those are only layman or low level ranking scholars right?
Exactly. I've seen very few tyre-heads with correct tajweed (even some Huffadh). But they are extremely rare and guess what, they are all influenced by Sunnis, this is why every single Shia Qari in Iran (or Afghanistan) is a huge fan of the late Abdul-Basit Abdul-Samit. His recordings are still played on Iranian state radio and TV. basically the Imams of the Rawafidh when it comes to Qira'at are Sunnis! Besides, the whole thing (giving some importance to the Qur'an) started with Khamenei who uses it as an excellent tool to:
1) Polish the image of the Rafidah who are known as a sect that wrote entire books regarding the belief (and support) of tahreef Al Qur'an
2) It attracts tens of thousand of Sunnis each year to year in several Qur'an competitation events.
before Khamenei and in their history Qur'an has barely any practical status among Rawafid, this is why you see to this very day their scholars being ignorant of the Qur'an, makharij, tilawah and everything that is related to it.
Im sure none of their grand ayatola is a hafidh, otherwise you will see it 24hrs a day everywhere 
Akhi, there are videos out there from Ayatullat Al Haidari who resides in Qum himself. He explains how insignificant Qur'an is in their circles, and how they don't teach much tafsir, let alone 3ilm of tajweed etc.