
Famous shia reply on Door Incident

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Re: Famous shia reply on Door Incident
« Reply #40 on: February 26, 2019, 02:05:01 PM »
We don't believe that Umar married a great granddaughter, just as we don't believe the Prophet s.a.w married under age girls. You believe in such nonsense. We don't. Your books are full of this.

Oh, forget about super human, there is Almighty Allah. According to your theory the Almighty Allah couldn't save mankind from Satan. Think again.

Iceman thinks before speaking, you don't.

Why are you jumping subjects? Stick to what I asked of bringing proof of your lie about Umar ra.

You are a Stupid man acting like a Christian missionary I bet you are a COWARD in front of non Muslims and bow down to their theories and their lies you STUPID WEAK man, you’re not even a man if you can’t defend the prophet sallalahu alaihewasalam.


So what if prophet sallalahu alaihewasalam married Ayesha ra when she was young, can you not defend your prophet for a simple thing as this? Imam Ali ra never had an issue why do you? As far as I know khomeini and fadlullah believed she was young at marriage too.
We are talking marriage for love, respect and relationship a relationship that will automatically give you a place in jannah.......NOT FOR ANYTHING IMPURE you stupid man, do you NOT understand that He was the prophet of Allah swt?
You will defend cowardice of imams but will not defend your prophet who is the greatest imam you STUPID STUPID MAN!

Iceman LIES before thinking!

Sounds bout right👍


Re: Famous shia reply on Door Incident
« Reply #41 on: February 26, 2019, 03:35:35 PM »
It doesn't matter what ever excuse you come up with or which ever way you turn it, but you can't turn back the clock. What Umar said, did and how he responded is what he is and will be judged by. The matter is clear and you can carry on looking for excuses. I completely understand that Umar desperately needs to be protected here.

Allow me to focus on that portion of your comment, "which ever way you turn it", and see whose ideology fails from all sides.

1.  Umar (ra), according to you, not only disobeyed the Prophet (saw) but also stopped others from bringing a pen and paper.  For not taking a different course of action, Imam Ali (ra) is just as guilty.  And if Imam Ali (ra) was subdued, your problem becomes manifold.

2.  The Prophet (saw) was alive three days thereafter.  Was Umar (ra) standing next to him the whole time to ensure nothing is written?

3.  We all know what Shias hope the Prophet (saw) would have dictated, namely the successorship of Imam Ali (ra).  Why make all this noise when you claim that the announcement was already made at Ghadeer?

4.  In Kitab ul-Irshad, Shaykh Mufid makes a huge blunder in a haste (much like yourself).  He narrates what happened after the Prophet (saw) asked the Companions (ra) to leave him alone.

"When they (the people) had left (the room), he (the Prophet) said: 'Send back to me my brother (Ali) and my uncle (Abbas).'
They sent for someone to call them and he brought them.  When he had them sitting close, he (the Prophet) said: 'Uncle of the Apostle of Allah, will you accept my testamentary bequest (wasi), fulfill my promise, and carry out my religion?' 
'Apostle of Allah, your uncle is an old man with the responsibilities of a large family,' answered Al-Abbas.  'You vie with the wind in liberality and generosity.  You have made promises which your uncle could never fulfill.'
Then he (the Prophet) turned to Ali ibn Abi Talib, and said: 'Brother, will you accept my testamentary bequest (wasi), fulfill my promises, carry out my religion on my behalf and look after the affairs of my family after me?'
'Yes, Apostle of Allah,' he (Ali) replied." (Kitab Al-Irshad, by Shaykh Mufid, p.131)

After the Prophet (saw) had allegedly declared Imam Ali's (ra) successorship at Ghadeer, why would he (saw) then offer it to Abbas (ra)? 

This is the level of Shia blunder, thanks to extreme misguidance as a result of blind hatred.  They claim that Imam Ali (ra) was already appointed the successor at Ghadeer.  Then, they further argue that his successorship would have been written down as a will.  However, when no such thing was done in the days that the Prophet (saw) was alive, they further fabricated a follow-up situation in which they allege that the Prophet (saw) offered the leadership to Abbas (ra) before Imam Ali (ra), totally ignorant of the fact that this follow-up scenario totally discredits their first alleged claim which is that the fate of leadership was already sealed at Ghadeer.

"Our coward ran from those in authority" - Iceman (admitting the truth regarding his 12th Imam)


Re: Famous shia reply on Door Incident
« Reply #42 on: February 27, 2019, 02:09:28 PM »
We don't believe that Umar married a great granddaughter, just as we don't believe the Prophet s.a.w married under age girls. You believe in such nonsense. We don't. Your books are full of this.

Oh, forget about super human, there is Almighty Allah. According to your theory the Almighty Allah couldn't save mankind from Satan. Think again.

Iceman thinks before speaking, you don't.
Based on what did you say” We don’t believe that umar married a granddaughter, just as we don’t believe the prophet s.a.w married underage girls🤪”
Anyone who studied history knows you just lied.


Re: Famous shia reply on Door Incident
« Reply #43 on: February 27, 2019, 02:21:50 PM »
Based on what did you say” We don’t believe that umar married a granddaughter, just as we don’t believe the prophet s.a.w married underage girls🤪”
Anyone who studied history knows you just lied.

