
Tears for Hussain

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Tears for Hussain
« on: September 17, 2017, 08:10:24 PM »
All Messengers cried for Hussain because they were preparing the way for Mohammad, but as their society failed, they often blamed their own efforts like the best soccer players in the world blaming themselves like Yonus did.  Mohammad came after people gave a very bad response to Messengers, the children of Isreal were a big hope to prepare the way to Mohammad, but they failed and slew some of their Prophets while denied others.  Jesus came knowing the chances of Hussain getting killed were increasing and increasing, and wanted people to help God's cause and gave knews of the Most praised one (Ahmad).  Mohammad (pbuh&hf) came to a world that rejected Messengers, relied on misguiding leaders for guidance, and didn't look for clear proofs regarding guidance and leaders. They settled for oppression, injustice, and innovations and rituals that were irrational, dark, and revealed from a sinister source.  They mixed truth with falsehood and did not care as long as the mix suited their desires.  Mohammad (pbuh&hf) built a noble force, assembled forces and purified them, they were the last hope, the last hope of Hussain not dying.  Overwhelmed by the very people who fought them who now were "Muslims" as well, some of them became apathetic when they saw the succession of Ali being taken over. Some of that apathy changed and they turned back to repentance and came to Ali later. But the harm was done. Lesson learned: Don't be apathetic.  If we don't try, us who know the truth, if we turn on our backs and chase the deceiving world that is bound to perish, if we don't strive hard in God's way with ourselves, wealth and time, than blame ourselves. God isn't hoping the hater of Ali all of sudden recites Quran properly,  he is hoping in us who recognize Ali in Quran to strive hard with resolve and save those who seeking the truth from the haters of Ali. May God unite humanity on the love of Mohammad, Ali, Fatima, Hassan and Hussain and 9 Guides from the offspring of Hussain and make us see the truth and justice with that love, and truly know ourselves and the purpose we are meant for by that love. Imam Hussain did not have to be killed, the Quran with words of enthusiastic encouragement as well as compassionate severe warning, told people "if you do not do it, then there will be in the earth severe tribulation and corruption" and told them "if he dies or is killed, will you turn on your back" and said "hold to the rope of God all together and to not be like those who divided after clear proofs had come to them".
Love of the family of Yaseen is the light of the heavens and the earth.


Re: Tears for Hussain
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2017, 11:47:15 PM »
May God unite humanity on the love of Mohammad, Ali, Fatima, Hassan and Hussain and 9 Guides from the offspring of Hussain and make us see the truth and justice with that love, and truly know ourselves and the purpose we are meant for by that love.
What 9 guides? There is no such thing as 12 Imams.

Imam Hussain did not have to be killed, the Quran with words of enthusiastic encouragement as well as compassionate severe warning, told people "if you do not do it, then there will be in the earth severe tribulation and corruption" and told them "if he dies or is killed, will you turn on your back" and said "hold to the rope of God all together and to not be like those who divided after clear proofs had come to them".

Imam Hussain (as) chose how to response to Yazid. He differed from his brother Imam Hassan (as).  However, we as an Ummah recognize the when he took bayah from people he did not do it on the basis on divine appointed. He wanted to help the ummah and save them from the oppression we are facing on a daily basis. Likewise, Imam Hassan (as) wanted to save the ummah, and not get them involved in something they were not ready for.


Re: Tears for Hussain
« Reply #2 on: September 17, 2017, 11:59:51 PM »
All Messengers cried for Hussain

Did Yaqoub go blind due to excessive crying over Al-Hussain?


Re: Tears for Hussain
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2017, 09:59:43 AM »
All Messengers cried for Hussain

Did Yaqoub go blind due to excessive crying over Al-Hussain?

Yaqoub's grief was that of a reflective state, he grieved over Yusuf because of what Yusuf represented and knew from God what others did not in that regard.

His grief and reflection were definitely linked to the chain leading up to Mohammad (pbuh&hf) and then his successors.

The Same Surah goes on to remind that Mohammad (pbuh&hf) doesn't ask a reward/wage except that it is/be a reminder to the worlds.

