@ Ameen
Dear brother Hani, what can i say about you. You have given instructions without any backing. No references but lets examine them. Take a look at 2 and 3, what are you going to say about YAZEED??? The man was in authority and was given pledge of allegiance by vast majority of the Muslims. Even the residents of Madina refused to challenge him. So what is your stance on YAZEED??? He was Khalifatul Muslimeen. He came to power on your terms and that is the pledge of allegiance by the majority. Secondly What do you think of those who raised arms against the fourth rightly guided Khalif of the Muslims in Jamal and Safeen??? They went against the Khalif so therefore broke the Prophet's (pbuh) terms and instructions. I'm sure are honest and a man of principal. So what do you say???
I'll let Hani speak for himself, but I'd like to add my two cents.
These events which occured - Jamal/Siffin, Yazid e.t.c. are all evidence that the community, as a whole, is not always going to be united - either as a body, or united on truth. This is because, put simply, the community is not infallible.
The Prophet (saws) was also aware of this, and in many ahadith he states this openly - there will be Khilafah, there will be fitna, there will be dynasties and monarchies. This is all part and parcel of human behaviour, and the behaviour of societies in general.
The Shias like to say:
"If the divinely appointed infallible was in charge, none of this would have happened!"
Wasn't 'Ali (ra) in charge after 'Uthman (ra)? Isn't he a "divinely appointed infallible", according to Shias? If so, why did all this fitna (Jamal, Siffin) occur during his reign, and why couldn't he fix it?
You will say, "it's because of 'Abu Bakr, 'Umar and 'Uthman!".
Yet, none of them was alive when 'Ali (ra) was in power. So why couldn't he, being a "divinely appointed infallible", fix it?
Why didn't Allah (swt) give him Divine help to overcome all this and establish the "divinely appointed leadership" system that the Shias harp on about all the time?
Did Allah (swt) want to keep the Muslims divided and disunited?
You will say, "the people didn't obey him!".
So what is the point of a "divinely appointed leader" if the people can still disobey him and tear the Ummah into shreds? What is the point if Allah (swt) doesn't ensure that he maintains control and all the people follow him?
He did this with Rasul Allah (saws), why not with 'Ali (ra)?