
Seeds: Rebellion against the clergy - part 1.

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Seeds: Rebellion against the clergy - part 1.
« on: October 09, 2017, 03:08:18 PM »
Seeds: Rebellion against the clergy - part 1.

The Quran can be condensed to saying “By the name of God” should be your every movement towards God and goodness and your compass.

In this discussion revolving around God’s Name, it has said, he sent Prophets to manifest what the name of God is and not only that, but has made the Prophets eventually hold the station of being God’s Name on earth by which the ships of salvation are sailed, and justice is to be achieved. In the case of seal of Prophets, 12 non-Prophet leaders succeeded this position only because there was wisdom in sealing revelations, while in the past, in make senses the Leaders would be Prophets and over all the Prophets would be Messengers.

What has occurred time and time again, whether these leaders from God were present or hidden from the people, is that people attributed this very authority and leadership to clergy. This Aaron Priesthood was meant for chosen ones alone, and not to be mixed with others.

The books of God are also different in that is an expression of God’s Name in words but in a structure that is a boundless ocean, and always happens that a nation denies the knowledge of the book because of the leaders they chosen tell them “this and that” is not in God’s book while God’s books always testify everything (regarding guidance) is found in the book and nothing has been neglected.

God deprives the people of knowledge of the book when they themselves deny it. And all denial of it is done because people want to not search, reflect, and ponder, over the words that are interpretation of the family of the reminder of the time, and are in this intoxication of love of idols in form of leaders who are not appointed by God.  In fact, people always go to the extreme regarding the leaders appointed by God and make them into gods or something, according to Quran ONLY because of their allegiance to clergy and leaders non-appointed by God showing the latter were in reality their biggest idols.
The rebellion against clergy is foremost needed for a stepping ground for all religions. We divide and do not discuss with another, because of taking clergy as lords and gods heedlessly. We value obedience to them and love them more than God or else we would have been terrified of attributing God what we do not know or disobeying him.

This is an introduction to this topic, but I will be showing proof of this from ahadith of Ahlulbayt (as) as well Quran, and emphasize on the reasoning as well.
Going down the rabbit hole, and laying seeds of a rebellion inshallah.
Love of the family of Yaseen is the light of the heavens and the earth.


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