- Why would a believer be in sins and corruption in the first place?
Because when they are extracted from sins, they become pious believers. God has guarded them by taking them out of sin and turning them into believers.
Additionally, we can even say that some believers are surrounded by darkness of sinners and corrupt ones. God guards them by keeping them firm on his belief this extracting them from the darkness that surrounds them.
We can add another, that these believers were themselves sinners and possibly even weak in their belief, yet they believed so God increased their faith and surrounded them with light of guidance.
- If after pondering and reflecting sincerely the believer is supported by GOD and taken out of the darkness and into the Light... would the believer stop committing sins? By this I mean when the believer gets into the Light would he become infallible i.e free from committing sins?
Guys, please enough of this infallibility business

No there's no such thing except maybe Yahya (as) that too only with women. Me and you are shrouded by this light, Alhamdulillah we're believers Insha-Allah, yet not immune to errors.
- But the verse says that initially disbelievers were in Light. Isn't GOD the protector of those who are in Light and aren't the people in Light guided and blessed? Why would GOD allow those people in Light to get in darkness when GOD is the One who takes people out of darkness and brings them into the Light.
I gave you the way I understood it again without referring to Tafseer books. Firstly the light/darkness bit is metaphorical, so the meaning intended is not so black and white, it's not a mechanical process. The reason I explained it as such is because it starts with "Those who commit blasphemy", then it says that evil forces took them from light to darkness, this could mean:
A- They were previously in light but due to their sinfulness they strayed away into darkness.
B- They were always in darkness and the evil forces make sure to keep them in it, blocking away any path to light.
Both work linguistically.
- Can a person who believed in this message and yet did acts of evil and sinfulness be considered from the people of Light. I don't believe in such a thing. I believe such a person to be in darkness and not in Light. He is a person who is fooling none other than himself with such hypocrisy by doing acts of evilness and sinfulness while pretending to believe in the message.
I see your point, but know that people's condition change, they can gradually shift from light to an abyss of darkness with time. A saint can become a wicked one and vice versa. With that said, a person entrenched in light, can start to stray away, little by little, until he slips and falls.
We believe in this, the dynamic ever changing world is unstable, we ask God for stability upon a path pleasing to Him.