
Ibn Masud guilty of kufr?

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Re: Ibn Masud guilty of kufr?
« Reply #60 on: August 12, 2018, 02:52:28 PM »
I didn't say anything 😊 I asked you a question and you can't even give a simple answer. Was Abraham promoted or given a title of a similar nature and grade? That's all I asked and you're still trying to avoid it by dancing around it. As far as by passing Messenger hood and Prophecy is concerned and going straight to Imamah, can you prove to me that it's necessary for you to be a Messenger and Prophet first before being an Imam. Answer up or own up! 😊

Lol keep asking questions after being asked a question what an idiot honestly.

You are the one who says He was promoted, I ask why prophet saw wasn’t promoted and ahle baith bypassed the promotion.........and all you have to answer is more questions????? Are you really that thick??😊

You came up with this theory I don’t have to prove NOTHING, divine Imamate is your curse not ours, I see YET AGAIN you cannot provide clear answers on something not so clear from the quran😉


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