"Some companions hid their faith because they were powerless against the kuffar and had none to help them (in the early days). They did it for fear of torture and death - from the kuffar",
Exactly brother. Now if the Shias did the same because they were also POWERLESS AGAINST Muslim dictators and ruthless rulers and also had NONE TO HELP THEM and they also did it out of FEAR OF TORTURE AND DEATH then, what seems to be the problem???
"The Shiis, instead, hide their beliefs from the Muslims. Beliefs such as - 'Aisha (ra), the wife of the Prophet (saws), is an adulterer, the Sahaba are all kuffar, and the Muslims are dirtier than pigs and apes",
Now this is absolute rubbish and utter nonsense. Such propaganda against the Shias has been going on for centuries. Learn and get to know Shiaism through literature and understanding, not gossip and rumours.
"All Sunnis are of Ahlul Sunnah wal Jama'a",
You're absolutely right. All those groups, parties and organisations that carry out and are involved in terrorism and terrorist activities in the name of Islam claim to be from Ahle Sunnah Wal Jama'a. Even those who believe in Yazeed as the rightly guided Khalif of the Muslims and call Yazeed as Hazrath and r.a.
"the people of the Sunnah, and the people of Consensus",
People of the Sunnah??? This is what we also call our selves. Well if you have a right to this claim then so do we.
"The Sunnah - all Sunnis follow what is agreed to be the Sunnah of Rasul Allah (saws)",
This agreement came many many years later. At first the Aaima e Arbaa were bitter enemies. These groups came many many years after the Prophet (pbuh). Now if you can take the Sunnah of the Prophet (pbuh) through a bunch of strangers then, why challenge us who take it from the Prophet's (pbuh) progeny???
Also take a look at the words, "Sunni Hanfi etc", you follow their Sunnah not the Prophet's (pbuh). You have two different things here but you want to show that they mean the same or are the same thing then, why two to begin with???
"The Consensus is that there are 4 methods for deriving this Sunnah - the schools of Hanafi/Maliki/Shafi'i/Hanbali"
Again nothing as such did exist during or after the Prophet's (pbuh) time. All this kicked of more than half a century later and onwards. And you question others with better method and source to obtain the Sunnah.
"It's not like asking - what type of Shii are you? Do you believe in 5 divine Imams or 12?",
This is the thing brother, we don't have or develop differences, kick each other around and then agree on everything goes.