The Quran repeats that the path of the Messengers is one path, but people cut off their authority and affair amongst themselves.

Love of the family of Yaseen is the light of the heavens and the earth.


Re: Tears for Hussain
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2017, 10:20:50 AM »
His grief and reflection were definitely linked to the chain leading up to Mohammad (pbuh&hf) and then his successors.



Re: Tears for Hussain
« Reply #5 on: September 18, 2017, 05:25:09 PM »
His grief and reflection were definitely linked to the chain leading up to Mohammad (pbuh&hf) and then his successors.


😂😂😂 farid is so bad, he can insult people just by typing a dot. As for me, take your regular mental pill you braindead zombie


Re: Tears for Hussain
« Reply #6 on: September 18, 2017, 08:14:07 PM »
His grief and reflection were definitely linked to the chain leading up to Mohammad (pbuh&hf) and then his successors.


😂😂😂 farid is so bad, he can insult people just by typing a dot.


Abu Muhammad

Re: Tears for Hussain
« Reply #7 on: September 19, 2017, 01:28:35 AM »
Haha... I thought it was a typo.

Optimus Prime

Re: Tears for Hussain
« Reply #8 on: September 19, 2017, 08:07:41 AM »
His grief and reflection were definitely linked to the chain leading up to Mohammad (pbuh&hf) and then his successors.



Optimus Prime

Re: Tears for Hussain
« Reply #9 on: September 19, 2017, 08:09:20 AM »
Link, I will never shed a tear of Hussain (RA).

Does, that make me a bad person?


Re: Tears for Hussain
« Reply #10 on: September 19, 2017, 12:28:14 PM »
Link, I will never shed a tear of Hussain (RA).

Does, that make me a bad person?
shedding tears when you remember someone you admire or love is normal, theres nothing bad about it. What is abnormal is zombie lunatic whom each year have crazy pagan mourning ritual


Re: Tears for Hussain
« Reply #11 on: September 19, 2017, 03:01:21 PM »
Link, I will never shed a tear of Hussain (RA).

Does, that make me a bad person?

Yes, it does.  It probably means you aren't at all saddened when Messengers are rejected in Quran either, and you don't care if God was obeyed or not, when reading about Bani-Israel rebellion, and so you don't care about God's chosen ones nor care how Quran has been treated.

When Imam Hussain was killed, the light of God which cannot be extinguished, was in another sense, extinguished. It was put out. 

It was one of the last shots of God for humanity to have the light spread to them, you don't care about God's light so you don't understand the grief of Yaqoub over Yusuf, which was due to a reflective higher state of knowledge he had from God.

You are immersed in Jibt and Taghut and every eye the cries but doesn't cry for Imam Hussain, will never be shown mercy.

You would be the indifferent one when Yahya is killed and his head presented to the King.

The Dark enemy of humanity, Iblis, sent his forces in garbs of Islam, as Quran talks about them, and they took over Islam and inflitrated and people didn't follow the clear decisive bright signs of Quran and Sunnah, but rather mixed with it fabrications.

The Justice emphasized on with respect to offspring that God put the chosen leadership in, was abandoned.  The way after Mohammad that are those who guide by the truth and thereby justice by it, split into twelve branches linking back to a single root, ways themselves who were that way that All Prophets were the way, one way leading to God, was abandoned.

I don't know how you recite the Quran but you probably don't sympathize with the suffering of Messengers neither are inspired the intense desire of Mohammad (pbuh&hf) for the light to spread.

Islam has been butchered and the sayings scattered, and so much hadiths hidden, we are left with so little of the legacy of the chosen ones, but this doesn't matter to you.

The killers of Hussain are the killers of the Prophets of old, and they still rule humanity and are causing havoc and corruption thinking they are the gate keepers and are part of some wise plan to bring order and justice, while they are the main reason humanity suffers.

They the deceivers got their way and still are hiding history,  and manipulating it and the education system is all in their hands, and you don't care.

You are indifferent that falsehood rules, proofs in Quran that prove God are hidden from humanity due to these people, that Atheism is on the rise - while they know very well these proofs for God but due to their best to mask the truth.

