
Quranic themes.

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Quranic themes.
« on: September 22, 2017, 05:03:57 AM »
The Quran I believe verses all interconnect and are emphasizing on each other, and it has been designed to open endless doors of knowledge through a series of clarification opening to other clarifications.

If it ever stopped in increasing me in knowledge, I would believe it's from other than God. But due to it's continuous connection to the highest sky (God) through the highest created sky (Mohammad and his family) connected down to the lowest earth,  beaming light and clear signs in the darkest of places,  and giving light in the darkest nights,  I have become certain and certain upon certain it is from God Lord of the worlds.

To show some of these interconnected themes, I will start with some basics and inshallah, perhaps later we will even get to the wisdom of the number of rukus and sujoods, and Qiyams, and you will see that where the Sunnah is manifest, the Quran elaborates on it's outward, and thereby connecting it to ultimate wisdom and proving the Sunnah at a higher level.

Perhaps if I can show that all features of Salah can be known through Quran but with help of the Sunnah, perhaps, you guys will begin to see a different approach which seeks to refer all Sunnah back to Quran by reflecting deeply over both of these and trying to find the Sunnah in Quran and trying to find the Quran in the Sunnah.

I will start with the following themes which are premilaries to unlocking keys that open other doors.

1. Mulk theme.
2. Wali theme.
3. Al-Amr theme.
4. Al-Hukm theme.
5. Al-Thikr theme.
4. Chosen ones theme.
5. Chosen families theme.
6. The Ummatan theme.
7. The Wage theme.
8. The Imam theme.
9. The Witness theme.
10. The ships theme.
11. The name of God theme.
12. The face of God theme.
13. The proof/sign of God theme.
14. The way theme.
15. The twelve theme.
16. The water theme.
17. The light theme.
18. The sustenance of God theme.
19. The relying on God theme.
20. The door of God theme.
21. The Aaron theme.
22. The Succession theme.
23. The offspring theme.
24. The ghayb theme.
25. The true super power theme.
26. The destuction of oppressors theme.
27. The caller of God theme.
28. The star theme.
29. The sun theme.
30. The moon theme.
31. The mountain Sinai theme.
32. The mountain theme.
33.  The green theme.
34. The clergy theme.
35. The Taghut theme.
36. The sorcery theme.
37. The interpretation theme.
38. The knowledge from the book theme.
39.  The why not an Angel/why a human theme.
40. The why not God send us a book from heaven theme.
41. The Guide theme.
42. The order of Jinn and human theme (those who work together).
43. The Connection (salah) theme.
44. The Ruku theme.
45. The Sujood theme.
46. The Qiyam theme.
47. The purity theme.
48. The attributing purity theme.
49. The beautiful God's Names theme.
50. The Justice theme.
51. The innovations theme.
52. The patience theme.
53. The Shirk theme.
54. The Dunya theme.
55. That which remains theme.
56.  The fear of God theme.
57. The humbleness theme.
58. The honesty theme.
59. The reflecting theme.
60. The hearing theme.
61. The seeing theme.
62. The way to act towards blind people theme.
63.  Love theme.
64. The Sky theme.
65. The tranquility theme.
66. The peace theme.
67. The favor theme.
68. The upheld religion theme.
69. Theme of seven.
70. Theme of ten.
71. Theme of twenty.
72. Theme of fourteen.
73. Theme of streams.
74. The theme of four.
75. The theme of three.
76. The theme of two.
77. The theme of emigration.

I think that is enough for now.  I feel, with these, I can begin after to show how Quran opens up doors to each other parts, and I will be able to show how to reflect over Quran that hopefully will lead people to reflection and guidance.
Love of the family of Yaseen is the light of the heavens and the earth.


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