1. Chosen Guides in the past came as groups associated with one another in their mission.
2. They were in the past over all Prophets because of the benefit of God revealing revelations with them from himself to humanity.
3. They came in groups of 13 Men, each Guide had 12 Guides with him, whether they preceded them or came after them (for 11/13 it would be a combination of that).
Proof through reason:
It makes sense that God would he founds a nation, confirms the truth and true way to see his revelation, and follows up with guidance. It makes sense that he increases clarification and deepens the knowledge of people through a succession of guides. Now, this has two possibilities: either God does this with a non-consistent number or does with a consistent number. What is for certain, is that, every people would need clarification for the number of successors that follow up the founding Messenger. It makes more sense and is more eloquent of God to then put a consistent number. The only number we find that there is consistency to is 12.
Proof through Quran:
The day God completed the religion (5:3) and conveyed an essential revelation for the message (5:67) is alluded to by the Mastership of God and his Messenger (5:55). In midst of this, all we are reminded of "Twelve" "Captains", in verse 5:12 and alongside that it was emphasized to honor and help the Messengers. All the emphasis on Twelve in Quran is revealed emphasize that the people of Israel had twelve doors to enter by, twelve gates, twelve rivers to quench their thirst, and with the theme of the boats in Quran, and the words of Nuh "so by the name of God is it's sailing and anchoring", it comes clear that "Captains" is to emphasize there was no one else to steer this boat that sails by God's Name but these Twelve Captains after Moses in the children of Israel. With the way it is alluded to, it is alluded in a way to put a magnifying glass on the children of Israel to emphasize on how guides and leads nations to their salvation The allusions to twelve in every Surah there is allusion to it, it has a significant link to the true leadership of God's chosen in contrast to the fake leadership of clergy who have no right to claim authority and who misguide humanity.
In addition to all this, it mentions in verse 5:13 the state of children Israel of that covenant who continously were found treacherous in the life time of Mohammad (saw).
Proof through Sunni hadiths:
According to a hadith in Tafsir Dar Al-Manthur, that is found in Musnad Ahmad, the Prophet was asked how many successors (Caliphs) would rule this nation, and he answered: "Twelve, like that of the children of Israel."That means if anyone was asked, how many successors of Moses ruled the children of Israel, then that it would be 12. What is even more significant, is the Messenger says it in a way that implies they should know Moses was succeeded by 12 Successors who ruled the children of Israel, so it makes sense that this is verified in Quran.
According to tafsir Dar-Almanthur, by Al-Suyuti, Ibn Abbas says regarding the "Twelve Captains", "they became Prophets". There is also a hadith that says from the Prophet, in the same book, that if children of Israel would of all succeeded had they followed Twelve Men. The author (Dar Al-Manthur) says that hadith is verified by verse 5:12.
There is also the famous hadith that there will be 12 Successors from Quraysh.
Proof in Shiite hadiths:
bn Ayash Al-Hafeth: Narrated from me Abu Ali Ahmad ibn Mohammad ibn Jaffar Al-Usooli Al-Basiri, narrated from Abdar Rahman ibn Saleh ibn Raeeda narrated from Hussain ibn Hameed ibn Rabee' narrated Al-Hamshi narrated from Mohammad Al-Khalif Al-Taataatari, narrated from Zidaan narrated from Salman:
he said I entered upon the Messenger of God one day so when he looked at me he said "O Salman God doesn't raise a Prophet or a Messenger except he makes for him Twelve Captains". Salman said: "O Messenger of God, I know this from the people of two books", The Messenger of God so then said "O Salman so do you know who are the my Twelve Captains then God chosen as Leaders after me?" He said "God and his Messenger know better", "God created me from his own light so he called me so I obeyed him, then he created Ali from my light, and called him so he obeyed him, from my light and Ali's light he created Fatima, so he called her so she obeyed him, and from my light and the light of Ali, and Fatima he created Al-Hassan and Al-Hussain. And he called them and they obeyed him. So God named us with five names from his names, so God is the Praised (Al-Mahmud) and I am Mohammad (praised),and God is Al-Ali (The Exalted) and this is Ali (exalted), and God is the Originator/Source and this is Fatima (the original nature/the origin/the source) , and God is the owner of goodness (Dul-Ehsan) and this Al-Hassan (The good) and God is the Beautiful/Beautified and this is Hussain (the beautiful). Then God created from us and from the light of Hussain nine leaders so he called them and they obeyed him before God created a vast sky or spread earth or water or wind or a moral, we were in his knowledge lights who glorified him and who listened to him and obeyed him."....
The hadith goes on and one of things stated by the Messenger of God is there is no faith without knowing their names, and he names them all to Salman.
Are there any hadiths that suggest Twelve Captains were not Prophets or were not successors to Moses in either Sunni or Shiite sources?