They wish to be the gate keepers to the knowledge which they have stolen and are not fit to teach as they mix with it falsehood and destructive darkness.

You are indifferent while these deceivers rule the Muslims and are manipulating us in wars and chaos.

You really don't understand what Hussain took his chances for. He knew very well, chances were, he would not be succesfull. But that small chance, that small enough chance that people do the right thing, was enough for him,  the support was promised he knew were from people who abandoned Imam Hassan and Imam Ali, he knew this.

But to not try to stop the injustice and darkness that the dark enemies of humanity from Jinn and Humans, try to unleash on humanity,  is something only you guys wish happened.

I am not one to say Imam Hussain saved Islam, he didn't. He tried to.  And there was a chance followers of Ahlulbayt (as) rise up out of the catastrophe but they did not to the extent Imam Al-Hadi (as) (10th Successor) says in a prayer that whoever he sought help abandoned him and who ever he relied on betrayed him as such his mind could not remove the oppression.

You who don't shed tears for Hussain are those who abandon the orphans and do not care for the feeding of hungry. The sufferring and corruption that is warned in Quran "for if you do not it, there will be tribulation and great corruption in the earth" doesn't matter to you.

You are a heartless and take pride in it.

Love of the family of Yaseen is the light of the heavens and the earth.

Optimus Prime

Re: Tears for Hussain
« Reply #12 on: September 19, 2017, 03:47:14 PM »
Link, I will never shed a tear of Hussain (RA).

Does, that make me a bad person?

Yes, it does.  It probably means you aren't at all saddened when Messengers are rejected in Quran either, and you don't care if God was obeyed or not, when reading about Bani-Israel rebellion, and so you don't care about God's chosen ones nor care how Quran has been treated.

When Imam Hussain was killed, the light of God which cannot be extinguished, was in another sense, extinguished. It was put out. 

It was one of the last shots of God for humanity to have the light spread to them, you don't care about God's light so you don't understand the grief of Yaqoub over Yusuf, which was due to a reflective higher state of knowledge he had from God.

You are immersed in Jibt and Taghut and every eye the cries but doesn't cry for Imam Hussain, will never be shown mercy.

You would be the indifferent one when Yahya is killed and his head presented to the King.

The Dark enemy of humanity, Iblis, sent his forces in garbs of Islam, as Quran talks about them, and they took over Islam and inflitrated and people didn't follow the clear decisive bright signs of Quran and Sunnah, but rather mixed with it fabrications.

The Justice emphasized on with respect to offspring that God put the chosen leadership in, was abandoned.  The way after Mohammad that are those who guide by the truth and thereby justice by it, split into twelve branches linking back to a single root, ways themselves who were that way that All Prophets were the way, one way leading to God, was abandoned.

I don't know how you recite the Quran but you probably don't sympathize with the suffering of Messengers neither are inspired the intense desire of Mohammad (pbuh&hf) for the light to spread.

Islam has been butchered and the sayings scattered, and so much hadiths hidden, we are left with so little of the legacy of the chosen ones, but this doesn't matter to you.

The killers of Hussain are the killers of the Prophets of old, and they still rule humanity and are causing havoc and corruption thinking they are the gate keepers and are part of some wise plan to bring order and justice, while they are the main reason humanity suffers.

They the deceivers got their way and still are hiding history,  and manipulating it and the education system is all in their hands, and you don't care.

You are indifferent that falsehood rules, proofs in Quran that prove God are hidden from humanity due to these people, that Atheism is on the rise - while they know very well these proofs for God but due to their best to mask the truth.

They wish to be the gate keepers to the knowledge which they have stolen and are not fit to teach as they mix with it falsehood and destructive darkness.

You are indifferent while these deceivers rule the Muslims and are manipulating us in wars and chaos.

You really don't understand what Hussain took his chances for. He knew very well, chances were, he would not be succesfull. But that small chance, that small enough chance that people do the right thing, was enough for him,  the support was promised he knew were from people who abandoned Imam Hassan and Imam Ali, he knew this.

