
What do shia apologists ACTUALLY believe about sunnis' fate in the hereafter?

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Muhammad Tazin

The Amman Message, a three-point ruling issued by 200 Islamic scholars from over 50 countries, officially recognizes those eight legal schools of thought.

Hanafi (Sunni)
Maliki (Sunni)
Shafi'i (Sunni)
Hanbali (Sunni)
Ja`fari (inc. Mustaali-Taiyabi Ismaili)[35] (Shia)
Zaidiyyah (Shia)

The AMMAN MESSAGE a three points ruling issued by 2OO ISLAMIC SCHOLARS from  over 50 COUNTRIES officially RECOGNISES those eight LEGAL schools of thought. 😊

The puppets of "Amman Message" cleverly avoided the core fact of belief, talked just about fiqh. There are only some differences in  jurisdictions among Hanafai-Shafii-Malik-Hambli school, whereas, we have radical conflict with the beliefs of Twelver(exhibited as Jafari) Shias


The puppets of "Amman Message" cleverly avoided the core fact of belief, talked just about fiqh. There are only some differences in  jurisdictions among Hanafai-Shafii-Malik-Hambli school, whereas, we have radical conflict with the beliefs of Twelver(exhibited as Jafari) Shias

200 Muslim Scholars from fifty different countries are PUPPETS? And you handful of hate mongers and division causers are what?

Abu Muhammad

"He said that there is a caveat. He said that a sunni that knows about the imamah concept and still rejects it (which any remotely knowledgeable sunni about shias do btw) will automatically become a kafir in the hereafter because there will be no imam to back him up. So, it seemed to me that he believes that a sunni despite being a "muslim" by name in this world will have his Islam automatically taken away from him in akhira, and he will go to hellfire forever like the kuffar. In a word, "yeah, you are muslim, but will not have salvation". Well, I can't verify if this is what every such shias that say "sunnis are also muslim" believe, but that was rather intriguing. Maybe a shia here will enlighten me. But, again, like I said, there are well-founded, genuine theological reasons for me to think this maybe truly what every such shia believes in their heart. If not exactly it, then something along the lines of"

Lets comment on this shall we.

Is that all?


"He said that there is a caveat. He said that a sunni that knows about the imamah concept and still rejects it (which any remotely knowledgeable sunni about shias do btw) will automatically become a kafir in the hereafter because there will be no imam to back him up. So, it seemed to me that he believes that a sunni despite being a "muslim" by name in this world will have his Islam automatically taken away from him in akhira, and he will go to hellfire forever like the kuffar. In a word, "yeah, you are muslim, but will not have salvation". Well, I can't verify if this is what every such shias that say "sunnis are also muslim" believe, but that was rather intriguing. Maybe a shia here will enlighten me. But, again, like I said, there are well-founded, genuine theological reasons for me to think this maybe truly what every such shia believes in their heart. If not exactly it, then something along the lines of"

Lets comment on this shall we.
i was a bit confused before. then i realised you are quoting the OP.
I want to tell you about a personal experience. I had a chat with a shia sometime ago. And, I asked him what the shia actually think about sunnis. He said shias believe that sunnis are also muslims, and that the shias that say sunnis are kafir are extremists. Fair enough I thought. He kept saying the same thing in circles when I was trying to understand more. I was trying to tap into his mind, and as I inquired more deeply about his beliefs, he reached a boiling point and spilled a new information. He said that there is a caveat. He said that a sunni that knows about the imamah concept and still rejects it (which any remotely knowledgeable sunni about shias do btw) will automatically become a kafir in the hereafter because there will be no imam to back him up. So, it seemed to me that he believes that a sunni despite being a "muslim" by name in this world will have his Islam automatically taken away from him in akhira, and he will go to hellfire forever like the kuffar. In a word, "yeah, you are muslim, but will not have salvation". Well, I can't verify if this is what every such shias that say "sunnis are also muslim" believe, but that was rather intriguing. Maybe a shia here will enlighten me. But, again, like I said, there are well-founded, genuine theological reasons for me to think this maybe truly what every such shia believes in their heart. If not exactly it, then something along the lines of.
This takfirism is a bad business today but sad to say, it's everywhere; except for us, everyone else is deviant.

another example is (from non-shia source)

people keep saying that there are three creeds with aswj: Athari, mutaridi, and ashari.

give arguments for/against.


