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Imamah-Ghaybah / Re: Reason of occultation and common sence.
« Last post by Soccer on March 12, 2020, 11:05:48 PM »

Why on earth has Allah given and mentioned these examples in the Qur'an about the past?

To all types of disbelievers, they are just stories of the past.  They don't understand what God is advocating and the argument he is making by these stories.

They frankly don't want to believe.  It's not hard to understand at all.
Quran-Tafseer / Re: Recitations of Quran: Mistakes or Miracles of Eloquence?
« Last post by Soccer on March 12, 2020, 11:03:03 PM »
Recitations of Quran: Mistakes or Miracles of Eloquence?

The Quranic recitations are a well known fact that has always been accepted by Muslims since the first generation.

Through out the centuries, Muslims have always been reciting the Quran in the variant recitations (Qiraat). Books have been written and lectures have been made about them. However, many Muslims have lost touch with this important Islamic field and have begun to assume that there is only one recitation. Orientalists and enemies of Islam have used this to their advantage to strike doubt into the hearts of Muslims in regards to the preservation of the Quran.

Farid responds to one of these attacks by showing that these recitation are actually not mistakes, complement one another, add greatly to the eloquence of the Quran, and are therefore, a miracle from Allah the Almighty.

This would mean Auli-Yaseen is one of the recitations from God, right and compliment Al Yaseen and El Yaseen and Elyaseen? I understand all the others grammar wise, what's the pointing of splitting El Yaseen?
Quran-Tafseer / Re: Being Raised with your Imams on Day of Judgement.
« Last post by Soccer on March 12, 2020, 10:03:22 PM »
While we might be called with Quran or Torah or whatever, the truth is not all humans always had among them a divine book. But the Quran says there will be a witness from every people from among themselves testifying against them and says the Messengers write down people deeds.

What doesn't help understanding Quran is divorcing all verses from one anther. Another verse talks about every soul coming with a driver and a witness. These are not Angels like Sunnis make out to be per Quran, but the witness and leader and driver and captain is the spirit from God by which he helps believers by and the light that is among the humans by which to get guided by and make us of.

The problem with humans is they talk praise of the light but fail to recognize those who God channels it through. So every religion praises the light (spiritual guidance) and the source of it (God) but then don't care too much who represents it nor seek clear proof regarding that.

They take it lightly by either following leaders with no proof that they are channeling that light or go to stubborn against it and deny it. The middle ground is to seek proof but also not let doubt stop you from seeing what is clear.

The first room about doubting is know when to stop doubting.

This verse a long with the many witnesses verse show the witness from is the leader among humans to be returned to.
Imamah-Ghaybah / Re: Ahlebayt tafsir for 2:124 and 33:33 (shia answers)
« Last post by Soccer on March 12, 2020, 09:46:56 PM »
Here comes the most hypocritical foolish Shiite on this website he will definitely give you answers from his own assumptions.😁

Shiism and Sunnism and even Islam are undefined and meaning nothing. All you think by the concept and what you attach to the label, is in your head.  It's not real.

Submitting to God is the way, doesn't make Islam true, nor does the fact Muslims testify to Mohammad make him his followers, nor Shiites the followers of Ali, nor Twelvers are automatically representing the twelve because they are right about the number per Quran.

These days, no group has full representation of the truth, only Ahlulbayt have that, and there is only one remaining from the that family.

No one else can claim to understand the Quran fully let alone have referred all disputes back to it from the Sunnah.

We have to work together. And the first thing that has to go, is divisions. 

We aren't going to unite on the truth until we allow room for others to be right about somethings and wrong about other. And Islam and Muslims have become just titles like Judaism and Christianity.

Titles and labels don't define anyone.  And Mohammad (s) is not a Muslim like us, he is a submitter to God above causing divisions among humans.

If we submit all good, if we don't, then let God judge who does and who doesn't.  The word between all of us of all views and backgrounds around the world should be to Worship God alone and not to take fallible leaders as idols by which we twist our morals left right and center and abandon what we know to stick to them.

Shiism and Sunnism are false identities, they mean nothing really and yet those who subscribe to them are holding to sorcery from Iblis regarding it.

Yes you are suppose to follow the Sunnah and Ahlulbayt, but that doesn't make either title legitimate way to split from humans.

There is no need to title oneself over differences and divide into groups.  Humanity is One nation, so let God judge between his servants.  Fake Prophets come, still, no need to do takfir. Let God judge human and their hearts.

Just discuss what you believe is your view and try just to show what you know without dividing people against one another.

Learn from others, just as you want others to learn from you.

