
Shia Believe for Imam And Non Imam Guide

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Shia Believe for Imam And Non Imam Guide
« on: January 28, 2016, 11:36:12 PM »
Shia core belief is that imam is ALWAYS needed, because only them who can convey, explain & preserve Islam in its true, pristine, uncorrupted form. Shia believe if those duties are taken by non-imam then Islam won't be conveyed, explained & preserved in its true, pristine, uncorrupted form.

Would that mean that the Islam of shia has been false, dirty & corrupted (like shia say about Islam of sunni), because those duties are in the hands of non-imam? If not, why would shia say only imam can do that, but then end up practising the opposite?


Re: Shia Believe for Imam And Non Imam Guide
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2016, 04:07:51 AM »
There are two types of 12ers Shia. One type which is very small minority who actually read their books of ahadith and refuse to become blind muqalids. The other types are blind muqalids. I had a 12er Shia at work, he was trying to discuss the faults of the 2nd Calipahs. When I talked about Hisham ibn Hakam, he didn't know who that was. When I mentioned Shaykh Saduq, he again was clueless. When I referred to tafsir al Qummi, again he didn't know anything about it. And this is the same guy who try to invite me to dawah.


Re: Shia Believe for Imam And Non Imam Guide
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2016, 10:26:16 AM »
There are two types of 12ers Shia. One type which is very small minority who actually read their books of ahadith and refuse to become blind muqalids. The other types are blind muqalids. I had a 12er Shia at work, he was trying to discuss the faults of the 2nd Calipahs. When I talked about Hisham ibn Hakam, he didn't know who that was. When I mentioned Shaykh Saduq, he again was clueless. When I referred to tafsir al Qummi, again he didn't know anything about it. And this is the same guy who try to invite me to dawah.

yes majority of 12rs does nt even study or aware of their own books but they always do remember sunni references which goes in their favor.. and this all due to a strategy adopted by their Ayatollahs who teach them only these sunni books nd references and set their mind in a way so they can impress a layman sunni and let him think about how much his religion is false.. 12rs do not go to majlis or imam barghah to listen about the importance of Salah, Ramadhan, hajj or even Prohphet SAWW teachings and sunnah.. but they only wish to listen who tried to burn the Fatima house, who refused to give fadak, what happened in Saqifa, why Prophet SAWW asked for pen and paper, who killed Husain, who was Aysha etc etc,  nd their Ayatollahs make their bread and butter by quoting all these references because they are very much aware of if they dont quote nd repeat these things, no one would come nd listen them
« Last Edit: January 30, 2016, 10:28:34 AM by sameer »


Re: Shia Believe for Imam And Non Imam Guide
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2016, 10:31:32 PM »
I went with 12er to his mosque and after isha they recited ziyrat Ashura. In that dua they call out the Ghous for help who to them is the 12th imam.  After that he went to an Alam, cried in front of it, and made dua. After that he took me to some rooms which supposedly belong to Imam Hussain (as). The rooms were filled with colorful things.


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