the concealment from them and complimenting them. It is evident that when the designee shows the madhab of Hanbalis infront of the Hanafi for example or vice versa , then concealment and not appearing as Shia or Rafidi is established with this and compliment happened with them. So if he prayed in the masjid of Hanafis according to the Madhab of Hanbalis then it could be truthfully said that he has prayed in their masjids or with them. The secret in that is that what is obligatory is just Taqiyya with the public (i.e Sunna), concealment (of identity) and complimenting them. None of the previously mentioned proofs makes obligatory the following of their different kinds m and there is no proof for the compulsion to follow the madhab of the one being feared, rather what is essential is the concealment and compliment with the public (i.e Sunnis) and hiding Shiasm from them.�

Muhammad Ibn Al-Hussan Ibn Abdul Samad who is known as Shiekh Bahai (d. 1031) said: �I was in Syria appearing to be a Shafii�. This confession by this under cover Shia was reported by Muhammad Muhammadi Ashtihardi in his book �Ajwad Al-Munatharat� (1/188)

In this post I will try to point out some such books and authors that are falsely ascribed to Ahlul Sunnah Wal Jamaa�:

(1) Al-Kanji Al-Shafii:

The editor of his book: � Al-Bayan fee Akhbar Sahib Al-Zaman�, who is also a Shiite, said: � I have not come across a complete biography of Hafidh Al-Kanji Al-Shafi, for he has been ignored by many of his contemporary historians such as Ibn Khilikan in (Wafiyat Al-Ayan) , Abu Shama in (Al-Dhayl ala Al-Rawdatayn) , Al-Yunini in (Mira�at Al-Zaman) , Al-Dhahabi in (Tathkirat Al-Hufadh).�

He also said: � Historians mentioned that Hafidh Al-Kanji was killed in the year 658 , in the Ummayad Jami in Damascus , on the hands of the public who were antagonized by his reclining to Shia. Some others have added another reason for his murder, being that he used to deal with the Tatar and accepted a position that they gave to him as well as the money (molested) from those who were absent from his country.�

Ibn Katheer, in Al-Bidaya wal Nihaya, clearly identifies him as a Rafidi: � In the middle of the Jami, the public killed a Rafidi Shiekh who was helping Tatar over the money of people called Al-Fakhr Muhammad Ibn Yusuf Ibn Muhammad Al-Kanji. He had evil intentions , and was from the East , helping them over the money of Muslims. May Allah disparage him. And they killed a group of hypocrites of his likes, so an end was put to those who transgressed. Al-Hamdullilah�

(2) Ibn Abi Al-Hadid:

The author of �Rawdat Al-Jannat� (5/19) referred to him as: � He is loyal to people of the Household of infallibility and purity (Ahlul Bayt Al-Isma� wal Tahara) even though he used to appear in the costume of Ahlul Sunnah�

In �Al-Kunna wal Al-Alqab�, Al-Qumi outlines the staunch and fanatic Shiite background of Ibn Abi Al-Hadid in Al-Madain and then when he moved to Baghdad his fanaticism reduced and was inclined to Mutazilla.

(3) Sulayman Ibn Muhammad Al-Qunduzi Al-Hanafi:

He is the author of Yanabi� Al-Mawada. Aga Buzurg Tehrani included his book �Al-Thareea� , which is an Encyclopedia on Shia books. He said [25/290] : � Even though the Shiasm of the author is not known, but he is Gnostic, and the Book is considered to be one of the books of Shia�

(4) Ibrahim Ibn Muhammad Al-Juwaini (also called Al-Hamweeni):

He is the author of �Faraid Al-Simtayn� He has been included in the book �Ayan Al-Shia� , an Encyclodia of Shia prominent figures, by Al-Ameen Al-Amili.

Aga Buzurgh Tehrani, in �Thayl Kashf Al-Dhunoon� p. 70, pointed out that the chief of the Mongols, Ghazan, embrassed Islam through him and became a Shiite, and also his brother Shah Khudabanda who made his Shiasm apparent.

Amongst the sheikhs that he was taught by, are Ibn Al-Muttahir Al-Hili and Khawaja Nusair Al-Din Al-Tusi. These are two prominent 12er figures.

(5) Yusuf Fargali, known as the grandson of (Sibt) Ibn Al_Jawzi:

He is the author of (Miraat Al-Zaman). Al-Dhahabi said: � He has authored (Miraat Al-Zaman) and included very odd narrations in it (manakir). I do not think he is thiqqa in things he reports rather he exaggerates and goes aside. He then converted to Rafidism , and authored a book to this effect. Shiekh Muhiydin said: When the news of Sibt Ibn Al-Jawzi�s death reached my grandfather, he said: � May Allah not have mercy on him. He was a Rafidi�

(6) The book �Al-Imamah wal Riyasa"

Brother Murabitoon has posted a good exposition of it on the following link.

(7) Nur Al-Din Ali Ibn Muhammad Ibn Al-Sabagh Al-Maliki

Author of �Al-Fusool Al-Muhima�.

His book is included in �Al-Dhareea� [16/246]. Tehrani said: �In the treatise �Shia Shiekhs� he is considered one of them, even though he is one of the great Malikis, this is why in �Kashf Al-Dhunoon� he said: � Some of them attributed the author to Rafidism for what he mentioned in his introduction / khutba.�


(1) Post by Faisal noor in Arabic

(2) Kashf Al-Dhunoon by Haji Khalifa

(3) Al-Dhareea by Aga Buzurg Tehrani

(4) Al-Alam by Al-Zirakli

(5) Thayl Kashf Al-Dhunon by Aga Buzurg Tehrani

source :

Arabic link :


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