He is full of it, he LIES for fun, he is so  full of gas and when it does come out it’s just LIES and tantrums, It does make you think from which side he is talking from.🤔


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Re: Famous shia reply on Door Incident
« Reply #44 on: March 07, 2019, 10:47:43 PM »
در خلافت میل نیست ای بی‌خبر
میل کی آید ز بوبکر و عمر
میل اگر بودی در آن دو مقتدا
هر دو کردندی پسر را پیشوا

عطار نِیشابوری | |


Re: Famous shia reply on Door Incident
« Reply #45 on: May 06, 2019, 10:36:06 AM »
I got something for those of you demanding an 'authentic source' from iceman and I am interested to see how you gonna deflect from this one also.

al-Musannaf of Ibn Abu Shaybah | Volume 13 | Hadith 28601

From Mohammad b. Bashr, from Ubayd Allah b. Umran, from Zaid b. Aslam, from his father Aslam: "When Abu Bakr was given allegiance after the Prophet, Ali and Zubair entered the house of Fatima (AS), for consultation. When this fact was known by Umar, he entered the house of Fatima and said: "O daughter of the Prophet! I have not loved anyone as much as I loved your father, nor anyone after him more beloved to me than you. By Allah (Azwj), this shall not prevent me, if that group gathers in your house, to order the house to be burned over you", When Umar left, they (Ali and Zubair) came. Fatima said: "Do you know that Umar came and swore by Allah (Azwj) that if you came back, he shall burn the house over us." "By Allah, he will do what he swore.""

Now yes, before your start, this hadith in particular does not itself prove that ribs were broken and whips were cracked. But, if it's authenticity can be proven then that in conjecture with all the other narrations which are deemed as "weak" or "fabricated", by your cult, gives rise to an undeniable proof that Umar was most definitely the devil's right hand man for committing such atrocities.

Before providing some information about the hadith itself, it's important mention that this book predates the works of Bukhari and Muslim, and Ibn Abi Shaybah himself is one of the sunni'ss biggest scholars, revered by other big hitters like al Dahabi. So I must say that it is not one which can be simply ignored just because you mayhave not heard of it.

As for the Isnad , I will save you guys a lot of time and effort as it may be the case that you are fasting and dying of hunger and thirst. This specific chain is used numerous times throughout Bukhari and Muslim, so the individuals present in the chain do not have to be analysed as your "greats" have already done this job you. Thus making fortifying this hadith heavily.

Fortunately, for those of you that don't like to use logic when it comes to your deen and instead give precedence to the word of scholar just due to the merit of them being Arab. There is one desperate attempt made by a scholar to refute this proposed hadith which you can cling onto to help you go on with your lives, sleep at night, and not break your fast. This scholar deemed the narration weak by considering it to be a Musral report (disconnected) by foolishly claiming that Zayd b. Aslam was not present. But now I ask you, scroll up a little bit and check who was the first in the chain. It's Aslam not his son Zayd which the scholar mentions whilst rambling on live tv, desperately to downplay this hadith which was proposed to him by the presenter. And unfortunately that is all he had to say on the matter and the case was closed for him.  I must say I was left astounded.

I have not seen any other good refutations for this hadtih and will be interested to see if anyone of you may have something which tops that poor attempt aforementioned. I'll tune in later tonight to see if anyone can reply objectively or simply just deliver subjective nonsense.


Re: Famous shia reply on Door Incident
« Reply #46 on: May 06, 2019, 10:40:44 AM »
Nope. He comes in like a bat with cheap shots and then flies back out again to save his skin.

Umar very clearly objected to what the Prophet s.a.w asked for and disregarded what the Prophet s.a.w had to write. That's the bottom line and you can continue to do your very best to make him look good as possible. 😊

Bro Hani disappears when he is caught out for his erroneous notions and simply moves on like nothing happened. A true mad lad. A good example of this is when he was having a back forth with Ice man on the matter of Saqifah a few years back (yes I know I am a bit of stalker) and after a great response from Iceman the guy just never opened that thread again I believe.


Re: Famous shia reply on Door Incident
« Reply #47 on: May 06, 2019, 01:24:25 PM »
The report of Aslam is also Mursal.

 Ibn Ishaaq narrated this from Nafi’ who heard it from Ibn Omar that Omar bought Aslam after the death of the Prophet(saw) during the hajj. See Ma’rifat Al-Sahaba by Abu Nu’aim 1/255.

Hence, Aslam ibn Zayd was not a sahabi but a Tabi’i bought by Umar in year 11 AH when he came back from the Hajj. Also, see tahzib of ibn hajar : قال بن إسحاق بعث أبو بكر عمر سنة 11 فأقام للناس الحج وابتاع فيها أسلم مولاه

So we came to know that Aslam, mawla(servant) of Umar was not present during this so-called event. He came to madina during year 11 AH, most likely in Dhu al-hijjah which is the last month of Islamic calender. And Prophet(saw) died in year 11 AH during rabi’ al awwal which is third month in Islamic calendar. So Aslam was not present during the death of Prophet (saws) or bay’ah of Abu Bakr because he came only after Hajj of year 11 AH, that is, atleast nine months after the death of Prophet(saw), as Fatima(ra) died six months after the death of Prophet(saw).

Refer this article for details.

Even if we assume it to be reliable all we see is that Rafidah have blown this incident out of proportion as per their habbit and have added fictitious stories to it. This report exposes what kind of fabricators Rafidah were.


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