Some doesn't mean all. Care to improve your IQ, otherwise you will never end making silly arguments.
According to Ahlul Sunnah, assassins of Uthman and their supporters were
unknown and it was very arduous task for Imam Ali (a.s) to punish assassins of Uthman with their supporters at the time Imam Ali (a.s) took the seat of ruler-ship. It was keeping in mind this situation I said that killing some assassins of Uthman would had shown Muawiya the sincerity of Imam Ali (a.s) in willingness to punish murderers and thus avenge Uthman's murder. Muawiya on the basis of this should had pledge allegiance to Imam Ali (a.s) in order to unite Muslim Ummah. That is Unity of Muslim Ummah should had been given preference as divided Muslim Ummah would had weaken Muslims and made them vulnerable from outside (non-Muslims) attacks.
If you still insist that killing all
unknown assassins and punishing all
unknown supporters of assassins was important prerequisite for giving allegiance to the Imam Ali (a.s) and preferred over Unity of Muslim Ummah then I did like to know whether Muawiya killed all assassins of Uthman and punished their supporters when he took the seat of ruler-ship? If yes then provide evidence for this.
He'll become the ruler.
There isn't any specific ruling in this regards, but based on the general ruling I said that thing. And we can see the example of Hussain(ra) and other Sahaba who threatened to fight the ruler in a case when they thought he was treated unjustly.
Provide evidence of Imam Hussayn (a.s) threatening to fight the ruler when he thought he was being treated unjustly?In the Event of Karbala according to Ahlul Sunnah Imam Hussayn (a.s) was willing to pay bayah to Yazid and did not rebel against Yazid but the ibn Ziyad and his forces fought with Imam (a.s). Imam Hussayn (a.s) fighting back for defense against ibn Ziyad and his forces had nothing to do with rebelling against Yazid as according to Ahlul Sunnah Yazid himself became angry at ibn Ziyad and cursed him for his actions of fighting and killing Imam Hussayn (a.s)
Yazid b. `Abdullah b. Usama b. al-Hadi al-Laythi told me that Muhammad b. Ibrahim b. al-Harith al-Taymi told him that there was a dispute between al-Husayn b. `Ali b. Abu Talib and al-Walid b. `Utba b. Abu Sufyan about some property they held in Dhu’l-Marwa. At that time al-Walid was governor of Medina, his uncle, Mu`awiya b. Abu Sufyan having given him the appointment. Al-Walid had defrauded al-Husayn of his rights, for as governor he had the power to do so. Husayn said to him: `By Allah you shall do me justice or I will take my sword and stand in the apostle’s mosque and invoke the confederacy of the Fudul!’ `Abdullah b. al-Zubayr who was with al-Walid at the time said: `And I swear by Allah that if he invokes it I will take my sword and stand with him until he gets justice, or we will die together.‘ When the news reached al-Miswar b.Makhrama b. Naufal al-Zuhri and `Abdu’l-Rahman b. `Uthman b.`Ubaydullah al-Taymi they said the same. As soon as he realized what was happening al-Walid gave al-Husayn satisfaction.(Seerah ibn Hisham, page 47).
How is
confederacy of the Fudul and rebelling against the ruler related?

Where there is a dispute between two people (in this scenario between Imam Hussayn a.s and governor Walid) then oppressed person may invoke the confederacy of the Fudul. Nobody thought (including Walid) that Imam Hussayn's (a.s) invoking confederacy of Fudul was equivalent to rebelling against Muawiya. If you believe otherwise then please prove it by providing reliable narrations.
The example most relevant should be Imam Hussayn (a.s) invoking confederacy of Fudul against the ruler (i.e. Muawiya). There are many cases in history where people complained against governors of the legitimate government to the ruler and those governors got punished and/or were removed from their positions of governance by the ruler when the complaints were found to be valid but
never did anyone think that valid complain against governors was rebelling against the ruler (unless if ruler himself explicitly says that complaining against his governors' illegal actions is tantamount to rebelling against the former)
Allah says that the only sin he won't forgive is shirk. The rest are those which he may forgive. And there are several acts of worship which wipes out all the sins of a believer. And the sin that is committed forcefully is more entitled to fall under this category.
- Also Fighting Muslim is KufrThe Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Insulting a Muslim is an evil action and
fighting him is disbelief (kufr).”
Narrated by al-Bukhaari and Muslim.
Provide evidence and not your opinion. I want evidence (from Quran or Hadith) of person fighting the ruler of his time is a sin that is committed forcefully and is pardonable.
Can you quote any hadeeth which says that if a person does haram act (i.e. fight Legitimate Muslim Ruler) in order to save one's life then that person cannot enter Paradise?
The Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said: “Insulting a Muslim is an evil action and
fighting him is disbelief (kufr).”
Fighting Muslim is Kufr... so how about fighting Muslim Ruler?
According to the light of this hadith fighting (and fighting back) Muslim Ruler is Kufr. If you believe otherwise then provide evidence for this i.e. there is exception where a person may fight back Muslim/Muslim ruler to save his life. According to this hadith fighting any Muslim is Kufr. Plain and simple.
Indeed Allah(swt) united two group of MUSLIMS through Hasan(ra). Ahlus-sunnah believes in this prophesy whole heartedly. And in a way this prophesy destroys the myth of divinely appointed leader after Prophet Muhammad(saws). Because a group which fights a divinely appointed leader would be deemed disbeliever.
And what do you want to prove by this?
Sahih Muslim
Book 20, Number 4502:
It has been narrated on the authority of Abu Malik that Ubaidullah b. Ziyad visited Ma'qil b. Yaser in the latter's illness. Ma'qil said to him: I am narrating to you a tradition. If I were not at death's door, I would not narrate it to you.
I heard the Messenger of Allah (may peace he upon him) say: A ruler who, having obtained control over the affairs of the Muslims, does not strive for their betterment and does not serve them sincerely shall not enter Paradise with them.