
"Captains" and "Ships" in Quran

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"Captains" and "Ships" in Quran
« on: May 22, 2017, 08:54:50 PM »
Hint 1. To understand the significance of the Twelve Captains of the covenant of Moses, one must search on how the word “ships” is used in Quran.

Hint 2. Noah’s ship steered by the name of God and anchored by it.

Hint 3. Socrates which God knew of course just like he knew what the Christians and Jews believed, talked about navigators of the just city.... there is all type of allusions to Plato and Socrates words almost as if the author of God knew they would become significant.

Hint 4. The word leader and Captain are closely tied, except that, one pertains more to general society use of the word and has been overdosed to our spiritual death by society which Quran seeks to clarify who are our true leader of the time is, and who the true leaders are always are and what proofs God offers to prove them in all times.

Hint 5. The clear proof and clear sign is tied with the word “Guide” and “light” and manifestation and hiding....

Hint 6: The reminder and book of God always has a manifest form and light form, it’s true understanding is the light brought down. The reminder is said to be Mohammad in some verses while other verses talk about it being the Quran. The family of the reminder is the family of Quran/Mohammad but is stated in a way that even if Mohammad and his followers were in doubt and needed knowledge, they would have to turn to the reminder of their time (which if Mohammad was a fake Prophet would be someone else) and it’s designated family. The Quran has argued that the designated families are wise way of God and showed why God would structured his revelations to be coupled with a divinely chosen family of leaders and guides.

Hint 7: The word Captain and the one who holds authority is closely tied, thus the Quran through ships and Captains tries to awaken humanity to who truly hold authority among them with the fact there is no God but God and he is the True King of humanity.
Love of the family of Yaseen is the light of the heavens and the earth.


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