But to not try to stop the injustice and darkness that the dark enemies of humanity from Jinn and Humans, try to unleash on humanity,  is something only you guys wish happened.

I am not one to say Imam Hussain saved Islam, he didn't. He tried to.  And there was a chance followers of Ahlulbayt (as) rise up out of the catastrophe but they did not to the extent Imam Al-Hadi (as) (10th Successor) says in a prayer that whoever he sought help abandoned him and who ever he relied on betrayed him as such his mind could not remove the oppression.

You who don't shed tears for Hussain are those who abandon the orphans and do not care for the feeding of hungry. The sufferring and corruption that is warned in Quran "for if you do not it, there will be tribulation and great corruption in the earth" doesn't matter to you.

You are a heartless and take pride in it.


Proud of it. I will NEVER shed a tear for Hussain.


Re: Tears for Hussain
« Reply #13 on: September 19, 2017, 09:18:55 PM »
Link, I will never shed a tear of Hussain (RA).

Does, that make me a bad person?

Yes, it does.  It probably means you aren't at all saddened when Messengers are rejected in Quran either, and you don't care if God was obeyed or not, when reading about Bani-Israel rebellion, and so you don't care about God's chosen ones nor care how Quran has been treated.

When Imam Hussain was killed, the light of God which cannot be extinguished, was in another sense, extinguished. It was put out. 

It was one of the last shots of God for humanity to have the light spread to them, you don't care about God's light so you don't understand the grief of Yaqoub over Yusuf, which was due to a reflective higher state of knowledge he had from God.

You are immersed in Jibt and Taghut and every eye the cries but doesn't cry for Imam Hussain, will never be shown mercy.

You would be the indifferent one when Yahya is killed and his head presented to the King.

The Dark enemy of humanity, Iblis, sent his forces in garbs of Islam, as Quran talks about them, and they took over Islam and inflitrated and people didn't follow the clear decisive bright signs of Quran and Sunnah, but rather mixed with it fabrications.

The Justice emphasized on with respect to offspring that God put the chosen leadership in, was abandoned.  The way after Mohammad that are those who guide by the truth and thereby justice by it, split into twelve branches linking back to a single root, ways themselves who were that way that All Prophets were the way, one way leading to God, was abandoned.

I don't know how you recite the Quran but you probably don't sympathize with the suffering of Messengers neither are inspired the intense desire of Mohammad (pbuh&hf) for the light to spread.

Islam has been butchered and the sayings scattered, and so much hadiths hidden, we are left with so little of the legacy of the chosen ones, but this doesn't matter to you.

The killers of Hussain are the killers of the Prophets of old, and they still rule humanity and are causing havoc and corruption thinking they are the gate keepers and are part of some wise plan to bring order and justice, while they are the main reason humanity suffers.

They the deceivers got their way and still are hiding history,  and manipulating it and the education system is all in their hands, and you don't care.

You are indifferent that falsehood rules, proofs in Quran that prove God are hidden from humanity due to these people, that Atheism is on the rise - while they know very well these proofs for God but due to their best to mask the truth.

They wish to be the gate keepers to the knowledge which they have stolen and are not fit to teach as they mix with it falsehood and destructive darkness.

You are indifferent while these deceivers rule the Muslims and are manipulating us in wars and chaos.

You really don't understand what Hussain took his chances for. He knew very well, chances were, he would not be succesfull. But that small chance, that small enough chance that people do the right thing, was enough for him,  the support was promised he knew were from people who abandoned Imam Hassan and Imam Ali, he knew this.

But to not try to stop the injustice and darkness that the dark enemies of humanity from Jinn and Humans, try to unleash on humanity,  is something only you guys wish happened.

I am not one to say Imam Hussain saved Islam, he didn't. He tried to.  And there was a chance followers of Ahlulbayt (as) rise up out of the catastrophe but they did not to the extent Imam Al-Hadi (as) (10th Successor) says in a prayer that whoever he sought help abandoned him and who ever he relied on betrayed him as such his mind could not remove the oppression.