Is that all?

Have you read my posts before this or do you just Cherry pick on what makes you look good for the time being. Like I said I will address it all unlike you. Just be patient 😊


"He said that there is a caveat. He said that a sunni that knows about the imamah concept and still rejects it (which any remotely knowledgeable sunni about shias do btw) will automatically become a kafir in the hereafter because there will be no imam to back him up. So, it seemed to me that he believes that a sunni despite being a "muslim" by name in this world will have his Islam automatically taken away from him in akhira, and he will go to hellfire forever like the kuffar. In a word, "yeah, you are muslim, but will not have salvation". Well, I can't verify if this is what every such shias that say "sunnis are also muslim" believe, but that was rather intriguing. Maybe a shia here will enlighten me. But, again, like I said, there are well-founded, genuine theological reasons for me to think this maybe truly what every such shia believes in their heart. If not exactly it, then something along the lines of"

Lets comment on this shall we.

What do Shias believe about Sunnis and their position in the hereafter. It's very simple. You will have different sayings from different books based on thought and opinion of the Scholar. Here is my opinion and what I think. The Sunnis are Muslims just as we are but there is a difference. Our faith is complete and perfected but theirs isn't. It's down to every individual to seek and search for the truth with all the falsehood that has been spread from one place to the other.

If someone is born a Muslim but in an environment and surrounding where no one prays or fasts because no one has ever bothered to because that's how it's been from the beginning and that's what they're use to and it's become a norm and no one thinks it's an issue. Also they're not aware about the importance of praying and fasting because they haven't been informed is one thing compared to those who are born as Muslims but in an environment and surrounding vice versa. Both are Muslims and their position in Akhira will be different despite being from the same and equal sect and school of thought.

You have Aalim and you have Jahil. Aalim is some educated, informed, knowledgeable, aware and known in a particular matter or field and Jahil is just vice versa. Now Aalim which is a Scholar and Jahil a member of the public or community, if both commit a sin or make an error or mistake will be judged and taken differently.

The same is with belief and faith. Yes our position will be different than them and they believe the same about us because it's about belief and faith. This is nothing secret or hidden and it shouldn't be. It's not about what we think or assume but about belief and faith just like if your friends ask you about their position in the hereafter after according to you and they happen to be non Muslims.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2018, 11:40:01 AM by iceman »


Speaking about Jannah and who will or won't go there, have you heard the narration of Ashra Mabshira? I'm sure you have. All companions are good and pious according to the Ahle Sunnah but only ten, yes only ten have been promised paradise. The ten have been guaranteed paradise but why not the others? Is there a possibility regarding all the others but not about the ten? The ten are definitely but the others are left out on possibility. Have you thought about this?

Muhammad Tazin

200 Muslim Scholars from fifty different countries are PUPPETS? And you handful of hate mongers and division causers are what?

As for so called "Sunni authorities", people like Tahir Padri, Ali Goma and Habib al jifri made of most of them. If we talk about the number, in pakistan or lebanon, there are bunch of deviant Sufi's who are ready to participate in this type of party and increase the number to even 2000


As for so called "Sunni authorities", people like Tahir Padri, Ali Goma and Habib al jifri made of most of them. If we talk about the number, in pakistan or lebanon, there are bunch of deviant Sufi's who are ready to participate in this type of party and increase the number to even 2000

So I guess the participants, regardless of the number and majority, won't be taken seriously. But in Saqifa only three Muhajir were present out of thousands and are taken very seriously till this very day. And they didn't even gather to select a leader for and behalf of everyone else to begin with. 😊


Sorry wrong message!
« Last Edit: October 25, 2018, 01:00:47 PM by investigating »


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