
Musnad Rasulullah - Yet another Shia myth (of the Zombie kind)

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Zlatan Ibrahimovic

Re: Musnad Rasulullah - Yet another Shia myth (of the Zombie kind)
« Reply #20 on: April 19, 2017, 08:57:45 PM »
your badge of honour is Majoosi not Rafidi. Ans your username is they  I of an evil kafir and so was your avatar that  I you clearly  a change, it's like Allah wants you  a Mushriks
a to be exposed at your own hands, subhanallah.

As for mocking: Ya Miskeen, Ahlussunnah do believe in karamat, however not from Ahl Al-Zandaqa and certainly not zombie stories that are obvious fabrications due to inability of Rafidi scholars to prove Imamah of 12 (heck, even from the Sunnah they can't hence their scholars admit that even the Ghadir incident is ambiguous!).

You shallow understanding makes you think that we can't call nothing superstitious or a zombie story because kuffar call all of Islam a big fairy tale or qiyama a zombie resurrection? ثكلتك امك يا مجوسي we don't care what kuffar or Rawafilth think, to us khurafat is everything not approved by Islam and in contradiction with our Usul, so by necessity zombie stories of Rawafilth are khurafat to us so are stories by Sufis and any big name.

Heck, read Kitab alruh by Ibn Al Qayyim, you think a true Sunni will shy away to call it a collection of khurafat because it's a book of a student of Ibn Taymiyyah, you think we shy away? No ya Zindiq, the truth is more beloved to us, so don't play the name game it doesn't work.

ps: As for drinking camel and cow piss, then this is an approved practices in your Majoosi religion don't let me bombard you with ahadith that your own fuquha act upon.

Lol I was told if I change my profile picture them perhaps something my change with your attitude. Apparently I hit a nerve when I had Bashar Al-Assad as my profile picture, guess you will never change. The same foul mouth.

Actually my badge is rafidhi as I reject batil and all of batil. Majoosis are those who take their way of prayer from the majoos (i.e the mukhalifeen), and not the ones who are pure from bid'ah and false beliefs. (i.e the Shi'a of Al-Karrar).

ثكلتك امك؟ That's not very nice is it? I guess typical of a mukhalif Wahabi mushrik to say such things. The point is you are behaving like the kuffar who call Islam a fairytale, the way you dismiss such hadiths when you fully know very well that Allah is capable of that. Now, I want to ask you, do you believe a wali from the awliyah of Allah is capable of ressurected the dead by Allah's permission?

I don't know why you're talking about camel urine ya Wahabi ya Zindeeq, when the point is was not to discuss whether the hadith was correct or not, but to prove to you that you are behaving like the non-Muslims when you call everything a khurafa.
محور المقاومة والممانعة

Zlatan Ibrahimovic

Re: Musnad Rasulullah - Yet another Shia myth (of the Zombie kind)
« Reply #21 on: April 19, 2017, 09:07:18 PM »
your badge of honour is Majoosi not Rafidi. Ans your username is they  I of an evil kafir and so was your avatar that  I you clearly  a change, it's like Allah wants you  a Mushriks
a to be exposed at your own hands, subhanallah.

As for mocking: Ya Miskeen, Ahlussunnah do believe in karamat, however not from Ahl Al-Zandaqa and certainly not zombie stories that are obvious fabrications due to inability of Rafidi scholars to prove Imamah of 12 (heck, even from the Sunnah they can't hence their scholars admit that even the Ghadir incident is ambiguous!).

You shallow understanding makes you think that we can't call nothing superstitious or a zombie story because kuffar call all of Islam a big fairy tale or qiyama a zombie resurrection? ثكلتك امك يا مجوسي we don't care what kuffar or Rawafilth think, to us khurafat is everything not approved by Islam and in contradiction with our Usul, so by necessity zombie stories of Rawafilth are khurafat to us so are stories by Sufis and any big name.

Heck, read Kitab alruh by Ibn Al Qayyim, you think a true Sunni will shy away to call it a collection of khurafat because it's a book of a student of Ibn Taymiyyah, you think we shy away? No ya Zindiq, the truth is more beloved to us, so don't play the name game it doesn't work.

ps: As for drinking camel and cow piss, then this is an approved practices in your Majoosi religion don't let me bombard you with ahadith that your own fuquha act upon.

Your first paragraph makes me think you never went to school. Maybe you were taught at a Wahabi school where they have Ibn Baz's people tell you the Earth is flat?

"Obvious fabrications" the only reason why you believe it is a fabrication is not due to some sort religious reasoning, but it is because you can't get your head around it. How pathetic. If you say "I don't believe in this because I believe it contradicts the Holy Qur'an or because the chain is weak" then that would be a religious reason (although you'd have to prove your stance).

Your akhlaq is filthy especially when you bring mothers into the discussion, how pathetic. Typically of a nasibi who looks up to his Umayyad elders, but oh well. The point is that your behavior is a lot like those kafirs who simply deny something because they can't get their head around it.

As for camel urine, you have no idea what you're talking about. The reason why I brought that hadith was not to mock your Fiqh or that particular hadith you foolish nasibi zindeeq mal'un, but to tell you, that if you were a non-Muslim (which you are anyway, because you have committed kufr more than once) and you looked at that hadith, you would have the same reaction you have with the "zombie hadiths" as you call them.
محور المقاومة والممانعة

Zlatan Ibrahimovic

Re: Musnad Rasulullah - Yet another Shia myth (of the Zombie kind)
« Reply #22 on: April 19, 2017, 09:14:51 PM »
But you, ya zindeeq, it is easy for you to believe. And yet you believe this, but you deny the hadith at the top, which is simply the dead being brought back alive. You foo

Honestly you are a prime example proving why the scholars repeatedly stated that the Rafidah are the most deprived of aql of all sect. You silly batini, so you think he issue here is the raising of the dead? We are Muslims, we believe thar Allah will reurrect and raise all dead back to life. The issue here is the matn, the clear fabrication the desperate attempt to create a scenario where Ali's Wilaya (khurafah lie) is defended by the Prophet himself just after his ghusl, i.e. he's not even buried yet he comes back in flesh and worships in the quba masjid and battles abu Bakr and compiles an entire book. Yes only a retard believes in such a desperate fabrication and even a bigger retard will compare it to miracles like drinking urine of the best creation or him splitting the moon etc.

In fact this narrstion is an insult to the Prophet saws as he doesn't speak on his own yet wrote down an entire book and passed it to a single man who never wrote a book, cursed are those who hide the scriptures, like the Jews.

as for Majoos, no doubt you are:

as for hands on the chest: Miskeen, check the blog you copy paste from, Nader the Rafidi exposed the inconsistency of you lot with his post about how putting ones hand on the chest during prayer is a sunnah for Rafidi women. Yes, women only, but nonetheless, no Rafidi can argue that they got it from Majoos. As for silly statue comparison: The most retarded argument, besides those statues are not Persian they are Semite Babylonian who were not Majoos.

Lol, the most deprived aql sect. Don't even come next to us in aql my friend, we have tons of books on aql in fact aql is a very big part of our religion. Whilst you fools have pathetic things such as qiyas as proofs of aql usage in Fiqh, lol.

And then all you do is mention the matn, say hey "you're retarded if you believe that" and call it a day. Lol. Umayyad logic.

As for the hands, I don't believe this because of statues or whatever, I believe that because there are some hadiths from the Imams of Huda which mention this is a bid'ah into this religion, an imitation of the kuffar.

So your pathetic attempts to tell me about a statue only shows your ignorance.
محور المقاومة والممانعة


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