
Maula Ali- Greatest Teacher of Leadership

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Maula Ali- Greatest Teacher of Leadership
« on: July 11, 2015, 02:32:33 PM »
Dr.Mazhar Naqvi

Leadership is a frequently heard word but most sought after quality. Most of the business schools and management colleges simply aim at enhancing the quality of leadership among their students. Corporate giants dole out millions of dollars for developing their executives into effective leaders for attainment of their pre-determined objectives. On the other hand, leadership does not get much prominence in Islamic countries and little efforts are made by the management of large companies in these countries on creating leaders. It is indeed an ironical approach. Since its early days, Islam through the messenger of Allah always advocated creation of leaders. He developed many a leaders with Hazrat Ali as the most remarkable one among them. Maula Ali earned this status by exhibiting matchless qualities of leadership. He preached and practiced the true leadership (Hidayat) for appeasing Allah Almighty- His ultimate goal or predetermined objective.
A popular definition of leadership says that it is the knack of getting others to following you willingly”. Another definition says that leadership is doing the right thing, at the right time, with right kind of people and resources. Another management expert describes a leader as the one who creates leaders under him. Those who try to differentiate between a manager and leader say that a manager believes in status quo while a leader looks beyond what is obvious? A leader pulls his followers while a manager pushes them. When one looks at the life and works of Hazrat Ali, he finds him at the zenith of all the popular styles of leaderships. He emerges as an ultimate, unparalleled and matchless example of leadership that not only guarantees success in this world but also hereafter. With his noble character, deeds and decisions taken in the most difficult situations go on to show that Maula Ali introduced in the world qualities that a leader must possess to administer his followers or subordinates with fairness, equity and justice to navigate his goals with ease and without violating the tenets of Islam. An idea about Imam Ali’s principles can be formed from his letter written to Malik Al Ashtar when he appointed the latter as governor of Egypt.  He writes :   

    "Remember, Malik, that amongst your subjects there are two kinds of people: those who have the same religion as you have; they are brothers to you, and those who have religions other than that of yours, they are human beings like you. Men of either category suffer from the same weaknesses and disabilities that human beings are inclined to, they commit sins, indulge in vices either intentionally or foolishly and unintentionally without realizing the enormity of their deeds. Let your mercy and compassion come to their rescue and help in the same way and to the same extent that you expect Allah to show mercy and forgiveness to you. You must always appreciate and adopt a policy which is neither too severe nor too lenient; a policy which is based upon equity will be largely appreciated."
It is evident from his words that a leader should be for all human beings- a lesson most of the modern leaders seem to have forgotten forever and their folly has plunged the entire world into orgy of injustice, corruption, terrorism and favouritism.
Then he suggests the newly appointed Governor “ Your worst ministers will be the men who had been ministers to the despotic rulers before you and who had been a party to atrocities committed by them. Such persons should not be taken into your confidence and should not be trusted because they have aided sinners and have assisted tyrants and cruel rulers. In their stead you can comfortably find persons who are equally wise and learned but who have not developed sinful and criminal mentalities, who have neither helped the tyrants in their tyrannies nor have they assisted them to carry on their sinful deeds.
Dr. Mazhar Naqvi

Ibn Yahya

Re: Maula Ali- Greatest Teacher of Leadership
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2015, 03:52:25 AM »
not a shred of evidence


Re: Maula Ali- Greatest Teacher of Leadership
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2015, 12:32:08 AM »
According to this, Mu'awiyah was a better leader:

"A popular definition of leadership says that it is the knack of getting others to following you willingly."

*awaits emotional Shias to start accusing me of Nasb*


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