You who don't shed tears for Hussain are those who abandon the orphans and do not care for the feeding of hungry. The sufferring and corruption that is warned in Quran "for if you do not it, there will be tribulation and great corruption in the earth" doesn't matter to you.

You are a heartless and take pride in it.


Proud of it. I will NEVER shed a tear for Hussain.

What is your view of Husayn? Was he a righteous person?


Re: Tears for Hussain
« Reply #14 on: September 19, 2017, 10:36:19 PM »
Link, I will never shed a tear of Hussain (RA).

Does, that make me a bad person?

Yes, it does.  It probably means you aren't at all saddened when Messengers are rejected in Quran either, and you don't care if God was obeyed or not, when reading about Bani-Israel rebellion, and so you don't care about God's chosen ones nor care how Quran has been treated.

When Imam Hussain was killed, the light of God which cannot be extinguished, was in another sense, extinguished. It was put out. 

It was one of the last shots of God for humanity to have the light spread to them, you don't care about God's light so you don't understand the grief of Yaqoub over Yusuf, which was due to a reflective higher state of knowledge he had from God.

You are immersed in Jibt and Taghut and every eye the cries but doesn't cry for Imam Hussain, will never be shown mercy.

You would be the indifferent one when Yahya is killed and his head presented to the King.

The Dark enemy of humanity, Iblis, sent his forces in garbs of Islam, as Quran talks about them, and they took over Islam and inflitrated and people didn't follow the clear decisive bright signs of Quran and Sunnah, but rather mixed with it fabrications.

The Justice emphasized on with respect to offspring that God put the chosen leadership in, was abandoned.  The way after Mohammad that are those who guide by the truth and thereby justice by it, split into twelve branches linking back to a single root, ways themselves who were that way that All Prophets were the way, one way leading to God, was abandoned.

I don't know how you recite the Quran but you probably don't sympathize with the suffering of Messengers neither are inspired the intense desire of Mohammad (pbuh&hf) for the light to spread.

Islam has been butchered and the sayings scattered, and so much hadiths hidden, we are left with so little of the legacy of the chosen ones, but this doesn't matter to you.

The killers of Hussain are the killers of the Prophets of old, and they still rule humanity and are causing havoc and corruption thinking they are the gate keepers and are part of some wise plan to bring order and justice, while they are the main reason humanity suffers.

They the deceivers got their way and still are hiding history,  and manipulating it and the education system is all in their hands, and you don't care.

You are indifferent that falsehood rules, proofs in Quran that prove God are hidden from humanity due to these people, that Atheism is on the rise - while they know very well these proofs for God but due to their best to mask the truth.

They wish to be the gate keepers to the knowledge which they have stolen and are not fit to teach as they mix with it falsehood and destructive darkness.

You are indifferent while these deceivers rule the Muslims and are manipulating us in wars and chaos.

You really don't understand what Hussain took his chances for. He knew very well, chances were, he would not be succesfull. But that small chance, that small enough chance that people do the right thing, was enough for him,  the support was promised he knew were from people who abandoned Imam Hassan and Imam Ali, he knew this.

But to not try to stop the injustice and darkness that the dark enemies of humanity from Jinn and Humans, try to unleash on humanity,  is something only you guys wish happened.

I am not one to say Imam Hussain saved Islam, he didn't. He tried to.  And there was a chance followers of Ahlulbayt (as) rise up out of the catastrophe but they did not to the extent Imam Al-Hadi (as) (10th Successor) says in a prayer that whoever he sought help abandoned him and who ever he relied on betrayed him as such his mind could not remove the oppression.

You who don't shed tears for Hussain are those who abandon the orphans and do not care for the feeding of hungry. The sufferring and corruption that is warned in Quran "for if you do not it, there will be tribulation and great corruption in the earth" doesn't matter to you.

You are a heartless and take pride in it.
Shias take it too far. In Islam mourning like that is not allowed.

Optimus Prime

Re: Tears for Hussain
« Reply #15 on: September 20, 2017, 01:06:02 AM »
Link, I will never shed a tear of Hussain (RA).

