
Did Ali Use Ghadir Khum As Evidence For His Imamate?

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Re: Did Ali Use Ghadir Khum As Evidence For His Imamate?
« Reply #20 on: March 22, 2017, 01:54:30 AM »
I don't see the evidence written anywhere above Mr.Link, are you sure your evidence is not in occultation or Ghaybah? It's concealed from all of us?
عَلامَةُ أَهْلِ الْبِدَعِ الْوَقِيعَةُ فِي أَهْلِ الأَثَرِ. وَعَلامَةُ الْجَهْمِيَّةِ أَنْ يُسَمُّوا أَهْلَ السُّنَّةِ مُشَبِّهَةً. وَعَلامَةُ الْقَدَرِيَّةِ أَنْ يُسَمُّوا أَهْلَ السُّنَّةِ مُجَبِّرَةً. وَعَلامَةُ الزَّنَادِقَةِ أَنْ يُسَمُّوا أَهْلَ الأَثَرِ حَشْوِيَّةً

Religion = simple & clear


Re: Did Ali Use Ghadir Khum As Evidence For His Imamate?
« Reply #21 on: March 22, 2017, 01:55:57 AM »

There is no doubt going to be fabrications from the hidden and manifest Illuminati in all ages. They are the killers of PRophets and the causers of all revealed books to become hidden from society.

Or maybe the Illuminati and reptilians erased your evidence?
عَلامَةُ أَهْلِ الْبِدَعِ الْوَقِيعَةُ فِي أَهْلِ الأَثَرِ. وَعَلامَةُ الْجَهْمِيَّةِ أَنْ يُسَمُّوا أَهْلَ السُّنَّةِ مُشَبِّهَةً. وَعَلامَةُ الْقَدَرِيَّةِ أَنْ يُسَمُّوا أَهْلَ السُّنَّةِ مُجَبِّرَةً. وَعَلامَةُ الزَّنَادِقَةِ أَنْ يُسَمُّوا أَهْلَ الأَثَرِ حَشْوِيَّةً

Religion = simple & clear


Re: Did Ali Use Ghadir Khum As Evidence For His Imamate?
« Reply #22 on: March 22, 2017, 02:00:02 AM »
I don't see the evidence written anywhere above Mr.Link, are you sure your evidence is not in occultation or Ghaybah? It's concealed from all of us?

You guys TRY to conceal this, but there is a lot people who know the truth about this, and you yourselves know better but you trick yourself.
Love of the family of Yaseen is the light of the heavens and the earth.

Abu Muhammad

Re: Did Ali Use Ghadir Khum As Evidence For His Imamate?
« Reply #23 on: March 22, 2017, 03:47:31 PM »
I don't see the evidence written anywhere above Mr.Link, are you sure your evidence is not in occultation or Ghaybah? It's concealed from all of us?

You guys TRY to conceal this, but there is a lot people who know the truth about this, and you yourselves know better but you trick yourself.

You are like an empty container. When struck, produce a lot of sound but yeah, we know it's empty.

Produce your evidence...

Abu Muhammad

Re: Did Ali Use Ghadir Khum As Evidence For His Imamate?
« Reply #24 on: March 22, 2017, 03:49:17 PM »
Yes, we are very well aware of narrations where Ali used the ghadir incident in a SUNNI sense, we don't need a disturbed Mushrik Rafidi like you to teach us. In fact those narrations are ammunition for Ahlussunnah as they prove that Ali and his descendants ALL understood Ghadir like Sunnis do, there is no magic or far fetched interpretations (what Rafidism is known for) needed, I converted from Shiims to Islam after understanding that my master Ali understood Ghadir just as Sunnis do. The hell with your satanistic-Kabbalistic 12 code game, one of the 13 disciples of Jesus was a Dajjal just like your 12th bastards Dajjal saviour.

I advise every truth seeker to study the following article carefully, it answers the query of this very post, every single narration the Rafida use has been answered. Alhamdulillah for following the understanding of Ali/Ahlul Bayt on the issue of Ghadir and not the understanding of the heretical Rafida:

Thank you brother Ebn Hussain for an excellent article.


Re: Did Ali Use Ghadir Khum As Evidence For His Imamate?
« Reply #25 on: March 22, 2017, 04:50:01 PM »
Produce your evidence...

Inshallah I continue to produce evidence as I have already done in the past.
Love of the family of Yaseen is the light of the heavens and the earth.


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