
Do Sunni disrespect 'Ali (ra) by the way they describe him?

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  • إن الرافضة قوم لا عقل لهم ولا نقل
  • Religion: Sunni
If you ask the 'Ali (ra) worshipping Rafidah then the answer is of course yes, I mean just look at the despicable portraits they propagate (and even hang up in their temples!) in the name of Ahlul Bayt. Purely fictional (and of course in typical Majoosi art, with Peesian-womanish features, such as pale skin, plucked eyebrows etc.) and idealistic, very similar to how other pagans such as Christians and Hindus do.

That XXXL sized sealion Hassan Al Qadri (who wears Shmaagh and 3igaal in a way that it looks like a Hijab, lol he looks like an Iraqi aunty) for example posted this:

Of course this walrus on legs with his cringy Majoosi ("alayhissalowwm") accent (who is an actual descendant of that heavily refuted arch liar Abul-Hussain Lasharaf al-Din Musawi, author of al-Muraja'at, what a cursed family tree ..) copied this dead argument from his former master Yasser al-Khabith who also makes it look as if Sunnis have committed a crime for describing 'Ali as he is described in BOTH Rafidi and Sunni books.

Enjoy these Rawafid being refuted and humiliated again and again and remember the statement of the Salaf that ....

"the Rafidah are a nation deprived of intellect and sound religious text, they are the most lying of all creation, humiliated in this and the next world."

« Last Edit: July 19, 2018, 08:44:59 PM by ANTI-MAJOS - Kas-SAHEL! »


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  • إن الرافضة قوم لا عقل لهم ولا نقل
  • Religion: Sunni
Re: Do Sunni disrespect 'Ali (ra) by the way they describe him?
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2018, 08:58:50 PM »
The nifaaq of these people is unbelievable, on one hand on Fadak TV they created an image of Omar's (ra) face based on every flimsy narration they could put their hands on, saying that he looked ugly and like the devil and here we have that Kim Jong Un looking Rafilthy Al Qadri saying that we describe 'Omar as a "model" in our books.


Re: Do Sunni disrespect 'Ali (ra) by the way they describe him?
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2018, 11:11:47 PM »
Yaser al-Habib is a shameless and deceitful Khabees.


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