- Nabi Ibrahim (a.s) made du'a to make Imams (a.s) from his (a.s) offspring and ALLAH (SWT) accepted his (a.s) du'a and made Imams (a.s) from his offspring.
Who were these Imams?
- More than billion Muslims have been praying more than 1,400 years the du'a to make them Imams of Muttaqeen... Can you tell me have ALLAH (SWT) accepted their du'a of making them Imams of Muttaqeen? If yes then name those Imams of Muttaqeen.
Are you saying that Allah (swt) taught us a du'a which He won't accept? These Imams could be anyone. Islamic history is replete with awliya and those who were pious. The issue arises when a certain portion of the Islamic ummah gives a specific definition to the term Imam....individuals like yourself! Since you believe Imamah is determined by Allah (swt) and no other Imam exists other than your 12th Imam - possibly being the last one in the line of Imams - why then did Allah (swt) teach us such a du'a?
This du'a is invalid in Shiaism thereby making this verse invalid and inapplicable. Just one example of a core Shi'i belief (Imamah) contradicting the Qur'an.
ALLAH (SWT) declared Nabi Ibrahim (a.s) righteousness to all mankind when HE (SWT) sent him (a.s) as a Prophet... and Prophet is a leader of his Ummah. So why was a Prophet who is already a leader in his Ummah made an Imam? 
Remember what I said about responding and getting more questions in response? Ibrahim (asws) was a leader in his ummah and Allah (swt) declared him a leader to all mankind.
Allah (swt) tells the Holy Prophet (saw) the following: "So We have taught thee the inspired (Message), '
Follow the ways of Abraham the True in Faith, and he joined not gods with God.' "
Is there any other prophet whom Muslims, even the Holy Prophet (saw), had to follow? That should answer your question. Unless you prefer to question by feigning ignorance.
In near future I will create another thread which would be about concept of caliphate in Ahlul Sunnah in detail.
To aid you in the process, please bear in mind that Caliphate (according to us) is not mandated in the Qur'an or Sunnah. However, shura was with Muhajir and Ansar, as attested to by Imam Ali (ra) in Nahjul Balagha. And the leadership of the first four Caliphs (ra) were in accordance to it.
What would you say about the hadith in which Umar says not to repeat the way in which Abu Bakr was elected as Caliph as Umar said that it was merely an unexpected incident and GOD saved from its evil? Why was consultation during Abu Bakr's election an unexpected incident which was not to be repeated again?
Have you read the entire narration? Eesa, the black intellectual Shia, used that hadith at Speakers Corner against brother Farid and got owned. To summarize the lengthy narration, Umar (ra) found out that people would pledge allegiance haphazardly to anyone they wanted (after him) while citing the quick election of Abu Bakr (ra). In other words, the ummah would have differed on as many people as there were Muslims (each one giving bayyah to whoever they pleased).
Umar (ra), as the leader of the Muslims, reprimanded them and informed them that while Abu Bakr (ra) was elected in a haste, it was done with the consent of everyone present. So he was addressing the misconception of those who thought that they could pledge allegiance to anyone
without mutual consultation.
And as I said above, no matter which way you explain it, at the end of the day Imam Ali (ra) accepted the Caliphates of Abu Bakr (ra), Umar (ra) and Uthman (ra)!
What do you mean by, "Not true?" Are there evidences that Yazid wasn't pledged allegiance according to Shariah? If yes then I would like to see your evidences.
"Not true" as in what you ascribed to Abdullah ibn Umar (ra) is not true.
But would Abdullah ibn Umar lie on ALLAH (SWT) and HIS (SWT) Prophet (s.a.w.w)?
Abdullah ibn Umar (ra) was acknowledging the fact that people gave bayyah to Yazeed in accordance to "the conditions enjoined by Allah and His Apostle". That does not make his caliphate legitimate or ibn Umar (ra) a supporter of Yazeed. You could have a transaction between two groups or parties, one honest and the other dishonest. The one honestly conducting his or her affairs is not endorsing the dishonesty of the other. It could just be that the honest one is ignorant of the latter's dishonesty.