
Abu Bakr al-Siddiq: Part 4 - Ali gives Bayyah to Abu Bakr & Army of Usama b Zayd

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Abu Bakr al-Siddiq: Part 4 - Ali gives Bayyah to Abu Bakr & Army of Usama b. Zayd ~ Dr. Yasir Qadhi

Abu Bakr and Ali b. Abi Talib two great companions of the Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam). While one is the noble father-in-law of the Messenger of Allah, the other is the noble son-in-law.

In this episode, Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi discusses the facts and myths surrounding the issue of Ali (ra) giving the oath of allegiance to Abu Bakr (ra), and how Usama b. Zayd became the leader of the army of the Muslims.

Join Shaykh Dr. Yasir Qadhi as he continues with the life and times of Abu Bakr al-siddiq - The Successor of the Prophet!

Khilafa of Abu Bakr As-Siddiq, who was given the title "Khalifatu Rasulullah". Also discussed are the incident of the "army of Usama ibn Zayd" and Ali not giving his bayyah (allegiance) to Abu Bakr [r] until some time later.

Incident of "Army of Usama ibn Zayd":

-2.5 days before the Prophet (saw) passed away, while sick with fever, one of the final commands was to fight in the direction of Tabuk (towards the Roman empire).

-Usama ibn Zayd was the son of Zayd ibn Harith (the adopted son of the Prophet (saw)) and Umm Ayman (Habishiya - a gift from Abdullah to Amina and a caretaker to the Prophet (s)). He was born in the house of Khadija [r] and his nickname was "Hibb al Rasulullah."

-Usama ibn Zayd was appointed to lead the army by the Prophet [saw] but the people questioned it. The Prophet [saw] then said: "If you are talking about his appointment, you also spoke about his father's appointment, wallahi he (father/zayd) was worthy of being a leader (battle of Mu'ta), and he was one of the most beloved to me, and he (Usama) is one of the most beloved to me in the world."

-Abu Bakr's [r] first decision as the Khalifa was to deal with the army of Usama ibn Zayd, and settle the tension among the sahaba who questioned his age and maturity.

-Abu Bakr gave Usama some powerful advice: "Do not be treacherous, do not steal booty, do not break promises, do not mutilate, do not cut off trees, do not kill animals unless you will eat them, when you come across those worshiping in their homes, leave them alone in their worship. Say Bismillah when people give you food and fight the army when you see it."

Incident of Ali not giving his bayaa (allegiance) immediately:

-Shia's and Sunnis differ on certain details.

-It is human nature that there may have been minor differences of opinion and friction even between sahaba. This does not impact theology.

-Dwelling on the past, it is unnecessary and unhealthy. Allah will judge on what happened not us.

-Ali (ra) overall approved and accepted the khilafa of Abu Bakr, Omar and Uthman [r]. Yet Ali (ra) was still a major player in the government system. Even shi'a agree on this point.

-Abbas (ra) said to Ali (ra) "let's go ask the Prophet (s) who shall be the leader next? If it is amongst us (Banu Hashim), we shall know. If it is to other than us, we shall know..." Ali (ra) said, "If I were to ask the Prophet (s) now and he does not give it to us, then the people will later not give it to us either. Therefore I will not ask.."

-It is said that Ali (r) didn't give oath of allegiance for 6 months.
-Mainstream opinion is that AB noticed it, and asked Ali to give eventually.

-Minor opinion is (Ibn Kathir) says that Ali (r) initially gave oath, but then AB had asked him to give it a second time for the sake of the people.

-Hadith mentions Abu Bakr [r] was sitting in mimbar and didn't see Ali [r], so he asked for Ali [r] to come forward. He asked "do you wish to disunite the ummah?" Ali [r] said no, and had given oath.

-Sahih Muslim mentions Aisha [r] saying that Ali [r] hadn't given oath until after Fatima [r] died.

-Yet another hadith in Sahi Muslim says: Ali [r] told Abu Bakr [r] that "we do not deny any of your blessings, but perhaps you have taken this matter from us. Abu Bakr [r] began to cry and then swore by Allah and remarked: "It is more beloved to me that I treat the family of the Prophet [saw] more nicely than my own family. Ali (r) then agreed to give the bayyah the next day and they both publicly resolved the matter.

Recorded 15th April 2015
« Last Edit: October 14, 2015, 03:24:39 AM by AbuMuslimKhorasani »
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عطار نِیشابوری | |

Aba AbdAllah


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