General Sunni-Shia / Re: What's to be done with a nasibi according to shiaism?
« Last post by Soccer on March 12, 2020, 09:35:25 PM »
Thank God people don't take too seriously hadiths that contradict reason and Quran.
Imamah-Ghaybah / Re: Verse 42:23.
« Last post by Soccer on March 11, 2020, 06:33:22 AM »
The reward they accused Messengers of seeking, it is upon only God and no one else, to establish authority, fame, religion, central position, leadership in religion, I forget to translate the Ila part and completely omitted it.

Hadith-Rijal / Faulty report in Mussanaf Ibn Abi Shayba?
« Last post by TOAA on March 11, 2020, 04:36:12 AM »
حدثنا غندر عن شعبة عن سعد بن إبراهيم أنه سمع أباه قال رأيت عبد الرحمن بن عوف بمنى محلوقا رأسه
يبكي؛ يقول ما كنت أخشى أن أبقى حتى يقتل عثمان

The report (with sahih isnad on the condition of Bukhari and muslim) claims Abdulrahman ibn Awf was alive at the time of Uthman's death,contrary to the widely reported death date of 32 AH.

Any scholars that have spoken on this?
Imamah-Ghaybah / Re: Ibrahim A.S and his Imamah in Quran 2:124
« Last post by Soccer on March 10, 2020, 05:45:57 PM »
Well that’s good then you keep it yourself because to a sane mind it wouldn’t make sense so thanks for not articulating that nonsense with me.

Nothing can clarify half baked nonsense ideas that are not clear in Quran, keep banging your head some more infact try a little bit harder.👍

No problem brother. It's one of the verses that contextualize 42:23 and all verses contextualize each other.
Quran and Ahlulbayt words provide a solution to this paradox. 

Dividing on slogans like "we accept the companions and their Sunnah" or "we follow the Twelve Imams" and forming a group understand slogans has never proven slogans to be true.

This is why Shiism and Sunnism are both false sects, and Islam is a false religion.

Because neither the religion "Islam" manifests what it means to submit to God nor is Mohammad a Muslim nor a Shiite nor Sunni but rather was upright submitted to God and was a seeker of truth and guide towards it.

God's Messengers - Christians can claim Jesus, Muslims Mohammad, Shiites Ali, Twelvers, the Twelve Successors, but none of is true until what the actually teachings are of the book and household of guidance is implemented and upheld.

And so for this reason, titles, don't mean anything really when you make an issue of dividing humans from others.

Mohammad (s) and his followers submitted to God, but they weren't Muslims in what today it means to be Muslim nor their religion Islam for what the word Islam means today.

Islam today is undefined. Muslims are undefined definition. Shiism is undefined. Sunnism Undefined. IT means nothing really yet we fight over these boxes like they mean everything.

Ask a person who hasn't read Quran what ISlam and Muslims are, and he thinks he knows enough to not even read the Quran.

This is the truth of reality. Quran translations are also not Quran. And Quran we have today - there is a great sorcery upon it from Iblis and we have to see the trial so as not become blind like children of ISrael who thought there be no trial but became blind as a result of not being vigilant towards it.

Quran-Tafseer / Re: What does "Li لي" mean in arabic
« Last post by Soccer on March 10, 2020, 07:46:52 AM »
you raised good points when it comes to Fadak as a whole..but it's been divided into shares i.e. one is for Allah, one is for Rasul SAW, one is for Ahlulbayt and so where goes the share of Rasul Ullah and Zilqurba..?

How Does God get any of it? God reveals what is for HIm is for the MEssenger and what is for the MEssenger is for his for Ahlulbayt of his, and all that, but what does that all mean, it means they will spend on the orphans etc....

They are the Amilan alayha but what Sadaqa and Zakat forbidden to Ahlulbayt meant is just like the past Messengers didn't seek wealth from people,  Ahlulbayt won't do that either.

But there are verses to bring Sadaqa to Rasool if you going to go to him but he spends on the believers. And everything restored to God and the Messenger and Ahlulbayt is for them to spend on the needy and poor Muslims.

It's a Shiite lie it was meant just for Bani-Hashim the latter part.  And Sadaqa and Zakat to give to Messengers to spend on others is fine,  what Zakat forbidden to Ahlulabyt meant was they are chosen and so God doesn't allow people to reward them for their efforts with wealth as they seek no reward from the people.

And needy poor and orphans only get it so long as they are that, and it's conditional, while Ahlulbayt get it unconditionally.

They were never going to spend Fadak on themselves, Fatima was standing up not even really for Fadak but because a fabrication against Quran clear words was made and people were silent.

Read her long speech and the foundations of the religion were destroyed, and hence, she was calling people back to holding on to Quran and calling the Muhajareen and Ansar to propagate the Quran they understood from the Sunnah of the Nabi and not allow the lies propagated and Tahreef that was taking place in the minds people to continue.

People think Ahlulbayt (as) cared about the land, why didn't Imam REda (as) accept it? Why didn't Imam Ali (as) take it back?

Fatima (as) wasn't greedy.

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