
Are these ahadith authenticalam

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karim fattah

Are these ahadith authenticalam
« on: April 21, 2018, 06:31:46 PM »

I found this post over at sc. I was wondering id they were authentic by any stretch

Ibn Sa'ad in Tabaqat, Volume IV, page 90, Ibn Hajar Asqalani in Isaba, and Ibn Abd-e-Rabbih in Iqdu'l-Farid, Volume I, write that the Caliph said:

"'When I made you the governor of Bahrain, you had not even shoes on your feet, but now I have heard that you have purchased horses for 1,600 dinars. How did you acquire this wealth?' He replied, 'These were men's gifts which profit has multiplied much.' The Caliph's face grew red with anger, and he lashed him so violently that his back bled. Then he ordered the 10,000 dinars which Abu Huraira had collected in Bahrain be taken from him and deposited in the account of the Baitu'-Mal."

This was not the first time that Umar beat Abu Huraira. Muslim writes in his Sahih, Volume I, page 34, that during the time of the Prophet, Umar Bin Khattab beat Abu Huraira so severely that the latter fell down on the ground.

Ibn Abi'l-Hadid writes in his commentary on Nahju'l-Balagha, Volume I, page 360: "Abu Ja'far Asqalani has said:

'According to our great men, Abu Huraira was a wicked fellow. The hadith narrated by him were not acceptable. Umar beat him with a lash and told him that he had changed hadith and had attributed false sayings to the Holy Prophet.'"

Ibn Asakir in his Ta'rikh Kabir and Muttaqi in his Kanzu'l-Umma report that Caliph Umar lashed him, rebuked him, and forbade him to narrate hadith from the Holy Prophet. Umar said: "Because you narrate hadith in large numbers from the Holy Prophet, you are fit only for attributing lies to him.

(That is, one expects a wicked man like you to utter only lies about the Holy Prophet.) So you must stop narrating hadith from the Prophet; otherwise, I will send you to the land of Dus." (A clan in Yemen, to which Abu Huraira belonged.)

Ibn Abi'l-Hadid, in his commentary on Nahju'l-Balagha, Volume I, page 360 (printed in Egypt) reports from his teacher, Imam Abu Ja'far Asqalani, that Ali said, "Beware of the greatest liar among the people, Abu Huraira Dusi."

Ibn Qutayba, in Ta'wil-e-Mukhtalifu'l-Hadith, and Hakim in Mustadrak, Volume III, and Dhahabi in Talkhisu'l-Mustadrak and Muslim in his Sahih, Volume II, reporting about the characteristics of Abu Huraira, all say that A'yesha repeatedly contradicted him and said,

"Abu Huraira is a great liar who fabricates hadith and attributes them to the Holy Prophet."

Thanks a lot for helping.

Jazakallah khair


Re: Are these ahadith authenticalam
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2018, 01:01:08 AM »


Re: Are these ahadith authenticalam
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2018, 02:41:46 PM »
Refer these articles:

From the link you've provided this is in the article,

"Even though Abu Huraira converted to Islam at a late stage, around four years before the Prophet’s – peace be upon him – death, Abu Huraira was able to narrate the largest amount of narrations out of all the companions."

'At a late stage, around four years before the demise of the Prophet  (pbuh)'

Questions do arise here that just in four years? Living most of your life as a Mushrik or Kafir and only four years in Islam as a Muslim?

I mean this puts a huge question mark over the legacy and reputation of men such as Abu Bakr, Omar, Usman, Ali etc when it comes to Hadiths and their collection.


Re: Are these ahadith authenticalam
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2018, 04:37:03 PM »
From the link you've provided this is in the article,

"Even though Abu Huraira converted to Islam at a late stage, around four years before the Prophet’s – peace be upon him – death, Abu Huraira was able to narrate the largest amount of narrations out of all the companions."

'At a late stage, around four years before the demise of the Prophet  (pbuh)'

Questions do arise here that just in four years? Living most of your life as a Mushrik or Kafir and only four years in Islam as a Muslim?

I mean this puts a huge question mark over the legacy and reputation of men such as Abu Bakr, Omar, Usman, Ali etc when it comes to Hadiths and their collection.

His influence under Ka’b al-Ahbar created a great fitna.


Re: Are these ahadith authenticalam
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2018, 01:29:30 AM »
From the link you've provided this is in the article,

"Even though Abu Huraira converted to Islam at a late stage, around four years before the Prophet’s – peace be upon him – death, Abu Huraira was able to narrate the largest amount of narrations out of all the companions."

'At a late stage, around four years before the demise of the Prophet  (pbuh)'

Questions do arise here that just in four years? Living most of your life as a Mushrik or Kafir and only four years in Islam as a Muslim?

I mean this puts a huge question mark over the legacy and reputation of men such as Abu Bakr, Omar, Usman, Ali etc when it comes to Hadiths and their collection.

If Shias can learn 30,000(Thirty Thousand) issues from their Imam IN JUST ONE SITTING. Why can't Abu Huraira(RA) learn few thousand Hadeeth in 4 years. Esp, when he dedicated his whole time in learning from Prophet(saws).

We read in an authentic report in Al-Kafi:
أستأذن على أبي جعفر عليه السلام قوم من أهل النواحي من الشيعة، فأذن لهم فدخلوا فسألوه في مجلس واحد عن ثلاثين ألف مسألة فأجاب عليه السلام وله عشر سنين.
Ali bin Ibrahim from his father(Ibrahim ibn Hashim): A group of Shias requested to enter upon Abu Jafa’ar (as). So he let them in, and they asked him in one sitting about thirty thousand issues, and he replied to them, and he was ten years old.(Usool Al-Kafi, 1/317).


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