Does, that make me a bad person?

Yes, it does.  It probably means you aren't at all saddened when Messengers are rejected in Quran either, and you don't care if God was obeyed or not, when reading about Bani-Israel rebellion, and so you don't care about God's chosen ones nor care how Quran has been treated.

When Imam Hussain was killed, the light of God which cannot be extinguished, was in another sense, extinguished. It was put out. 

It was one of the last shots of God for humanity to have the light spread to them, you don't care about God's light so you don't understand the grief of Yaqoub over Yusuf, which was due to a reflective higher state of knowledge he had from God.

You are immersed in Jibt and Taghut and every eye the cries but doesn't cry for Imam Hussain, will never be shown mercy.

You would be the indifferent one when Yahya is killed and his head presented to the King.

The Dark enemy of humanity, Iblis, sent his forces in garbs of Islam, as Quran talks about them, and they took over Islam and inflitrated and people didn't follow the clear decisive bright signs of Quran and Sunnah, but rather mixed with it fabrications.

The Justice emphasized on with respect to offspring that God put the chosen leadership in, was abandoned.  The way after Mohammad that are those who guide by the truth and thereby justice by it, split into twelve branches linking back to a single root, ways themselves who were that way that All Prophets were the way, one way leading to God, was abandoned.

I don't know how you recite the Quran but you probably don't sympathize with the suffering of Messengers neither are inspired the intense desire of Mohammad (pbuh&hf) for the light to spread.

Islam has been butchered and the sayings scattered, and so much hadiths hidden, we are left with so little of the legacy of the chosen ones, but this doesn't matter to you.

The killers of Hussain are the killers of the Prophets of old, and they still rule humanity and are causing havoc and corruption thinking they are the gate keepers and are part of some wise plan to bring order and justice, while they are the main reason humanity suffers.

They the deceivers got their way and still are hiding history,  and manipulating it and the education system is all in their hands, and you don't care.

You are indifferent that falsehood rules, proofs in Quran that prove God are hidden from humanity due to these people, that Atheism is on the rise - while they know very well these proofs for God but due to their best to mask the truth.

They wish to be the gate keepers to the knowledge which they have stolen and are not fit to teach as they mix with it falsehood and destructive darkness.

You are indifferent while these deceivers rule the Muslims and are manipulating us in wars and chaos.

You really don't understand what Hussain took his chances for. He knew very well, chances were, he would not be succesfull. But that small chance, that small enough chance that people do the right thing, was enough for him,  the support was promised he knew were from people who abandoned Imam Hassan and Imam Ali, he knew this.

But to not try to stop the injustice and darkness that the dark enemies of humanity from Jinn and Humans, try to unleash on humanity,  is something only you guys wish happened.

I am not one to say Imam Hussain saved Islam, he didn't. He tried to.  And there was a chance followers of Ahlulbayt (as) rise up out of the catastrophe but they did not to the extent Imam Al-Hadi (as) (10th Successor) says in a prayer that whoever he sought help abandoned him and who ever he relied on betrayed him as such his mind could not remove the oppression.

You who don't shed tears for Hussain are those who abandon the orphans and do not care for the feeding of hungry. The sufferring and corruption that is warned in Quran "for if you do not it, there will be tribulation and great corruption in the earth" doesn't matter to you.

You are a heartless and take pride in it.


Proud of it. I will NEVER shed a tear for Hussain.

What is your view of Husayn? Was he a righteous person?

Goes without saying.

bint e aisha

Re: Tears for Hussain
« Reply #16 on: September 20, 2017, 02:54:27 PM »
Link, I will never shed a tear of Hussain (RA).

Does, that make me a bad person?

Yes, it does.  It probably means you aren't at all saddened when Messengers are rejected in Quran either, and you don't care if God was obeyed or not, when reading about Bani-Israel rebellion, and so you don't care about God's chosen ones nor care how Quran has been treated.

When Imam Hussain was killed, the light of God which cannot be extinguished, was in another sense, extinguished. It was put out. 

