You said,
"Jamal and Siffin were wars that took place after when Islam was complete, and after when the Allah and his Messenger (SAW) promised the companions, Jannah. Key word is after.Exactly. You have no point because when the Prophet (SAW) and Allah has promised many of the companions Jannah then it's a done-deal - no two ways about it",
This exactly sounds like the Christian belief that Jesus sacrificed (gave up) his life for us to enter heaven. So they also believe they have a done deal to enter heaven (paradise). Man, we Muslims really need to wake up and learn a lot about Islam.
You said,
"We overlook these times of fitna",
This is exactly what your problem is, either you are over looking or you are under looking. Fitna is fitna and the one who creates it is known as a mischief maker (fitne baaz). This is where some people try and confuse the situation just to satisfy themselves and make others believe in it. Go by your principals and stand by them. This is exactly what my point is.
You do not have two individuals here of the same status and level. One is the rightly guided Khalif of the Muslims, the Ulul Amre of the time. And to obey him is and follow his command is compulsory according to the Quran and your Aqeedah. Those who challenged him and used their influence to rebel against him are the out laws based on the Ulul Amre verse and your Aqeedah.
What you are doing is bringing in up silly excuses to try and camouflage the situation, sometimes by bringing Sahabiath and Azwaj e Rasool in to it and sometimes by trying to even the situation by saying, "oh, it was the time of fitna".
Bhai sahib, even if it was the time of fitna then who was the fitne baaz??? Was the situation even??? Either change your Aqaid concerning the position of Ulul Amre, Hakim e Waqth or stand by your Aqaid. It's the double standards that I am pointing out.
you said,
"Even the Ahlul Bhait (RA) had differences and disagreements between them",
The people you have mentioned are not part of and from the Ahlul Baith. You need to be more specific and clear about this.
you said,
"No one is denying they erred, made mistakes, committed minor and major sins before/after Islam, however, their good/positive deeds have scored them the ultimate eternal prize - end of",
No one has the ultimate prize until you are dead and it's over. Then you will be judged by your words and actions based on your intentions and thoughts on the day of judgement. Don't follow hadiths and narrations that contradict the Quran because those are certainly not the words of the Messenger (pbuh).
you said,
"You love bringing up the battle Jamal, Siffin, and Rid'dah, but cowardly dismiss those battles that really mattered during the time of the Prophet (SAW), made a difference in Islam, and that Allah documented in the Qur'an",
I do not dismiss anything. The goodness/righteous does not over shadow the badness/wrongness or vice versa. This is exactly what you are trying to do, using the virtues and merits, status and level to over shadow and disregard the serious errors, faults, mistakes and wrongness.
you said,
"The topic of Abdullah ibn Saba is old and boring",
Absolutely. This is a fictional character who never existed and was created in the future as an excuse to camouflage the unrest during the reign of the third Khalif and to challenge the Shia ideology. Was the third Khalif that weak that he couldn't deal with Ibne Saba and put him in his place???
lol, that the best you got? Seriously?
You're dragging from one topic to another. This is getting boring.
Those mentioned are from Ahlul Bhait (RA). The descendants of Abbas (RA) and the wives of the Prophet (SAW) are included. Don't feed me your rubbish how it's only the 5 because all of them are second in line. The wives of the Prophet (SAW) are the kernel crux of the Ahlul Bhait (RA). The point remains is the family members of the Prophet (SAW) had issues and quarreled amongst themselves over sins/mistakes committed, but you don't hear us barking about them day in and day out. Instead we look past it, and say they too were humans, and decide to focus on their good qualities that can benefit us in our lives. This is pure practical definition of
The good qualities of some (some because the main heavy weights had passed away at this time and did not take part in the two battles) of the companions does excuse their shortcomings because the Prophet (SAW) and Allah has promised them the ultimate prize - NEWSFLASH! Their accomplishments in the time of the Prophet (SAW) is unprecedented and beyond contrastive. What, do I mean? I mean that Allah was THAT pleased with them, Allah told them BEFORE the day when your fate gets decided that you've passed, you've made it, you've scored or better put you've won the
ultimate prize. The Day of Judgement will be nothing more than a formality for the majorty of them as it means it'll be divinely announced to the entire mankind.
![Grin ;D](
If that burns and tears your heart inside-out then you're developing traits of those people during the time of fitna. The analogy you use is weak as a feather. The Christians did NOTHING during or after the time Isa (AS) to warrant any form of divine honour. Future generations literally believe they can do what they want, when they want and how they want yet they will still receieve Jannah. How dare you make such a comparison with and against the nobility of the companions (RA). They are the essence of Islam and the reason why Islam has reached us all today. They went against their families when they entered the fold, spent their wealth, faught against the enemies of Allah and triumphantly gave their lives where it was required, so Islam can reach the four corners of the globe. The juxtapositon between the two analogies is unparalleled. This is a clear reflection how you really feel about the companions (RA). Blind hatred in a nutshell.
![Huh ???](
Our narrations and Allah in the Qur'an confirm many of the companions (RA) have scored Jannah therefore your words are poison by comparison:
“And the first forerunners [in the faith] among the Muhajireen and the Ansar and those who followed them with good conduct - Allah(swt) is pleased with them and they are pleased with Him, and He has prepared for them
gardens beneath which rivers flow, wherein they will abide forever. That is the great attainment.”
Such the narrations are from the Prophet (SAW) where as your narrations are from people who were never present at that time. Your views are based on your warped and ambiguous interpretations of Qur'anic verses.
I said it once, and I'll say it again. You can cunningly dodge the facts of how the companions (RA) helped Islam flourish and make as much noise as you want with what happened after the time of the Prophet (SAW) in order to get people to re-evaluate the position and views of some of the companions (RA), but it ain't going to work. 23 years of hard graft and labour does not all of a sudden count for 0 just because of all the scandals that took place later on. It was political unrest fo'sure, but such discussions is nothing more than political polemics not theological. It has nothing to do with Aqeedah. What happened, happened and that's where the buck stops.
Abdullah ibn Saba, is your ancestor and the founder of your Shaintanic cult. When I said it's boring and old. I meant I can't be arsed discussing him as it's:
a) Unrelated to this thread and our recent exchanges
b) He was a prick who took a thing or two from Paul who distorted Chrisanity in later years
Start a thread about it, and I'm sure many will be able to provide narrations from our sources where Uthman (RA) did not want to resort to violence where it would result in the blood of Muslism being spilled. He opted for martyrdom instead which, shows the calibre of the man. Uthman (RA) denied Ali (RA) to shut your ancestor up, but when Ali (RA) got his turn. He didn't disappoint:
Abdullah Ibn Saba said to Ali [r.a] : You are God for sure, so Ali [r.a] deported him to Madain [Capital of Iran in the past], and it was said that he was a Jew and converted to Islam, And at the time when he was a Jew, claimed that Yousha' bin Noon [a.h] is after Moses [a.h]. After his submission to Islam, after the demise of the Prophet [pbuh], he claimed the same for Ali [r.a].
[Anwar Al-Nu'mania 2/234]
Abdullah Ibn-e-Saba was the first who declared the faith in Imamat and that Ali [r.a] is the true God [Na’uzubillah].
[Anwaar-ul-Na'umania, Vol#2, Pg#234 - Published Iran], you've not pointed any double standards, but your stubborness to hold firmly to your alterior motive which, is to prove to anyone that may come across as a deliquient what the Rafdhi understanding of all this. Sure, go ahead. That's what this forum is about, but Insh'Allah it'll backfire and Allah will use it as a means to guide others just like how many of the members here who were ex-Shias/Rafidhis have been guided.