
Did Prophet Muhammad(saws) abide by the criteria he himself set?

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Did Prophet Muhammad(saws) abide by the criteria he himself set?
« on: December 04, 2017, 01:25:09 AM »
Abu Mas'ud al-Ansari reported Allah's Messenger (SAWS) as saying: The one who is most versed in Allah's Book should act as Imam for the people, but If they are equally versed in reciting it, then the one who has most knowledge regarding Sunnah if they are equal regarding the Sunnah, then the earliest one to emigrate; if they emigrated at the same time, then the earliest one to embrace Islam. No man must lead another in prayer where (the latter) has authority, or sit in his place of honour in his house, without his permission. Ashajj in his narration used the word," age" in place of" Islam".[Sahih Muslim, Book 4, Hadith 1420]

Similarly, It was narrated from Abu Sa'eed that the Prophet (SAWS) said: "when there are three people let one of them lead the prayer, and the one who is most entitled to lead the prayer is the one who has most knowledge of the Qur'an."[Sunan an-Nasa'i 782; Grading: Sahih]

We find that Prophet Muhammad(saws) set a criteria, for appointing an Imam to lead the prayer. The basic conditions in this were, being MOST KNOWLEDGEABLE OF QURAN AND SUNNAH. But this conditions won't be applicable, if its about leading the prayer in presence of a person having authority without his permission. 

Now let us see what Prophet(saws) did in his final days:

Narrated Abu Musa: "The Prophet (SAWS) became sick and when his disease became aggravated, he said, "Tell Abu Bakr to lead the prayer." `Aisha said, "He is a softhearted man and would not be able to lead the prayer in your place." The Prophet (SAWS) said again, "Tell Abu Bakr to lead the people in prayer." She repeated the same reply but he said, "Tell Abu Bakr to lead the people in prayer. You are the companions of Joseph." So the messenger went to Abu Bakr (with that order) and he led the people in prayer in the lifetime of the Prophet.[Sahih al-Bukhari #678]

The ahadeeth about Abu Bakr(ra) being appointed by Prophet(saws) to lead the prayer, were narrated by a number of Sahaba. The hadeeth is actually Mutawattir :
1. Abu Musa(RA)
2. Ayesha(RA)
3. Abdullah ibn Umar(RA)
4. Anas bin Malik(RA)
5.  Abdullah ibn Zam'ah(RA)
6. Salim bin ‘Ubaid(RA)
7. Ibn Abbas(RA)
8. Umar(RA)
9. Ali(RA).
10. Zubayr(RA).
11. Sahl bin Sa`d(RA) : From this sahabi, a different event is narrated Prophet(Saws) wherein Prophet(saws) gave permission to Abubakr(RA) to lead prayer, but Abu bakr(ra) did'nt do that[Refer Sahih al-Bukhari 2690].

So respected members, please share your thoughts, do you think Prophet(Saws) himself abide by the criteria he set for appointing and Imam for prayers or not?

Did Prophet(SAWS) appoint the most knowledgeable person in Quran and Sunnah as Imam to lead the people in prayer or not?

« Last Edit: December 04, 2017, 01:28:29 AM by Noor-us-Sunnah »


Re: Did Prophet Muhammad(saws) abide by the criteria he himself set?
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2017, 02:47:48 AM »
Abu Mas'ud al-Ansari reported Allah's Messenger (SAWS) as saying: The one who is most versed in Allah's Book should act as Imam for the people, but If they are equally versed in reciting it, then the one who has most knowledge regarding Sunnah if they are equal regarding the Sunnah, then the earliest one to emigrate; if they emigrated at the same time, then the earliest one to embrace Islam. No man must lead another in prayer where (the latter) has authority, or sit in his place of honour in his house, without his permission. Ashajj in his narration used the word," age" in place of" Islam".[Sahih Muslim, Book 4, Hadith 1420]

Similarly, It was narrated from Abu Sa'eed that the Prophet (SAWS) said: "when there are three people let one of them lead the prayer, and the one who is most entitled to lead the prayer is the one who has most knowledge of the Qur'an."[Sunan an-Nasa'i 782; Grading: Sahih]

We find that Prophet Muhammad(saws) set a criteria, for appointing an Imam to lead the prayer. The basic conditions in this were, being MOST KNOWLEDGEABLE OF QURAN AND SUNNAH. But this conditions won't be applicable, if its about leading the prayer in presence of a person having authority without his permission. 

Now let us see what Prophet(saws) did in his final days:

Narrated Abu Musa: "The Prophet (SAWS) became sick and when his disease became aggravated, he said, "Tell Abu Bakr to lead the prayer." `Aisha said, "He is a softhearted man and would not be able to lead the prayer in your place." The Prophet (SAWS) said again, "Tell Abu Bakr to lead the people in prayer." She repeated the same reply but he said, "Tell Abu Bakr to lead the people in prayer. You are the companions of Joseph." So the messenger went to Abu Bakr (with that order) and he led the people in prayer in the lifetime of the Prophet.[Sahih al-Bukhari #678]

The ahadeeth about Abu Bakr(ra) being appointed by Prophet(saws) to lead the prayer, were narrated by a number of Sahaba. The hadeeth is actually Mutawattir :
1. Abu Musa(RA)
2. Ayesha(RA)
3. Abdullah ibn Umar(RA)
4. Anas bin Malik(RA)
5.  Abdullah ibn Zam'ah(RA)
6. Salim bin ‘Ubaid(RA)
7. Ibn Abbas(RA)
8. Umar(RA)
9. Ali(RA).
10. Zubayr(RA).
11. Sahl bin Sa`d(RA) : From this sahabi, a different event is narrated Prophet(Saws) wherein Prophet(saws) gave permission to Abubakr(RA) to lead prayer, but Abu bakr(ra) did'nt do that[Refer Sahih al-Bukhari 2690].

So respected members, please share your thoughts, do you think Prophet(Saws) himself abide by the criteria he set for appointing and Imam for prayers or not?

Did Prophet(SAWS) appoint the most knowledgeable person in Quran and Sunnah as Imam to lead the people in prayer or not?

Abdur Rahman bin Awf RA led the prophet SAW in prayer afaik (may have been Sa’ad ibn Abi Waqqas, my memory is hazy). So I don’t think it’s a blanket ruling but more general?


Re: Did Prophet Muhammad(saws) abide by the criteria he himself set?
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2017, 04:58:24 AM »
if it was Ali RA who was appointed to lead those prayers in the last few days, shia would 1000% say that it was proof for divine imamah. Whether Abu Bakr was the most versed or not, there are so many examples which shows he was the most suitable leader for the time, this appointment is only one of them. Salat & Hajj are pillars of Islam and he was chosen by Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wasallam for both.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2017, 06:22:57 AM by Hadrami »


Re: Did Prophet Muhammad(saws) abide by the criteria he himself set?
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2017, 06:50:38 AM »
Abdur Rahman bin Awf RA led the prophet SAW in prayer afaik (may have been Sa’ad ibn Abi Waqqas, my memory is hazy). So I don’t think it’s a blanket ruling but more general?

Brother, the example you mentioned is irrelevant, because here in my post it's about the criteria of appointing an Imam. In the example you mentioned Prophet(saws) didn't appoint Abdur Rahman Ibn Awf(Ra) as an Imam to lead prayer. He became Imam in the absence of Prophet(saws) without being aware that Prophet(saws) would join the prayer in the second Raka'h.

Secondly, it can also be said that Prophet(saws) informed Sahaba about this criteria after incident like this happened.


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