It was one of the last shots of God for humanity to have the light spread to them, you don't care about God's light so you don't understand the grief of Yaqoub over Yusuf, which was due to a reflective higher state of knowledge he had from God.

You are immersed in Jibt and Taghut and every eye the cries but doesn't cry for Imam Hussain, will never be shown mercy.

You would be the indifferent one when Yahya is killed and his head presented to the King.

The Dark enemy of humanity, Iblis, sent his forces in garbs of Islam, as Quran talks about them, and they took over Islam and inflitrated and people didn't follow the clear decisive bright signs of Quran and Sunnah, but rather mixed with it fabrications.

The Justice emphasized on with respect to offspring that God put the chosen leadership in, was abandoned.  The way after Mohammad that are those who guide by the truth and thereby justice by it, split into twelve branches linking back to a single root, ways themselves who were that way that All Prophets were the way, one way leading to God, was abandoned.

I don't know how you recite the Quran but you probably don't sympathize with the suffering of Messengers neither are inspired the intense desire of Mohammad (pbuh&hf) for the light to spread.

Islam has been butchered and the sayings scattered, and so much hadiths hidden, we are left with so little of the legacy of the chosen ones, but this doesn't matter to you.

The killers of Hussain are the killers of the Prophets of old, and they still rule humanity and are causing havoc and corruption thinking they are the gate keepers and are part of some wise plan to bring order and justice, while they are the main reason humanity suffers.

They the deceivers got their way and still are hiding history,  and manipulating it and the education system is all in their hands, and you don't care.

You are indifferent that falsehood rules, proofs in Quran that prove God are hidden from humanity due to these people, that Atheism is on the rise - while they know very well these proofs for God but due to their best to mask the truth.

They wish to be the gate keepers to the knowledge which they have stolen and are not fit to teach as they mix with it falsehood and destructive darkness.

You are indifferent while these deceivers rule the Muslims and are manipulating us in wars and chaos.

You really don't understand what Hussain took his chances for. He knew very well, chances were, he would not be succesfull. But that small chance, that small enough chance that people do the right thing, was enough for him,  the support was promised he knew were from people who abandoned Imam Hassan and Imam Ali, he knew this.

But to not try to stop the injustice and darkness that the dark enemies of humanity from Jinn and Humans, try to unleash on humanity,  is something only you guys wish happened.

I am not one to say Imam Hussain saved Islam, he didn't. He tried to.  And there was a chance followers of Ahlulbayt (as) rise up out of the catastrophe but they did not to the extent Imam Al-Hadi (as) (10th Successor) says in a prayer that whoever he sought help abandoned him and who ever he relied on betrayed him as such his mind could not remove the oppression.

You who don't shed tears for Hussain are those who abandon the orphans and do not care for the feeding of hungry. The sufferring and corruption that is warned in Quran "for if you do not it, there will be tribulation and great corruption in the earth" doesn't matter to you.

You are a heartless and take pride in it.


Proud of it. I will NEVER shed a tear for Hussain.

Nothing to be proud of.

Optimus Prime

Re: Tears for Hussain
« Reply #17 on: September 20, 2017, 04:56:26 PM »
Link, I will never shed a tear of Hussain (RA).

Does, that make me a bad person?

Yes, it does.  It probably means you aren't at all saddened when Messengers are rejected in Quran either, and you don't care if God was obeyed or not, when reading about Bani-Israel rebellion, and so you don't care about God's chosen ones nor care how Quran has been treated.

When Imam Hussain was killed, the light of God which cannot be extinguished, was in another sense, extinguished. It was put out. 

It was one of the last shots of God for humanity to have the light spread to them, you don't care about God's light so you don't understand the grief of Yaqoub over Yusuf, which was due to a reflective higher state of knowledge he had from God.

You are immersed in Jibt and Taghut and every eye the cries but doesn't cry for Imam Hussain, will never be shown mercy.

You would be the indifferent one when Yahya is killed and his head presented to the King.

The Dark enemy of humanity, Iblis, sent his forces in garbs of Islam, as Quran talks about them, and they took over Islam and inflitrated and people didn't follow the clear decisive bright signs of Quran and Sunnah, but rather mixed with it fabrications.

