My thoughts on Shura (after the demise of the noble Prophet - sallallahu alaihi wa sallam) that completely destroys the very essence of Shiism (i.e. Imam and that the Sahabah, in particular the Shaikhain were usurpers):
How on earth could Ali participate in a taghooti-shaytani election scam of a bunch of thieves, usurpers and apostates in the first place? I mean not just ONCE (he participated in the Shura of Abu Bakr) but THRICE (in Omar's and Othman's). What is more shocking (to a Rafidhi, once he finds out) is that according to historical accounts Ali was the FIRST to give Bay3ah (pledge of allegiance) to Othman!
To give you an contemporary example: Today, President Mursi (indeed he IS the rightful presiden) has been put aside by a bunch of secularist devils who usurped his right to rule over Egypt. Now imagine, him being such a low life that after being stripped of his right of being the president, he joins some made up council to ELECT the new president and on top of it he rushes to vote for Mursi! Would that make sense? Of course not, Morsi would never do such a thing, a rightful president/king/Imam does not need to participate in a satanic election scam, let alone vote in favour of anyone else than himself. The only reason to join such a gathering is to EXPOSE the participants. But as we know Ali Ibn Abi Talib never did that, never can the Rafidha prove it based on Sahih narrations, hence the distorted Shia narrative of history will never ever be accepted by non-biased researchers and truth-seekers.
^That was my post from the amazing thread (by Ustadh Hani):