
Only Shias believe in the complete Quran.

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Only Shias believe in the complete Quran.
« on: December 25, 2016, 08:35:02 PM »


God picked out of infinite words, the words that are found in Quran. To me, this essentially means we cannot belittle a single verse of Quran. We may not know why they are essential as clarifying the true religion to all of humanity and their disputes regarding what is the true way of submitting to God but every verse is an essential foundation.

To me for example, the verses mentioning the door that bani-Israel had to enter upon, the 12 Captains, the 12 rivers, the 12 who were grandchildren and ways, the people who guide by the truth among them, the Imams who guide by God's command, the true King Talut (who later became a Messenger), the family of Moses and Aeron, are all essential to guidance to my creed.

You take away these verses, and Sunnis would feel nothing. Nothing is missing from guidance....the religion is still what it is, and these verses are in a way superfluous.  They are not essential pieces of Quran.

Take away all mention of Aeron, take away everything that is said about him in Quran, and take away suratal inshira that compliments all that and designates it to someone among this nation with the same position....and again, nothing is missing to them.

Take away the emphasis of all chosen families in Quran, again, nothing would be missing for essential guidance.  It's not needed at all. It's just mention but has no application to us.


This is while to a twelver Shia, all these verses are confirming one another, and are essential to the Quran. Take away any of these themes and our faith would be shaken.

Take away for example Aeron in Quran, and a major foundation of our faith would be shaken.

Take away for example for me the two verses mentioning Elyas name, and a major foundation for me would be gone.

Take away the 12 Captains and I would be seriously hurt by it.

I believe in the book all together. I appreciate every verse that is stated in there.

I will leave with one more. Take away the mention of "Ulil-Amr" in 4:59 and not only Sunnis would not feel anything missing, they would feel more at ease with their faith.

This has tell you something. This has tell you someone cares about what Quran says while others may want to dismiss everything it says as unclear, as unapplicable, as non-muhkam.

Take away the wage verses in Quran and again Sunnis would not care. The wage of course is the most essential unifier to Shias - we emphasize on love of Ahlulbayt in poetry, in our gatherings, etc, because that is the path Quran calls to. Allah [swt] could of just told us to obey Ulil-Amr with no emphasis on loving the near kin of his Messenger, but we see Allah [swt] emphasizes on love and the religion at the end is nothing but love.

May God make us appreciate his book and not belittle verse after verse, dismissing them....all to stick to the idol created by Satan and who we call "I".
Love of the family of Yaseen is the light of the heavens and the earth.


Re: Only Shias believe in the complete Quran.
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2017, 01:56:01 PM »
Years passed since I have met you first on other forum. But nothing change in your approach. Lot's of letters, and minimum of sense.


Re: Only Shias believe in the complete Quran.
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2017, 03:58:17 AM »
Years passed since I have met you first on other forum. But nothing change in your approach. Lot's of letters, and minimum of sense.

Keep worshiping your Rijaal mess and it's Idols.
Love of the family of Yaseen is the light of the heavens and the earth.


Re: Only Shias believe in the complete Quran.
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2017, 04:02:40 AM »
Years passed since I have met you first on other forum. But nothing change in your approach. Lot's of letters, and minimum of sense.

Keep worshiping your Rijaal mess and it's Idols.
keep trolling in the darkness of satanic misguidance assuming it to be the guidance of non-existing 12th imam .

Evil twelvers

Re: Only Shias believe in the complete Quran.
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2017, 10:25:08 AM »
You so did matam before making this post.You shias don't believe in the Quran, your high ranking scholars say it all the time.You shias believe that the 12th imam has the complete Quran.Why are you doing taqiyyah on this site? You do realize that people here aren't going to get fooled that easily right?


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