The Justice emphasized on with respect to offspring that God put the chosen leadership in, was abandoned.  The way after Mohammad that are those who guide by the truth and thereby justice by it, split into twelve branches linking back to a single root, ways themselves who were that way that All Prophets were the way, one way leading to God, was abandoned.

I don't know how you recite the Quran but you probably don't sympathize with the suffering of Messengers neither are inspired the intense desire of Mohammad (pbuh&hf) for the light to spread.

Islam has been butchered and the sayings scattered, and so much hadiths hidden, we are left with so little of the legacy of the chosen ones, but this doesn't matter to you.

The killers of Hussain are the killers of the Prophets of old, and they still rule humanity and are causing havoc and corruption thinking they are the gate keepers and are part of some wise plan to bring order and justice, while they are the main reason humanity suffers.

They the deceivers got their way and still are hiding history,  and manipulating it and the education system is all in their hands, and you don't care.

You are indifferent that falsehood rules, proofs in Quran that prove God are hidden from humanity due to these people, that Atheism is on the rise - while they know very well these proofs for God but due to their best to mask the truth.

They wish to be the gate keepers to the knowledge which they have stolen and are not fit to teach as they mix with it falsehood and destructive darkness.

You are indifferent while these deceivers rule the Muslims and are manipulating us in wars and chaos.

You really don't understand what Hussain took his chances for. He knew very well, chances were, he would not be succesfull. But that small chance, that small enough chance that people do the right thing, was enough for him,  the support was promised he knew were from people who abandoned Imam Hassan and Imam Ali, he knew this.

But to not try to stop the injustice and darkness that the dark enemies of humanity from Jinn and Humans, try to unleash on humanity,  is something only you guys wish happened.

I am not one to say Imam Hussain saved Islam, he didn't. He tried to.  And there was a chance followers of Ahlulbayt (as) rise up out of the catastrophe but they did not to the extent Imam Al-Hadi (as) (10th Successor) says in a prayer that whoever he sought help abandoned him and who ever he relied on betrayed him as such his mind could not remove the oppression.

You who don't shed tears for Hussain are those who abandon the orphans and do not care for the feeding of hungry. The sufferring and corruption that is warned in Quran "for if you do not it, there will be tribulation and great corruption in the earth" doesn't matter to you.

You are a heartless and take pride in it.


Proud of it. I will NEVER shed a tear for Hussain.

Nothing to be proud of.

It's a personal choice. Shias can boast how they're willing to subject themselves to death to commemorate his martyrdom. I'm also at liberty to say, I won't do anything of the kind.

bint e aisha

Re: Tears for Hussain
« Reply #18 on: September 20, 2017, 06:18:10 PM »

It's a personal choice. Shias can boast how they're willing to subject themselves to death to commemorate his martyrdom. I'm also at liberty to say, I won't do anything of the kind.

To commemorate Hussain's (RA) martyrdom is a heinous bid'ah.

But this statement: "Proud of it. I will NEVER shed a tear for Hussain" just does not look nice.

There is nothing wrong if a person weeps silently and feels sad over the oppressed martyrdom of Sayyidina Hussain (RA), just like we feel for Sayyidina Usman (RA).

Optimus Prime

Re: Tears for Hussain
« Reply #19 on: September 21, 2017, 01:24:41 AM »

It's a personal choice. Shias can boast how they're willing to subject themselves to death to commemorate his martyrdom. I'm also at liberty to say, I won't do anything of the kind.

To commemorate Hussain's (RA) martyrdom is a heinous bid'ah.

But this statement: "Proud of it. I will NEVER shed a tear for Hussain" just does not look nice.

There is nothing wrong if a person weeps silently and feels sad over the oppressed martyrdom of Sayyidina Hussain (RA), just like we feel for Sayyidina Usman (RA).

I didn't say there was anything wrong with it. It's a personal preference. Personally, I don't care.

I don't cry for any other Sahabi who was mercilessly killed. My tears are only for Allah (SWT).


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